👼Love Conquers everything👼

167 21 87

☺Chapter - 46☺

❤Dedicated to ArpitaGauri and NehaPathak2 ma'am as a birthday gift😉 Happy birthday beauties❤


"Will you tell me what's going on?" I sigh out of habit at Emily's prying eyes. Even though most of the days I'd love to work with Emily but on some days like today she becomes this intrusive colleague and it gets hard to hide something from her. Plus the fact that she can read faces very well puts me at disadvantage.

"Em, please! Not now" I sit on the bed beside her, holding my head trying to ease the ache there.

"Look I know something's off with you okay? Why are you doing this to yourself?" she keeps her hand on my shoulder, concern clear in her tender voice.

"What am I doing? Just duty..." I shrug but she cuts me in the middle of my sentence shaking her head. "I would term it as 'excess of duty'" she gives me a hard glare. "I heard you volunteered for the night shift. And why exactly would Dr. Matthew who just came from holidays switch duties with you? It's clear you're taking up more work than you're capable of. Just look at you!" she frowns at me.

She is one hundred percent right. It has been two long days that I am staying in the doctor's lounge at hospital, taking up needless duties and wearing myself out.

"Em, I dunno what to do. I just want to keep myself busy."

"You want to be careful darling, in that state, keeping yourself busy with the lives of others is not right you know." I look up to her smiling face which is conveying comfort. I just nod silently.

"Last I know you were happy was when you texted me that you were going out with your husband and things might just work out finally between you two that night. What went wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" her hands hold mine and so many flashes of that eventful day rushes in. We were really happy together that day, it was his birthday and I felt like it was mine with all my cheery self. But after what happened that night I haven't been home. I couldn't find in me the courage to face him even though there is nothing that I did wrong. I haven't picked up any of his calls from two days. He has texted me multiple times and there was only one reply I could give him. 'I'm busy' and being understanding about my work life as a doctor he said okay.

"Nothing happened just I don't want to push myself into talking about it please huh?" I search Emily's eyes convincing her to drop the subject and she sighs but says nothing.

"I'll find you when I am ready to share." I assure her and she nods, "you better."

Just then we hear a knock on the door. "Dr. Malhotra?"

"Yes?" I allow the nurse to come in. "your husband is here, we told him to wait outside but...." She couldn't complete her sentence. She was new at her job and possessed a nervous personality. But when I saw Kabir standing behind her I was just as nervous as her and maybe even more than that.

"Hey!" Kabir smiles at me and I am almost flattered. Almost. Physical appearance is such a wicked thing. If only it could tell people what hides beneath it. If only it could have warned me what was to come that night.

Emily clears her throat when Kabir enters the room. I let her know I'll be alright in an exchange of glance and try to keep my composure. "uh, Kabir she's Dr. Emily and Em, he's my husband" I avoid looking at Kabir and I can't really meet Em's eyes. What to say, I hate to admit that I do feel ashamed to introduce my husband for the first time. But his deed is only known to me and I can't share this with anybody, not Emily, not my sister. Because I am his wife. His respect is my respect.

"Nice to meet you Dr. Emily" Kabir speaks in a polite manner.

"Likewise thanks. I will leave you two I guess" she glances my way before exiting and leaving Kabir and me alone.

"Where have you been Aarohi? Are you okay?" he asks and I swallow. Buck up Aarohi. One caring look and I can't break. I don't have to be sensitive and seek comfort in his arms even though the idea sounds tempting. Whom do I have here? Him. The only one and now when I so want to cry and feel someone's support I can't embrace him. For he is the reason I have become such a wreck. What is disappointing is that there is no trace of guilt or regret in his eyes. It's like he doesn't even remember what he did. How could he have no idea what went down that night.

"I'm ok" I reply blankly. "why don't you sit?" I suggest not able to stare in his eyes for long. They hold love and appreciation but where was all of it when he whispered Aashna's name while making love to me! I don't intend but my mouth automatically twists in distaste.

"Aren't you happy to see me Aarohi? He inquires and I shut my eyes rubbing my forehead.

"That's not it, I'm just... tired. Why are you here anyway?" I couldn't hide the irritation from my tone of voice. It shows in his face that this is getting awkward for him. But it is for me too and suddenly he shows up when I am not ready to talk to him. I can't take it if he remembers....he breaks my thought processes.

"Shouldn't I have come? I mean I was worried, you didn't talk to me from two days and I tried to meet you yesterday too but they just let me wait most of the time and you didn't show up so I left for work. I came to check on you Aarohi....I, I miss you"

"Alright!" I have no idea why am I getting so infuriated. My phone starts to ring and I give him a defensive glance. "I'm alright!" I let him know before picking up the call. I could see confusion covering his facial expressions as if he's considering something.

I needed escape. I got one.

"Aarohi have I done anything? Have I hurt...." I cut him off when he speaks right after I end the call. "Kabir can you just wait here? I need to rush now there's an emergency" I don't wait for him to reply. I wasn't lying. It was an emergency call for a surgery and I need to run as fast as I can. Kabir was getting to the point and he hit the spot right. Seeing him made my all wounds open. The headaches have been constant since then, I haven't been eating much and living in operation theatres performing the hours long surgery has become as normal as brushing my hair. I haven't even brushed my hair I reckon. I probably look terrible and that's why the hospital staff looks at me like it does. But I can't care any less about it. All I remember is how I looked that night in the mirror. Heartbroken, weak and agonized. These traits that I have seen in Aashna's eyes and then Kabir's. Sad emotions are like a plaque, all other emotions feed on it and leaves your heart in a mess, proliferating the pain. I never wanted to experience all of that because in a way I did with Kabir and tried hard to pull him out of that deep drowning shit. What did I get in return? I run through corridors towards the OT and all those flashbacks blur my vision, acting as a barrier between me trying to concentrate on the surgery.

Emily's words from before warn me. I shouldn't let the happenings in my life affect other people's lives.

"I can do it!" I take a deep breath in and start preparing myself to fight the battle.


I don't know what is wrong but something surely is! It is like I am missing out on something. Everything was going great even though I didn't get to properly talk to Aarohi, it was okay she was busy and I too started taking work more sincerely. But today when I came and saw Aarohi, she was so out of her usual kind zone. She was acting weird and heck not meeting my eyes even. Was it a normal shyness after what we did that night? But even then it has been two days and I know Aarohi as someone who won't shy away, we have had our moments before and she have always been straightforward and confident about things she wanted. Then was it me? did I hurt her? or is it the work load? Sure she looked tired. Heck! She even had dark circles and zombie eyes. I chuckle lightly. There is something to learn from her. everything she does has all of her efforts right from her heart. She does each and everything with such wholeness and dedication that it always inspires me. whether it's loving our family or me, or her duties as a doctor and wife, she fulfills all of it efficiently. How could she be so perfect?

What did I do so good in this life to deserve such a gem of a person?

I guess she just needs to rest and I will make sure I take her home tonight. She has been sleeping here seriously? I eye those trestles against the wall and the double storey beds for doctors to lounge in. On the top birth I find a black rubber band that I have seen Aarohi tie her hair with. I grab hold of it and pocket it safely, making a mental note to return it to her.

Glancing at the clock I am just wondering how long will it take for her to come. It has been a few hours that I have been waiting for her because she told me to. I had dozed of earlier while scrolling my Instagram feed and wondering how many miles I have crossed while scrolling.

Finding nothing to do, I pack some of the things for Aarohi in a bag and step out of the room. I think it'd be better to check on the reception for how long will it take for her to be free.

I make a run for the lift that is about to go down. Damn I missed it. I sigh and left with no choice, wait for another one to come. When the doors open I see a familiar face of Dr. Emily. I step in, giving her a polite smile. But her face looks so worried and confused.

"why are you still here?" she ask me.

"oh, actually Aarohi had to attend to an emergency so I stayed and packed for her. I am taking her home tonight."

"Mr. Malhotra I just saw Aarohi leave" she frowns concernedly and I could see her eyes mirror the same care for Aarohi as it was in mine.

"What? When?" I inquire.

"Twenty minutes ago, She was in a bad state, the surgery had gone wrong and I have never seen her so upset, I'm worried..." Dr. Emily's words fade away as I rush out of the lift as soon as it comes to a halt. How could she not care to even come to the lounge. She just left like that. It must be disappointing to not being able to save a life but she is not new at her profession. I am sure she had been to many surgeries that might have failed so what affected her this much that she just left on her own and didn't even confide in me.

And then it dawn upon me that Aarohi never actually shared much about the things that upset her. She was always concerned about what was I feeling, what was going on in my life, what I went through, what I was afraid of, my situations, my worries, my breakup, my career and everything for her constituted me. The only little she talked about her side of the life was only things that made her happy and about what she liked. Shit! It's too late to realize this is it? She have always been blending with my life, my choices have become hers and she even adapted to our interwind lives after marriage. I on the other hand never really looked into more other than what she let me know. She had asked me how was my day but I never asked her how was hers. I never tried to even learn if things were alright with her settling into the new country or the hospital she works at.

I suddenly am filled with so much guilt as I sit her resting my head at the steering wheel of my car, not sure where to go find her? Her phone is out of reach and I don't have any idea where must she be? I start the car anyway and search for her keeping my eyes trained on the pedestrian sidewalks. But there is no sign of her and each passing second worries me to hell. Where did she go? What if something happened to her? She needs me and it is time for me to become her support just like she has always been to me. I want her to lean on my shoulders and seek comfort. I never felt so protective about her, it has always been the other way around. She was always my protector who guided me through my mess. I'll make sure I take care of her this time. Not just because I need to. But because I want to.

I never knew I could feel this way for someone again. But here I am, eventually falling for her. She has given me whole of her, loved me like no other and has never left my side like a constant. And being a jerk I never valued her that much. But I know now that she is all that I've got. I am not going to cry over my past anymore. I am going to cherish what I have in my life now. I am going to find her now. I am going to tell her that I acknowledge her love and I am ready to love her back with all the sincerity in my heart. I am going to make it mutual. I am going to tell her I love her.

Stepping on the gas I race the car through the traffic, my eyes determined to find her no matter how long it takes. It won't stop me even if I have to raid the whole city. I am filled with the mad rush of finding my lady. I am no more worried. I know she'll hang on and be alright until I find her.

Just as I predicted, I do find her. I don't know why I didn't ever take her to places I have explored with Aashna, but at this point of time it wouldn't even matter, with her maybe I'll not be prone to the memories and the emptiness and perhaps that's why I unknowingly drove to the bridge over the river canal, below which I had kayaked with the person i thought I'll love my whole life. so many things have changed since then. Even I have and yet again I am here at the same place, parked behind the person I think I'll always love. She is also the person who'll love me the most always. Her elbows are resting over the railings and she is lost, unaware of my unwary gaze. Her hair seems to be flowing with the cool breeze in a slow motion and I shake my head. Why does it happen? Every other day I see her in a different light. I blink slowly, lost into her as she rubs her arms, her shoulders slumped slightly, her head low as if hiding from the outer world. If she wants to cry, then I want to be the one to console her. Why would she hide her messed up self from me too?

I grab a warm jacket from the back seat and walk up to her slowly, not wanting to startle her.Standing behind her I cover her shivering body with the Jacket. She becomes aware of her surroundings and her eyes meet mine. She has cried her eyes out it seems from staring back into those redness filled sad eyes.

"You were cold." I give her a comforting smile.

"What's wrong with you?" she scowls at me and this leaves me so damn confused.

"What's wrong with you Aarohi? Why did you leave when you knew I was waiting for you?" I ask softly to get her to talk to me about the surgery. But all she does is push my hand away when I try to turn her to face me, guiding her elbow.

"Don't touch me!" she says in disgust maybe? Woah! What is up with her defense? Her eyes bore into mine with rage and I have never seen her like that! Sure we had fights after marriage over some stupid issues and mostly because of my unhealthy habits, but tonight she looks broken and something inside me hurts to witness that look on her face.

"Aarohi I'm just trying to comfort you, please talk to me."

"comfort?" she looks at me disbelievingly. "What are you trying to do to me exactly Kabir? How can you act so cool after what happened!" her breathing is worked up and I am blown. "What has gotten into you Aarohi? I know you're having a bad day and we can talk about it at home okay? Come." I put my hand behind her elbow to make her walk to the car. It is cold outside and I don't want her falling ill. I look at her sincerely, choosing to silently urge her to follow my cue.

"yeah! right! I am having a bad day and not just today but since that very night you..." she sighs and it makes me frown. "I what? What about that night Aarohi? complete your sentence!" it was frustrating me, the looks that she was giving, the way she was behaving and the disappointment mixed with pain in her eyes was killing me.

"Kabir don't you remember what happened that night?"

"I do! I remember everything and I wouldn't wanna forget that night in my entire life!" I don't know where this is going. She just shuts her eyes.

"let's go home please?" I try and hold her hand but she slips it out. "You remember everything that happened right?" I nod when she asks again and my confirmation just breaks her resolve to mask up her emotions. "and you're not even sorry about what you did?"

"What did I do?" I ask blankly. "Did I hurt you in any way, did I...I uh..." I frown trying to recall if I did something to offend her.

"God Mr. Kabir Malhotra! Of all the things that you could have forgotten after being drunk, how can you forget what you did! It shattered me Kabir! It broke me to pieces because that night only meant so much to me but not you! You didn't even see me...." I cut her out, "What are you saying Aarohi! ofcourse it meant so much to me too! More than I'd have ever imagined."

"No please! Stop hurting me! For a woman it's huge to belong to someone, to become intimate with someone and I chose you as that someone. " she faces her back to me, leaning on the railings again.

"Aarohi..I" I don't know how to handle this situation! I had the feeling that I was missing out on something but there she is, blaming me for whatever mess she is in!

"If only I wasn't so wrecked by you, I would've saved a life! but because I was so out of my mind because of you and here you are not even aware of what you did...." She keeps lashing out and sobbing in between.

It is shocking. What did I do? So much that she was affected to that extent? I reach out to her, holding her in my arms from back. "Shh now Aarohi. enough it's okay. I'm here" She shakes her head but keeps crying silently. "I let my personal issues affect my patient's life and it's not okay Kabir. It's not!"

"Don't you blame it all on yourself please, I am sure you tried your best."

"No I didn't! I didn't do my best. What did I do Kabir!" she realized I was holding her and turned to face me. up close I can read in her eyes that she is remorseful. "There were other doctors with you. Please don't let this break you."

"What about how you let me break?" She grits her teeth and for a moment my mind takes me to an year back when I reprimanded Aashna for not doing so. I shut my eyes. "I will never ever think of hurting you Aarohi. I can never even imagine..." my voice breaks as a gulp forms in my throat. "All the hurtful emotions that I have felt, I wouldn't want anyone and specially you to feel. Believe me. I am sorry if I did anything that I am not remembering. I never meant harm...."

"How many times Kabir? You always do so! Saying sorry and getting away with that. And I like a lovestruck fool always give you second chances! There are certain limits for my patience too Kabir! And this time you're mere sorry is not going to work!" she sniffles and wipes away her tears. I should have been the one kissing those tears away. But it's too late now. It's too late. I am too late maybe. When I thought I was capable to love again, why can't God take it easy on me?

"I don't want to lose you too" I whisper out trying to swallow down my emotions but I fail. I see a flicker of care rise in her eyes but it soon dies.

"Then realize your mistakes Kabir and take responsibility for them!" she glances in my direction, looking so upset. I watch her clueless as she puts her arms through the jacket I gave her.

"you'll not leave right?" I am very much afraid of people leaving. I don't want to drive them away. First my grandparents and Aashna and now when I have Aarohi by my side I understand what value she has in my life. I can't imagine a life without her. she must have seen the fear in my eyes for her expression softens and she keeps her hand on my shoulder.

"I know that you've had some past and you were hurt. But if you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you. Besides I told you I am here to stay. Don't dare take it for granted again Kabir. Don't test me ever. For if you're not going to swim deep with me then its better you get out of my waters." She taps on my shoulder twice before walking away. I value her now. I respect her honesty and though her warning hurt me and stepped on my feelings, I know I'll adore this woman for the rest of my life. I turn around to see her stop by the car.

"With a heart like that, you deserve the world Aarohi" I mumble, tears pricking my eyes and relief relaxing my racing heart. She isn't going to leave. And I will make sure I never hurt her. I am going to love her with all my might.

She eyes me but says nothing. I walk up to her and opens the door to the passenger seat of the car. But she opens the backdoor of the car and sits inside,refusing my assistance. A knowing smile threatens to appear on my face but I control myself not wanting to look like a creep. She has self respect and wants to teach me a lesson. I get in to the driver's side and take the wheel. It's time to get her home.

"You know what Aarohi?" I eye her in the mirror from where I can watch her. she switches off the lights inside the car and that almost makes me chuckle but instead I settle for a smile. God I love her! And I don't keep from telling her. There is no delaying. Sighing softly in the darkness of the car I speak loud and clear. "I love you Aarohi. You mean the world to me."

We reach home in the next thirty minutes and I couldn't stop myself from grinning the rest of the ride back home. We couldn't see each other much in the dark. She was silent since I confessed and honestly I didn't expect her to say anything in return. I told her I love her because that is how I feel about her. I already know she loves me back and even more than I will ever love her.

When she steps out of the car, she speaks to me before closing the door. "Until you remember what you did that night and are sincerely regretful about it, don't hope that I'll sit in the front with you."

After she closes the door I purse my lips. I know her anger is all a cover up but what exactly happened that night to upset her? Why can't I remember? I'll have to work on not drinking so much and not forgetting things. But usually I don't really forget anything. Have to set up everything right I guess. And with a wife like Aarohi I guess we'd really sail through our married life.


I couldn't tell him.

I couldn't tell him what he did wrong that night. He doesn't remember and at least in his memories I want that night to contain happy memories. Because if he comes to know about how he hurt me, maybe more than me it will hurt him and I don't want that to break him again. It's time for him to stand on his two feet again and the events that happened has only made him strong. His mistakes will make me strong too I guess. I will not let my resolve break and be a tough wife to him if he deserves to have one.

I had always wanted for him to reciprocate my love and now that I heard him confess, I want him to stand by his words and prove what he claims through his actions. I want him to become sincere about everything he does. And I am sure he will. The day we plant the seed is not the day we eat the fruit. I have planted this seed of love long back and waited even if it got hard and now that he is planting the seed, I want him to nurture it with his heart wholesomely.

I decided to give him another chance. Because I feel he wants to correct his mistakes. It's okay if he doesn't ever remember what went wrong, but if he values my love and respects me, then that will define him as a good person. Afterall there's life after mistakes too. Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times and good times. Nothing goes to waste on the journey of life. Both good and bad experiences shape your mind and heart for what is to come.

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Moment of truth everyone!

This is the end of the book one of my novel The Brewer's girl.

I know you all didn't expect for it to end here but I have thought over the issues regarding plagiarism and copyrights here on wattpad and hence decided that I will complete writing the book two and then will be publishing it altogether.

So yes! It ends here and this is where I rest the story of Kabir and Aarohi too. So all those shippers of Kabhi, you have an happy ending to them. And all the haters of Kabhi and lovers of Kash i.e.; Kabir and Aashna, there will be happy ending to Kabir and Aashna in the book two as I have promised earlier.
So I urge everyone to wait for the book two so that you know why my novel is named The Brewer's girl.

Thanks to each and everyone of you for reading and hugs and kisses to all of you who took the time to vote and comment.

You guys and wattpad means so much to me and yes I will continue writing my other story someday it will happen and will also focus on writing TBG ahead but offline. I'll let you know how it's going.

And!!!!! I am overwhelmed🙈For the last time on TBG-1 I'll ask for you all to shower the love in the form of votes and comments. Hope you liked reading the story till here, In the book two, I promise to take it to the next level both in the sense of writing and building story plot.

Love always,

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