👼The Brewer's Girl👼 Book 2

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☺Chapter - 1☺

❤Dedicated to ArpitaGauri and NehaPathak2 ma'am as a birthday gift😉 Last time I was here with an update, it was two years back and the update was dedicated to you both so what better day than this to restart my novel from this awesome day that my precious people were born on❤

Book 2
The Brewer's Girl


Dublin, Ireland.


I am walking on the less crowded streets of Dublin now, wiping away the sweat under the scorching July sun. It's summer in Ireland and the heat seems to double up when there are so many people closely packed up in such events where the mob goes crazy. It's the day of the Laya healthcare's city spectacular, a street festival where Street performers gather for a fiesta of fire-eating, juggling and tightrope walking, centred on Merrion Square. The kids love the workshops and science shows and so this year I decided to bring my princess and show her the street performance world championship.

My friend Peter is crazy about the death defying performers, balloon artists, food venders and art installations and I have to be here for him because he is one of the local volunteers. People from all over the world are rushing in here and though I am enjoying myself, all that noise was getting to me so I'm glad I took the time out to grab a disprin. The streets here are comparatively silent and I'm already feeling relieved. All these empty streets and pleasant nooks and corners of the city always tempt me to photograph a picture but after Aarohi left me, I could never muster enough courage to pick up my camera again. So instead of my camera strap, a baby blue water bottle hangs around my neck now. I'm supposed to get a refill for my little devil who is waiting with her uncle Peter, still enjoying all the madness of the event.

I am just going to turn around the corner where the pharmacy is, but something stops me. It's a shadow of someone standing on the other side of the wall from where the sunshine is washing the street golden. I can make out it is someone wearing a hat and a ponytail maybe. Something is so weirdly familiar with the shadow thing and I want to turn ahead and discover who it is and why seeing her shadow is sending my heartbeats into a maddeningly high pace. It's crazy and something I have never felt in a long while now. I want to move but it's as if something is keeping me transfixed where I am standing frozen and clueless about the sudden eruption of emotions inside my heart. I am becoming helpless to shove the memory back inside the dark closet. They are all stumbling out at the mere sight of the shadow. And all of a sudden it feels like I ain't in this country or the present time and space even. I am transported back to Bhopal and that rainy night when everything had come apart and I had cried with the sky, my heart breaking still at the sight of her shadow from the window of her house.

The last time I saw the woman who destroyed me.

I feel a red rage breakthrough in my eyes and realize they are wet and I'm still standing at the same spot staring at the all too familiar shadow. But this has no reason and it completely doesn't make sense for all these hurtful memories to rush in on a random day like this. That too after five years of living a life with drastic changes. I was tired of people leaving me so I trained okay with controlling my life for the last two and a half years and now I breathe hard because I can sense something unexpected coming my way and it makes me restless. I feel angry at myself for allowing all these rivers of the past to flow now just because of the random figure. My nostrils flare and soon I am seething. With this, all of my senses return and I realize the shadow ahead of me is gone. I run a few steps and turn around the corner but see no one in particular wearing a hat or a ponytail. It makes me all the more irked on tenterhooks.

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