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☺Chapter - 4☺

Dedicated to sammy_am_ for being such a sweetheart❤



I swear I'm going even madder now!

Who does she think she is!

In the last 24 hours she has already visited my house twice and now she wants to move here? Doesn't she have any self respect to move into mine, her ex's house? I scoff at how once in my life I had thought Aashna was the one and that I would never have to put her name and ex in the same sentence. But this time I was so angry to see her again in the pub for the first time. Second if I have to count the shadow encounter too. I wondered a lot why the anger never came before in my life. Why it was so hard to accept and move on at the time when I needed to post marriage. I had given myself so deeply into a relationship that was working fine until one day she broke me. It wasn't only that day that I broke down but I carried this hurt so much that it blew my life into a downward spiral.

Seeing Aashna again brought back so many memories that hurt, brought back the guilt for the days I neglected Aarohi and the lost time on my career growth. I want nothing else but Aashna Mathur to disappear from my life now, but I guess she has other plans.

Plans that fortell my ruin.

The dinner wasn't easy for me at all. Mom was asking her all sorts of questions and honestly I wasn't interested in her life. I was trying to concentrate on feeding myself and my baby, and not lose my calm. She was sitting an inch away from me, casually having a conversation with mum and Yash. It all seemed so ridiculous to me that I couldn't wait for her to leave us for good. I could see mom was warming up to her more and so did my princess. I had cringed internally when Aashna fed my child. One dangerous look from me and she understood I didn't like it so she kept away from her when I took my princess in my lap to eat with her. Though I wasn't listening much, I still got to know she is here in Dublin because Yash had to come here so she accompanied him. She is working on different manuscripts as a freelancer editor from home. Life appears good for her and that makes me clench my teeth.

Why is she here to make my life not good?

I was glad for the lack of attention as they kept talking over food. I finished early and excused myself to put my princess to sleep. While I kept away my dishes, Aashna and Yash said their goodbyes to Riddhi. I nodded in Yash's direction without glancing at either of them and held my baby's little hand, which provided comfort as we walked towards my bedroom. I took my time putting her to sleep and mom didn't call me when they left. She probably had an idea that I didn't want to come out until they were gone. I didn't like mingling much with people in general so I mostly stayed out of any social interaction. Mom cribed about it but she had accepted the way I was.

The house is finally silent now and when I walk out into the dining hall, Mom is clearing stuff in the kitchen. I help her, humming to myself. Mom is in a good mood, she is constantly saying 'Oh what a sweet girl Aashna is' and all I do is grit my teeth but I also have to nod at her occasionally. If only she knew what a sweet girl Aashna indeed is! I shake my head, closing the cabinet after putting the cutlery away. When she says Yash is a nice man too, Aashna is lucky to have him and that they can be a good couple, I scoff. "Mom Yash prefers men" I tell her and she is shocked is an understatement. "Oh...well I couldn't tell I thought he looked..." Mom spluttered with her words and I sigh. "Of course you can't look and tell mom. He is as human as us."

"No...yes. So he is gay?" She asks, pondering over something in her head, hands holding the dish towel in the air. I roll my eyes and take it from her. "Sure. That's the word."

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