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chapter 10.☺

❤Dedicated to my doll , Riddhu. Hope this cheers you up. Your thoughts as Kukkie make an entry here ;) 😉✌


It had been three and a half weeks that I'm here in this beautiful country, Ireland.

Its historic and authentic.

There is so much to see in this big world, if only I could step out of my sadness. I had taken it all really hard, how Adi and I ended up. Its okay, I guess I need to get over him now, will have to avoid him in college with his new girlfriend, oh I'm doing it again, thinking about him.

I sighed and picked a chocolate from the tea table and popped it into my mouth. My eyes travelled to the kitchen counter where Kabir bhai was sat, juggling with a few tomatoes. Not few actually. Two! I let out a chuckle and fixed my amused gaze on Aashu di. She was flattening the dough with a rolling pin, while trying to keep her hairs in place, which had loosened from the loose bun she'd made at the back of her head.

I saw Kabir bhai dip his finger in the dry flour and rub it on Aashu di's cheeks. Laughter bubbled up inside me as I saw her elbow him while cursing under her breathe.

These two were too cute with each other. I totally ship them!

It was a challenge for Di that she has to make better Aloo parathas than Kabir bhai. His was already ready and now Di was having a hard time because I knew she never was perfect at making round parathas, it always shapes weird.

I took another chocolate and raised my eyes back at them. Now Kabir bhai was standing behind Aashu di, holding back her hairs and tying it with a rubber band.

There was something in his orbs that made me feel happy for my sister.

"Why can't all boys be like him?" I mumbled low, resting my head back and staring at the ceiling. He was quite perfect for di. If only she'd stop calling him her best friend. Kabir bhai cared too much, he kept me as his princess all those days I've been living here, he is way too honest and gets himself in trouble if he passes a comment on di, but all in a good natured way.

All those weeks, we've been out exploring the city, travelling to nearby towns on weekends. Weekends were the best part. Because Kabir bhai would join us and take us out , I could see the wait in Aashu di's eyes, she would wait for weekend as Kabir bhai only got off from works then.

In his absence, his friends guided us where to go, Peter was generous and kind,while Vladimir was sarcastic and humorous. I liked the Pub care taker, Lily. She was real fun to go shopping and hang out with when di went to teach at university and Kabir bhai to his studio.

It was really a break for me,a good break. A time out into a new world, and to be a part of it I'd understood I'll have to work hard and not just sit and cry over a failed relationship.

It was OK, hard but okay, I was okay.

I was happy, I smiled to myself and closed my eyes.

My eyes flew back open as I heard some giggles and throaty laughter from the kitchen.

They both were laughing over something and I was so happy to see di like this, so carefree and comfortable with someone and most of all happy!

I'll miss her. I was going back tomorrow morning, it was an end to my holidays.

I don't know what crossed over me, I ran to the kitchen and hugged her from behind "I'll miss you di" I said through my clogged windpipe,as tears began to pool.

She turned around and took me in her arms as I shed a few tears. I was growing too sentimental these days. "Aww baby" she whispered and caressed my hairs and I grimaced,

"Di you ruined my hairs with the flour"

She laughed and Kabir bhai pulled me to him, caressing my hairs with his clean hands, "come here" he put my arms around me and whispered into my ears in a naughty tone, "wanna take your revenge?"

I craned my neck to look at his mischievous eyes and grinned. He winked at me and took some flour and emptied his fist over di's head.

I licked my lips and did the same, poor Aashu di, outnumbered by us.

Then it was a chase and run all around the house.

"Stop! Stop... Thak gyi yaar" I bent to keep my hands on my knees and di stopped thankfully as I breathed hard from all the running around for seven minutes.

Suddenly I felt hands snake through behind and lift me from the waist. I let out a scream as his hands tickled me,

"Bhai!! I thought you were ...hah, In my team" he tickled me hard and soon Aashu di joined and now it was the poor me, outnumbered by them

Those two will be the death of me seriously, I found it hard to breath as I lay on the couch when they finally left me from the sweet torture.

"I'm supposed to support both my beauties, right?" he said and rolled my eyes scrunching up my nose. "Yeah yeah, I'll go clean myself up." I walked to the washroom.

"My pretty hairs" I twitched my mouth.


After Kukkie left for a shower I looked down at my state and sighed. Three weeks back it was cake and now the flour all over the floor.

"I cleaned it all up that day, its your turn Kabir" I raised my eyebrows.

"I need to clean up too" I sighed.

"Alright, you can use my shower room."

He said.

I stood for a long minute , ever since we came, I've never entered his room, I never used to in our flat in Pune too. I don't know why, never felt the need.

Curious, I was. But maybe another time I'll accept his offer, I had work to do now.

"Er..I think I'll finish making parathas first." I said and walked back in the kitchen followed by Kabir.

I tried perfecting the shape as much as I can, but with him glowering down it was getting difficult to concentrate.

I kept down the rolling pin after several uncomfortable moments and turned around.

"Kya hai?" I scowled at him.

He smirked and stepped forward taking a small round cover of vessel with sharp edges. "Use this aise.." He demonstrated as he cut the flattened piece of dough with the sharp round cover.

I sighed and smiled but didn't meet his eyes. He had his tongue in cheek and I pushed him off from kitchen embarrassed, that I was. "Go clean the floor, I'll manage here"

Next 15 minutes I made parathas, round and crisp. After kukkie came I made a dash to take a bath, leaving the cleaning of kitchen to be done by her.

We had our lunch in a good mood, joking and chatting happily. But I knew Kukkie was sad to go back home. We hadn't really realised where time flew and it was finally time for her to go.

I locked eyes with Kabir and he smiled up at me. My thoughts were elsewhere, I was seeing him smiling but wasn't actually processing, I kept staring at him unsmilingly.

In the evening, we watched The fault in our stars, kukkie's favourite. We were both crying at the end.

"Excuse me, I need to make a call" Kabir left with his phone. But I knew better. He wanted to give us sisters some time.

Kukkie was a lot bent on her mood swings, and all that teen stuff that was affecting her with watching these fluff movies was showing in her eyes.

"Next time kab milenge pata nahi, maj jaise hi free hui, I'll visit you" I said to her and she looked at me and nodded.

"Take care of Mumma papa, and be a good girl to them" I said and she again nodded.

" kuch bol bhi ab"

"Di, don't worry, I'm your sister, I'll be fine, I'll have mum dad"

"That's my girl" I pecked her forehead.

"You take care di, mere pas Mumma papa hai, akele toh aap ho"

" mai theek hu Kukkie, I have a satisfying job, I'm happy, and I have friends like Kabir, Lily, peter, and..."

"....Vladimir" we both said together and shared a laugh.Vladimir was a funny one, weird actually.

"Di ek baat bolu?"

"Hmm? Do bol"

"Whenever you are with Kabir bhai, you are so lively, aapki aankho mein hi dikhta hai kitne khush rehte ho Aap, bhai boht acche hai na?" She asked and I smiled nodding.

"Wo itne acche hai, haven't you fallen in love with him still?"

I stared at her processing her words, my mouth was open but words vanished from my mind, "he's my best friend Kukkie, aise nahi socha kabhi"

"Haan, but best friend isn't the limit di, he can be more. I feel he really likes you"

"Kukkie, its not right, films are rubbing off on you, we can't just say just like that"

"Di....! I've seen it in his eyes, also the other day Peter was talking something to Lily and when I walked in on them, Lily steered the subject away but I was pretty sure wo aapke aur Kabir bhai ke baare mein baat kar rahe the"

I sighed and took Kukkie in a hug.

"I don't know what to say ab...for now we're just friends. Best friends." I said and she came out of the hug and winked at me, "dekh Lena, ishq bulaava jaldi ayega"

I laughed and shook my head at her, sometimes she's too adorable that I just want to keep crushing her in my arms.

"I love you" I said laughing as she pulled out faces at me , "alllllaaabewwtuuuuu" she said in a thick voice from behind her hands dramatically.

"Kya?" I was amused at her cuteness.

She giggled and hugged me, shouting in my ears, "I love you too di"

I smiled and kissed her hairs as I hugged, my eyes resting on Kabir who was leaning on the door with a pout.

I giggled as he walked in and we broke out of the hug.

"Nobody loves me" he made a sad face trying to pout at the same time and I laughed freely at him to which he gave me a warning glare, soon kukkie joined in the laughter and hugged Kabir, "I love you too handsome man!"

Kabir hugged her, his wink directed at me as he smiled saying , "I love kukkies" he teased.

"Abhi chodo na bhai" laughing kukkie said to free herself from Kabir's arms but he held on tight saying, "thand hai yaar, thodi der aur"

I shook my head at them as I walked out to answer the main door. It was Lily, peter and Vladimir who had come to spend their last night with Kukkie.

I let them in and hugged them welcome.

The rest of the night was a big show, with some cool dance of Lily and Kabir, Vladimir's jokes and some guitar,he played it really well, better than Kabir.

Finally it was Peter's turn and he held out Kukkie's hand to dance with him.

We all cheered while I was chuckling at how red Kukkie's cheeks were as she danced a slow dance with Peter.

Soon the love birds Lily and Vladimir joined and Kabir lay down beside me stuffing his mouth with some cheese bites.

"Di! Bhai c'mon" kukkie called shyly as Peter twirled her.

"Do you want to dance?" Kabir asked and I shrugged, "umm ..okay"

He held my hand in his and pulled me up from the couch, I rested my hand on his broad chest as we moved in a swift motion.

His eyes were burning in mine and I dropped my eyes , my lips suddenly going dry. I stared around myself, Kukkie winked at me and all that she had said rushed into my mind.

I raised my eyes to his and all I saw was me in those chocolate brown orbs. His eyes did a happy dance and raised his eyebrows to which I just shook my head.

I glanced around to find Lily and Vladimir lost in a kiss, and I instantly dropped my gaze, my lips digging in the lower lip. These two should get a room no? I still think moments like these should be private and special.

Kabir twirled me and now my back hit his chest, the warmth again making way for those words Kukkie had said. Was she right? Nah! How could it be, if it had been Kabir would have let me know. We are just best friends. I faced him again and smiled. The music stopped and he left me , again slumping on the couch. I felt the warmth lose and frowned as I sat beside him. Lily came and sat next to me, all red in cheeks.

I gave her a grin and she grinned back like a lovestruck that she was.

Rest of the night we all lounged in the hall, chatting and making the best night for Kukkie. Aww they all were just too nice to me and kukkie.

I felt really lucky for having found such amazing buddies.

Kabir and me kept exchanging glances and smiles and it felt really awkward for the first time, my mind was unable to get those doubts out of my mind, could it be possible? Was Kabir hiding something from me?

I knew he had never had any girlfriend, Lily had told me they were seeing this side of Kabir for the first time,he never hits on girls, don't even flirt.

But he does with me!

But I'm his best friend. He can with me can't he?

I was thinking too much out of Kabir's stares tonight. I closed my eyes and felt Kukkie's head roll onto my shoulder as she dozed off.

I opened my eyes and started to wake her up so that she can go back in the guest room, she had flight to catch tomorrow.

Kabir prevented me to wake her and scooped her in his arms and took her to the room. I followed him in.

"Aashna, go sleep, I'll be with them outside."

He said in a hushed voice.

"Are you guys going out somewhere at this hour?"

"I'll have to drop Peter home, I'll be back you can sleep"

"Okay. Good night"

"Good night."


Next morning, Kukkie was gone. It was upsetting that I had to see her crying face when she boarded the flight but the girl got me. I was too sensing her absence now and then. I was already missing her.

Kabir guessed my mood and took me to this Queen of Tarts restaurant for brunch.

"You okay Aashna?" He asked me.

I nodded to him and when he kept looking at me with concern in his eyes, I shook my head.

"Its just that, she's travelling all alone for the first time at such distance."

"Kukkie is growing up, she will have to do her first times at everything, either now or later." he said

"I know, its just...well I've seen her since she was baby and now she's all grown up and even talks more sensibly than me sometimes" I laughed lightly and he smiled holding on to my hand and squeezing it, "its alright, she'll be fine. Ab order karien? Bhook lagi hai yaar"

"Sure...meko bhi"

It was Monday and after brunch Kabir dropped me to the university library and went to his second home , his studio. I've never been there, I guess I'll soon ask him to take me there.


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Some love for me??
Gimme votes and comments ,ppl and I shall come up with updates as quicker as this one ;)

Love always,
Sue 💝

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