👼Epilogue - Soulmate👼

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❤Dedicated to The_storyteller12 My real life Riddhu. Thank you for everything and I love the header picture of you. Thanks for letting me use it too. Love you❤



"Your eyes came closed again!" Dad grimaces at the preview screen of his camera and I roll my eyes.

Seriously, he tries too hard to be funny and smart. All he really wants is to take more photos of me before leaving. He's wearing his favorite beanie and glasses as he squints his eyes into the viewfinder behind the camera. He is a teddy bear. There's no other word to describe him really. Not the mushy Teddy bear but the fittest and the cutest teddy bear. My teddy bear.

"One last one!" I have to scowl at the floor since I can't scowl at his face. Aashu catches my eye from where she's standing at the ticket counter at the other end of the waiting area of the airport. She pouts at me lightly, in her ever so sweet demeanor to persuade me. I finally have to give in and smile again so that my dad can click another shot of me. He is obsessed with taking my pictures and posting them on Instagram.

My dad. Kabir Malhotra who owns a decent number of businesses around the city has only one hobby. Actually cut that. He has two. First, to fuss over me and second to capture anything away.

Aashu has told me how he was a professional photographer once but he stopped doing it for the money and now he just does it for the love of it. I do love his photography but I never really developed an interest in the art. I am more of a girl who loves to be on camera and that's why I have a great profile because my dad is a photographer. Easy? No duh! He is such a perfectionist that working with him is really hard but I guess thanks to him now I am one too.

It was only after my 18th birthday last year that he let me lead my own social handles.

I hear the shutter sound and keep smiling at the lens without blinking. Well I love being on camera but not when dad pesters me to take dozens of photos when I have a flight to catch. I am groaning inside.

"Ok enough!" I stand with dad peeking at his camera screen to see how the photos turned out. He kisses the side of my forehead and I look up at him with concern, "You'll be alright here Dad? Won't you?"

"It's you going alone not me," He says nonchalantly and chuckles, "Of course I'll be alright. You can for once act like a teenager and not a grandma." He sticks his tongue out at me and I elbow him "DAD!"

It was true, half the time it felt like I was bringing up my dad and not the other way around because he was just so happy like a child always and I always felt softer but also bossy like a mom to him. Life was good here. But now I have to take a leap of faith and create what I want my life to be. I sigh and we both hear a commotion on the side. Turning around we find Aashu on the floor, forehead bumping into another man as she bends down to pick up her purse.

I feel dad moving, so I squeeze his arm to stop him and rest my cheeks at his large arm dreamily, "Such a filmy scene! Let her have this moment."

We watch as the handsome man with spiked up Asian black hair and a music tattoo behind his ear, helps Aashu to get up and insists on bumping his forehead again! Oh he's so Indian, my inner romantic fairy dances in glee.

"Is she blushing?" Dad asks me in surprise and I giggle nodding my head as we watch her shyly pull her hair behind her ear and move her forehead forward. He is well heighted so he has to bring his head down towards her to bump once again. He is saying something to her and she looks up at him, beaming with amusement. I am dying of curiosity to see where this will go but my lips press in a thin line as I see Aashu nodding a bye at him and walking towards us.

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