👼Cake Fight👼

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chapter 9.☺

❤Dedicated to pumpkin20honey as a post birthday gift. I know I'm so late but I was on a trip that time you know right. This goes to you love❤


It was the 31st, and I've spoiled my friends' plans of partying. Now they were sat in my apartment sipping on drinks throwing me worried looks.

No matter how much Vladimir tried to lighten up the mood with his jokes I failed to find them funny tonight.

I was in a great turmoil, feeling helpless as to what I could do sitting this far.

From Christmas, Aashna has just disappeared from every social media, she won't see my text, won't reply and won't pick up my calls.

I was hell worried. What was up, even Yash seemed to feign he was too busy. For the first time I felt like torturing him to get him talking.

It was killing me from inside, the monster in my stomach clawing at my sides trying to free out from his caged self.

"Don't worry Kabir, she'll call ye' once she realises ye're trying to reach her" Lily patted my shoulder but I stood up irritated pulling my hairs.

"I can't help it Lily! I can't just sit back and not know how's she" I let out the grip at my hairs and paced in the hallway.

"But you need to understand man! You can't do anything but wait" peter said and walked to the door, "guess we should probably leave you alone, you are doing no good to youself and us" he glanced at me worriedly and I nodded. Yes I needed some space, so I'll gladly take even if that meant welcoming the new year without them.

"Happy new year in advance. See you" peter walked out and Vladimir hugged me giving a reassuring smile while wishing me.

Lily pecked me on the cheek and kept her hand on my chest, "believe ye're heart, she's alright okay?"

I nodded and wished her "happy new year"

As they left I shut the door and slumped on the couch burying my head into the soft headrest. It was hard to calm down.

I was scared for her, my mind kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong with her.

I was restless and kept calling her but she won't attend and Kukkie's phone was switched off.

The only way was to call Kapoor uncle and ask what was going on in Bhopal, but that way I'd be sounding so desperate.

But I was. I wanted to hear her voice.

It was damn annoying, her absence and I was getting angrier at Yash's short replies.

I just hoped she is alright and god! Please make her contact me in any way she could just once.

I've never felt so helpless, my eyes were threatening to pool with wetness as my head hurt deep. I clutched the glass tight and gulped down the stout as it slid through my throat warming me up but not at all helping me at my inner devastating sadness.

I couldn't call my mum at this hour to hear something soothing, it would be late in India. I glanced at the clock, 5 minutes to enter a new year.

I rested my head back closing my eyes, till I could only hear the leaking tap and the sound of my own breathing.

My eyes flew back open as I heard the doorbell. I stood up to open thinking Peter might have changed his mind and wanted to spend time with me.

But I was wrong.

Aashna was standing right in front of me at my door. It was happening to me, exactly what they mean by whole world coming to a stop.

It was like I was in a dream, nothing moved around us, not that I could care of anything else.

I wasn't even risking a chance to breathe in case I was hallucinating and she would extinguish away if I as much as glanced the other way.

My eyes were fixed on her, she wore a dark grey fur cap with a long coat tightened around her. She had her hands covered in gloves as they held another pair of gloved hands. My eyes moved to the person standing next.

It was Kukkie.

Am I in too deep that I'm dreaming of even her sister?

I blinked as Kukkie smiled at me.

Is this real?

"Let us in Kabir bhai, its cold out here" she said and I in a trance moved backward, my eyes returning to Aashna who was as silent as I was.

They both moved inside and I glanced out at the cold last night of the year.

I felt the winds , freezing enough to my skin and closed the door before turning around. Aashna was looking me in the eye.

"Wow! Cool place you have here" I heard Kukkie exclaim. But there was something in Aashna's deep orbs that I couldn't just take my eyes off hers.

All my senses came to life as I stumbled on the emotions I've gathered all of these months. I closed the gap between us standing too close to her. I wanted to believe she was here.

"Hey Kabir" she whispered and that undid me all at once. I put my arms around her, holding her close, wanting to believe she was safe and sound.

She hugged me back and I tightened my grip around her caressing her back.

I missed her like hell! In that moment I just wanted to stay put.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!" I had to loosen my hold on her and refrain away to close my ears as both Aashna and Kukkie shouted in my ears and started laughing.

Watching her laugh filled in me a long lost enthusiasm towards life and I smiled a real smile in days.

I saw them both hugging and high fiving in the air.

We glanced out to the window to the colorful sky as the world welcomed the new year.

But having her by my side, my heart's celebration was already done.

"Finally we meet in person!" Kukkie stepped forward and hugged me. She was sweet and I was glad we met. I gave her a warm hug and wished her happy new year.

I was still too awestruck with Aashna's beauty that it was really overwhelming to me that she was here.

She came to me her arms going around me as I whispered "happy new year beauty"

She leaned in and quickly pecked my cheeks , half second of bliss passed as she whispered "now that's called sweet revenge Devil."

A grin spread on my lips and I looked around to see if Kukkie was looking. Thankfully she wasn't in the hall, I spotted her in the kitchen admiring the tilework there.

I blocked Aashna's escape, enjoying her bulging out eye expression.

"What the hell Kabir!"

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you?" I voiced my feelings and she looked me in the eye, chewing at her lips.

"I missed you too" she gave me a light slap lovingly.

"So this was a part of surprise? Not talking for almost six days?"

I asked her.

" yes!! That was your surprise, did you like it?" Kukkie peered from the counter and I instantly took my hands off of Aashna's waist.

"Loved it princess" I winked at kukkie walking to her. "How are you?"

"Alright" she gave me a pretty smile and I sat on the counter as she searched in the drawers I don't know what for.

I sighed "you'll get over Adi, kukkie. Its OK you are young." I told her because suddenly she was not meeting my eyes.

"I'm hungry. Do you have anything stored up?"

She finally stood straight, finding nothing in the kitchen drawers.

I smiled knowing she doesn't want to talk at that topic and nodded at her. "Let's have a cake my friends left here for the night."

With Aashna's help I put on some candles on the cake and in the dim lights coming from the kitchen, and our shadows dancing on the walls of the hallway, I found her looking gorgeous in the candlelight. I was so fascinated by her eyelashes shadowing on her cheeks and brushing them whenever she blinked that I kept staring at her.

Next one hour we cut the cake and had cream all over us as we celebrated and catched up on the lost time.

We were laughing hard at the end of another hour as I fired some annoying memes in Yash's inbox for siding with the girls and getting me work up my fears.

In between the chuckles, Kukkie got up to say, "let's get cleaned up now, I can't go back to the hotel looking like a vanilla icecream."

"Third one on your left is the light switch" I called back to her as she headed to the washroom.

"I really like in here." Aashna said to me, a smile playing on her lips. She was looking way too adorable with all the cream on her face. She grabbed another bite of the cake and swiped her tongue on and I sipped on my left out stout. She asked me for some wipes and I denied to give her some.

"Pay back for cutting any communication last few days" I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen to wash her face. I followed her with a handful of creamy cake and smeared on her face as she turned around, her hairs stuck to the side of her face.

Soon we were indulged into another fight of cream smearing, this time water too being a part of it.

That's how Kukkie found us and she started laughing at us and we joined in the fun, feeling immature in front of her.

Aashna moved to clean herself up, her top was all drenched, I gave her one of my warm sweatshirt and moved to my room to take a quick warm shower.

My happiness was at another level, it was three in the dark night and I was literally dancing in the shower.

I learned why she was here, and was feeling so lucky and glad that she'd be here for a long time. This was the best new year ever!

I was so damn happy that I wanted to just shout out loud and hold her tight in my arms just as a prize that I've won.

After drying my hairs and pulling over something warm I walked back to see both the girls asleep on the couch. A smile lifted the corners of my lips as i witnessed two adorable beauties. They both slept with a pout. I fetched the quilts and covered both of them after positioning them into a comfortable space at the recliner.

I sat at the hand rest of the couch and admired her sleeping form until sleep engulfed me.



I woke up to a bright sunshine of January to a new year. As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I found Kukkie still sleeping beside me. I realised we were in Kabir's apartment. I woke kukkie up, "wake up, we need to move to the hotel sleepy head"

"Same to you" kukkie turned to the other side grumbling and I sighed searching where did I put my phone.

Whispering under my breath my morning prayer I quickly drank a glass of water and wondered where was Kabir.

He seemed so happy yesterday night, it was clearly evident in his eyes. I called numerous times to wake kukkie up and she finally woke up and her eyes grew wide. "We slept here?"

I nodded to her as my eyes caught attention of a note at the main door.

Kukkie came to me and we both read It together.

Good morning princesses. I'm really sorry but I had a shoot today early morning so had to leave, didn't wanted to disturb you though. Grab something for breakfast down the road at MILLIE'S café, go explore nearby and I'll see you tonight. Please be at home, I've already called your hotel from Aashna's phone and had your luggage bring in. Its in the hallway, and your phone Aashna, is with me. I'm having fun with irritating Yash .

We both giggled at his style of keeping the note and being a gentleman to let us live. Poor him , we were awake till late last night and he had to go work.

Well it was an off for me. I was to report tomorrow morning at the university so it was time for Kukkie and me to go out and have fun until Kabir returns.


Tell me in the comments whom do you imagine while reading KASH?

I still don't have a face, yet I imagine little things like the way Aashna chew her lips I see that, when Kabir grins I imagine a set of tooth😂😂🙈 so tell me what do you guys see.

Hit likes and thanks for all the patience.

Love always,

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