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☺Chapter - 37☺

❤Dedicated to shwetabais for her pestering. It's because of her that the update is here😂🙈❤


This was one of those mornings to just stretch in bed and take my own sweet time to open my eyes. The best feeling is to know that I'd had a good night's sleep, gotten enough rest and last night's headache has disappeared. I enjoy the warmth of the blanket and let my eyes adjust to the bright room. Isn't it too bright for the morning?

I sit up in the bed and look around for my cellphone. Shit! It is late morning. Where is Kabir?

"Kabir?" I call out and hear some shuffling sounds from the washroom. I bend forward on the bed to look through the open door of the bathroom. Kabir's back is facing me and he is smiling at me through the mirror in front of him.

"Good morning!" His voice is surprisingly cheerful today. "Morning" I am still in a daze as I watch him stand with his bare upper body, some shaving cream smeared on his face and his hand working meticulously holding the razor. Though it is not the first time that I am watching him shave, but there got to be something about today that I just can't take my eyes off of him. He cleans off the remains of the cream with a towel and I imagine myself doing this for him someday.

I feel my cheeks heating up as I think about how romantic can I make it. His eyes meet mine from the mirror again as he whistles some song I know not of. I quickly get off the bed, folding the blanket and turning around to face my back to him.

A fleeting thought surf through my mind. Was I the one who pecked him on the cheek last night?

"Last night..." his voice comes behind me and I shut my eyes tight. What is he going to say about last night? Is he again going to remind me that he needs his space?

He clears his throat and I realize he is waiting for me to turn around. I run my hands through my hair strands as I face him. "Huh?"

"Last night you asked me that despite knowing that you weren't interested in movies why did I take you there back in India." I hear him speak but my senses have surrendered to that fresh smell of shaving cream.

"I am sorry" he says and I raise my eyes from his cheeks, where I possibly pecked him, to his eyes. His eyes are happy and look revolting in some ways.

I didn't know what to say."uhm...?" Why was he suddenly apologizing for this.

"Back then I knew if we went to movies, we don't have to think of something to talk and while you watched, I used that time to think." he admits.

"As if I watched!" I half smile and then comment, "you come home late every night so we don't have to think of something to talk again right." His eyes widens in surprise as if asking 'you knew?'. He drops his gaze but I continue, "Besides what is it that you think about apart from your heartbreak? Atleast you can use me there. You can come home, talk to me so that your saddened thoughts don't block away your happiness."

"I am sorry for that too." His blinking lashes distract me. I look down to see his left toe curling on the floor.

"Say that when you mean it." I give a last glance at him before leaving the room.

He keeps doing things and tries to mend them with his sweet apologies. If sorry could work everywhere why must there be rules and law in this world.

I am not looking for his sorry or thank you.

I shake my head and enter the kitchen. Shit I missed my yoga routine today. It is only recently that I got used to the time and climate of this country and the routine goes bad already! How did I sleep so late today?

As I squeeze some lemon in the Lukewarm water,I see Kabir come out wearing a T shirt. His hair-do is more proper in like days or weeks that I have seen him. Also he seemed happy today until we talked and he said sorry. But he is whistling again and is back to being happy. This is a rare sight.

"Kabir don't you have to go to work today?" I ask him and he turns around and walk towards me in the kitchen.

"Today I'm going to take my desperate wife for a city tour because she badly wants to go out with me" he mocks and I am both happy and surprised.

"Really? Desperate?" I narrow my eyes at him and he laughs, picking an apple from the basket and walking out of the kitchen.

This is one of those times when nothing matters, none of the thoughts in your mind poke you and you just smile like a fool because the one you love is smiling. Kabir is smiling. Not just smiling. He is laughing. The expression on my face must have been that good. Either this or he hit his head somewhere this morning. In both cases I am happy that he is finally being the self he wants to feel and not just what he has to show to others. I am happy because he thought of me and is taking me out finally!


It still feels like summer at the end of September. Is it the traditional attire that's binding on my unfit body? Or my dense open hair that Kukkie insisted to be left loose.

I open the window and it's a relief to let in some fresh air. I breathe in. Today I have decided to not get irritated by anything or anyone. All those guests at Kukkie's engagement ceremony today are going to comment something or the other. But I am ready for everything. It doesn't even matter to me but with respect to my parents and for Kukkie, I will just follow their lead.

"Aashna!" My mom calls me from downstairs. She has been really going over the top to manage all the things of the ceremony. Moms are like that. They tend to worry. I sigh. I know she wishes that she could do this hustle for me as well. But I am far from fixing an alliance with someone. Last night I did dream of my parents taking me to someone's house. The guy I was supposed to be married with smiled and said I was beautiful. And it was a good heart fluttering feeling to hear someone say beautiful to me, even for a fleeting second I smile as I think of it. A wavering mirage of Kabir Malhotra floats in my memory. He had said it to me that I am beautiful at more than one occasions. Him saying that made me believe in my beauty too. And is he here to make me believe now? No because I didn't let him stay.

I was beautiful. Was. But then as I stand here watching myself in the mirror, how dare I believe in my dream. I have gained weight and all is in the mess. The hair, the skin, the face and the body.

"Aashna!" Mom's more determined voice helps me zone back in and I shake my head at myself. Many a times it happens that I would zone out into my own world and forget I was called upon.

"Abhi aayi" I shout back and bend down to pick up the wood basket of red Rose petals that I was sent to bring. I balance the basket on my wrists and walk out of my room to head downstairs.

I wonder about who said that red is the color of love? Maybe I did in some another world and in some another time. But currently, for an aspiring murder mystery writer like me, Red is only the color of blood.

"Ah!" My foot slips and I am imbalanced on the last staircase. The basket in my hand is thrown forward and it rests on someone's head. I was afraid to hit the floor in front of all the guests. As the tiled surface comes nearer I see all the rose petals falling overhead like those Autumn leaves in the season of shedding. To my surprise I don't fall on the hard floor but is held by someone. My eyes are shut, every cell in my body compelling themselves to seek the warmth of Kabir's arms. I am not being vulnerable now but I miss being held by him.

I feel warmth. Not the type Kabir made me feel. But a different warmth that radiates from the person holding me. I feel his eyes on me. I let my eyes open and they strike against the bronzeness of those eyes staring back at me. I notice he is clean shaven, his thin Asian black hair, stylishly complimenting his fair color. What is this guy with that look of a male goddess doing in my house?

Though it has only been a week that we have moved into this new house from our flat, I still know my neighborhood well from what mom talks about.

"Easy while you descend down the stairs princess" he says with a smile as he steadies me on my feet. His accent is amusing but warm. I am pretty sure I haven't seen him around. His eyes are attractive and well seem to carry that flirty tint in them.

"Thanks" I murmur back at him and look around to realize that all the rose petals are scattered everywhere.

I sigh in sync with him and we both end up saying the same thing. "I hate red."

"I hate red."

I give him a glance of sober acknowledgement and bend down to collect those petals. He too gives me a helping hand. As he brings back the basket I realize he was the one on whom that basket landed. I chuckle inwardly , glancing at him. His nose is still shrunken at the redness of the petals we're collecting.

"Pink Roses are better. I like Pink. You should really get the Pink ones next time, okay princess?"

He smiles at me sweetly and I stare at him with a blank expression. What type of guy likes Pink? But that's fine people have weird choices.

"The bride to be here likes Red and she is my sister. So we'll have to just bear them Mr...uh well see you when I do" I purse my lips and stand with the basket.

His nose is still in discomfort it seems but he looks cute that way. I leave him to his dislikes and move forward with the basket to get them exchanged for some fresh flowers.


I am feeling fresh after a long time. Maybe that's the reason that I find myself holding my favourite camera right now. As I stand here beside my closet, I feel like I am time travelling to that night when everything ended between me and Aashna. The last picture that I took with this camera was hers. It wasn't her actually but her shadow that I captured that night and ever since I haven't used this camera. I have been working hard with several others that I have earned.

This is it with some things. They become special. Like this camera which I think is my favourite and that's why I have been acing whenever I used it. When I hold it, I feel this confidence in my abilities.

Each love has its own destiny. Some love is born, grows up and dies.

My harsh memories of that breakup got me down and I never found courage to bring this camera in practice. For how could I, because even holding this camera to my eyes reminded me of Aashna. Her every photograph that I have taken was shot on it.

I finish cleaning it and then raise it to my eyes. I see nothing but black in view finder. A sad smile making way on my lips. Maybe Aashna is the only subject it wants to capture.

Stop it Kabir.

I chid myself. I see black because I have forgotten to uncover the lens. After opening the lens cover now as I look through the camera, I see the door of the washroom open and Aarohi enter the room. She looks younger today. I have seen her wear everything from saree to PJ's and I still wonder how can she pull off every look with so much elegance. Today she has chosen a vintage style vertical striped dress. Her hair are wet and straight as always. She flicks them back and then her eyes notice me looking at her through the camera.

"If you would have told me you'd be clicking at me I would have given a pose " she grins and I lower the camera almost immediately. I give her a smile and say, "I'll be outside getting the car ready"

Her smile falters. Maybe she felt bad that I didn't click at her. But I guess even my camera would take time to adjust from Aashna to Aarohi. I close the drawer as she sits in front of the dresser. I watch her bite her upper lip as she holds the hair dryer.

"Maybe....you can curl them today. They'd look good in photos" My suggestion brings the smile back on her face. I walk out of the room wondering what made me say that.

"Time to get you in some action bud!" I pat the camera and whistle on my way to the garage.


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Who's the new guy in Aashna's life? Aren't you curious?
Then in order to know won't you give me some love by voting and commenting ?

Officially back to wattpad and will be updating regularly hereafter! Yes!!! ❤🙈 apologies for being away last two months. Believe me I went crazy with all that what has happened in my life but I am cool now. I hope you all are doing great and will be happy for my return❤

Love always,

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