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☺Chapter - 3☺

Dedicated to Ish_Speaks  for her constant support. If I am updating this book again, it's because of she kept reminding me of my dreams. Thank you Aishu and take this as a late birthday present👻❤



There is only so much tolerance a man can handle and I have used all that I could gather last night. It was a hard day when I thought I'd die without my princess, all that running around had already tired me out. I drank so much after a long time and finally when I could breathe again, this girl decided to knock on my door again.

Aashna Mathur.

What was I not ready to do for her then, when I loved her. I freaking loved her so much that I went and begged her to take me back when she thought she could leave me. I tried to save our relationship but all she did was break my heart and I was deluded into thinking I could not love again.

Obviously Aarohi proved that wrong.

I had fallen in love again and that was the best thing ever. What I experienced with my wife was the most beautiful love and she still has all my heart. The love I could not give to Aarohi, I made sure I was giving to our daughter.

What do you do when your ex decides to come back into your life and your emotional levels are tumbling out of kilter?

I was mad because even if her walking into our brewery and finding Riddhu was a coincidence, it was certain she had decided to be back. Why else would she accept the dinner invitation from my mom? What does she want now? She should have declined and moved on but when has she done things I had predicted! I was so mad and drunk last night that I could have done something and it took all my strength to gain control in front of my baby and my mom to not create a scene and walk out on them all. I should have known better about my mother's kindness.

"They brought our daughter home, it's the least we can do Son! You said you knew her so what is the problem? I am not going to listen to anything, you have to be there!" My mom had said to me, disappearing into the kitchen to prepare the meal.

I have no choice but to join them. The most irritating thing is my own baby, cutely murmuring "Aashu". What have they done to my princess! Just in a single meeting, how could this little devil warm up to Aashna?

But Aashna was just so easy to love. That girl knew how to melt everyone whoever touched her life. Only that her heart was inalienable and God only knew the reason. I had wondered many times if there was even a reason for her 'reason'.

I sigh as I get rid of my shoes at the door. I've been out to buy some bread and it's way too hot outside even near sunset.

We live just on the floor above the pub, in a two bedroom apartment with a shared bathroom. Mom has done a pretty good job with the small houseplants in the limited kitchen space we have. There's a small backyard behind the pub downstairs, so the wind is good in the kitchen window from all the trees. There's a mini cabin in the backyard and we have decided to rent it. The whole setting has a nice feel of a cottage plus garden. One can never tell it if they enter the pub because it isn't visible from there. Lily and Vladimir really have created a dual world out here. A well balanced modern and country lifestyle. How strange are humans because even this could not satisfy them. So they went to travel the world, leaving everything behind. After Aarohi was gone, my life was only my baby. But life couldn't go on doing nothing. I had no photographs to sell anymore so I started to give Vladimir a hand in the Brewery, until one day Vlad saw I was capable enough to run it by myself, so they left the property to me and quite literally rode into the sunset. Crazy Globetrotters!

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