👼His moods👼

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☺Chapter - 33☺

Dedicated to Anarnshrina7 as a late birthday gift ❤


My gaze falters as I step out of my room. I can't find a rational reason why did I stop Aarohi from entering the room which Aashna used to have at some point in my life.

I have this sudden urge to walk into the room and feel her. Even though I have changed all the sheets, curtains and cleaned the room the last time I was there after my breakup with her, I can't help but feel her presence whenever I go into this room.

Because maybe those are the memories that are still alive and no matter if I go and change the whole setting of the room again, I won't be able to erase her from there.

Standing here and watching at the door, why do I feel like the door would open soon and Aashna will walk out of that. She will complete me once again and fill my life with happiness. She will be back into my life again and this bad dream would end and finally I will wake up like the Kabir I was once.

What am I doing here? I didn't realize I had walked in. I chide myself and look around to see I am inside her room.

It's not her room Kabir. It is just an extra guest room.

My nose flares as I get annoyed on the fact that how little control I have on myself. Letting my eyes fleet across the room once again I step out and close the door behind me. Sometimes it's like I myself don't understand what am I doing with my life. It has become such a dilemma.

My fingers on their own accord trace their way to my jeans pocket and find my cellphone. I scroll down to the archive messages and open Kukkie's chat. She had texted me a congrats on the day I got married. I have felt a connection and I remember my phone had buzzed during Aarohi's Bidaai when I was driving us to Malhotra Mansion.

No matter if Aashna and I are not in touch, Kukkie still texted me.

I am a married man now and if I still stay in contact with Kukkie, I know my head will get all muddled up mixed with my heartache. Something or the other would remind me of Aashna and it would be all too awkward considering Kukkie is her sister. I have seen her message but didn't reply. There was no point in doing so and maybe she has realized it too after all this time.

My hands run through my hairs, Pushing them away as I walk back into the kitchen.

I wash my hands under the faucet wishing for my mind to get clear of itself. Wiping my hands on the kitchen towel I I pick up my phone from the kitchen counter. Music always helps, so I play 'Leave out all the rest' , my favourite of Linkin' Park.

After good 6 to 7 minutes I am tossing the Pasta in the pan and Aarohi chooses this moment to walk out all changed in her comfortable clothes. She looks tired but happy. I glance at the clock and meet her gaze, putting the pan down. It's past 10.

"You took your time. I thought you fell asleep." I comment, sprinkling the spices and getting back to tossing.

"No, I was admiring the bathroom. You have such a nice place to live in!" She says with a big smile as she comes and stand next to me.

"We have!" I correct her by facing her. She widens her eyes in surprise and I am myself surprised at how easily that reply came up in my mind. I clear my throat while her happy eyes stares up at me.

I move away to find us some plates.

"Can I help you with something?" She asks.

"Nope I am done here. You can take water with you." I reply while taking our food to the dining table. Shoot! It is not clean at all. Result of leaving the house uncared for almost three months.

"Where are the glasses?" Aarohi inquire from behind the counter.

"Third cabinet on your left."

I quickly dust away the dining table and set a reminder in my mind that I need to get this place cleaned the first thing in the morning.

Aarohi soon joins me with two glasses of water as I serve both of us with Pasta.

"Can you put some light music?" She requests and I realize my favourite band is still screaming out from the speaker of my cell.

"Sure" I stand up and walk into the hall, searching for my wireless speakers. Once connected, I scroll down on the playlist not sure what does she likes listening to.

She said something light so I am guessing 'hewletts' will suffice.

When I walk back to the table, I see an amused smile on her face.

"What am I missing?" I cock my eyebrows up at her.

She now grins fully and points to my plate. I frown at my food and sit down to take a bite.

Okay maybe I overcooked it a bit. I make a guilty face and shrugs taking another bite while she laughs freely.

"It isn't that bad" I defend myself.

"Ofcourse" her eyes twinkle as she continues eating.

We both sit without any conversation, feeding ourselves. The silence between us is penetrated by the Hewlett music but it is not a comfortable silence. I feel unsure to what I should speak next.

This was never a case with Aashna. We used to talk non-stop and if we didn't we shared a comfortable silence.

I put my fork down soundly. Why am I comparing us to Aashna and me?

"What's wrong?" Aarohi asks me and I just look at her.

She is Aarohi not Aashna. She is my wife. I shouldn't think about Aashna after all this time. I feel like I am wronging some marriage rules or so.

I try to hide my guilty eyes from Aarohi.


"I just lost my appetite." I mutter before getting up and storming to my room and slamming the door shut.


I jump in my seat as I hear the loud noise of him shutting the door.

Did I say something wrong? Why did he leave like that?

Why did he behave as such after being so sweet. He has more mood swings than a teen girl I swear. I sigh sadly gazing at the food in his plate.

Atleast he should have eaten something. I empty my plate in the container and walk back to the kitchen to put it into the refrigerator. Coming back to the table I sit in his seat and eat from his plate. The soft music continues in the background as I chew on Kabir's not so tasty Pasta. This is the first time he has cooked for me so I can't help but eat.

I look around to the empty hall, again back to its mesmerising form like the first time I have seen it. Kabir must have dimmed the lights when I was inside.I notice a Guitar sitting in the corner.

I am not surprised. My aunt has talked a lot about how she and biji used to tick out all the possibilities of Kabir marrying his Camera or his Guitar.I chuckle at the memory.

Once when I was in my adolescent years, my aunt has taken me to his house because every summer she visited her family. I had seen a guitar in his room from the window so I went and took the guitar with me downstairs in the garden. When he had returned from his cricket practice, his eyes had seen a disaster.

I had pulled on all the guitar strings, loosening them and tightening the others, ruining the setting he did. His face displayed shock and anger. He was an adolescent boy after all. Aggression was his driving force. He had snatched it out of my hands and ran inside glaring at me.

Just like today, he had shut his door loudly on me then too.

I sigh. The present Kabir is a lot more understanding. But at times like these, I don't know what goes wrong with him and he slips out of my hold.

Finally finishing the pasta with consuming so much water I walk back into the kitchen and take my time washing the dishes. My eyes blink blearily as the cool water runs on my hands. The flight has gotten me tired.

I find the switches in the kitchen and turn it off. I am so tired to move to the hall now. The house is not too huge but right now when I am tired, it looks like a vast stretching desert I have to walk on.

Somehow I make it to the hall and pick up Kabir's cellphone to pause the music.

I just want to hit the bed right now. I slowly carry myself to our room and see Kabir is sprawled on the bed.

I tiredly let my fingers pass through my tresses and let them free of the bun I had made.

I gently touch Kabir's arm. His bicep muscles throbs under my finger pads as he breathe in and out.

"Kabir?" I gently tap on his skin.

He grunts in his sleep but I know he isn't in a deep slumber.

"Kabir are you listening?" I ask tiredly.

"Hm." He sighs and my sigh follows his.

"Kabir you're laying in the middle of the bed. Shift to your side." I try putting pressure on his side so that he will get aside. A yawn passes by.

I stare at him helplessly. I can't shift him but I can shift his legs, So I move his legs to the other side. I notice he has changed into another pair of T-shirt and lower.

Taking a pillow I lay down on my side with my head facing the opposite side as his.

My last thoughts before drifting off to sleep is obviously Kabir. He has been my only thought since a long time.


The cool breezes hit me up first thing in the morning and I pull the blanket up, hugging myself to feel the warmth. With the cold I also feel the sunlight on my face and it feels so good in a long time. I slowly open my eyes and it takes me some time to adjust to the light. When I focus onto my surroundings, I notice the large window in the room.The room looks so lit with all the light coming in.

It is a bright morning. The glass window is appealing in its own way.Last night it was hidden behind the curtains I guess. I get up with a smile and join my hands to pray to God and thank him for a Beautiful day.

As I walk into the washroom, I spot Kabir standing in front of the mirror.

"Sorry I didn't mean to walk in on you, I thought you were outside." I say to him, blinking too much. I have seen him in just a towel before too, but the fact that we're alone in this house makes me all flustered.

He is standing with a towel wrapped around his waist and a trimmer in his hand.

"That's fine" he says shortly with a small frown

"So you did get a shave huh?" I roll my tongue inside my mouth. His eyes stare at me from the mirror and then a scowl flips his eyes back to his work. "Do you plan to stand here and watch me shave?"

To be honest I wouldn't mind but then he embarrassed me. So I immediately come out into the room, certainly flushed.

What is wrong with him since yesterday night? My eyes linger on the bed and I chid myself to leave a mess. I quickly set to work, making our bed and cleaning the dresser. Kabir walks out of the washroom and I don't face him. Instead I pretend to find clothes to wear today, in my bag.

"I have made room for your clothes. You can unpack today." I hear him speak and I just nod at him.



I don't have any idea why my heartbeats quickened when he called me. I wait for him to say something more but when he doesn't continue I turn around to face him. Thankfully he has put a shirt on paired up with his ripped jeans. Kabir doesn't wear a variety of clothes I have noticed. But he manages to kill the look what so ever.

"I am sorry for last night." He frowns as he apologise. Before I can get a chance to reply to him he is already out of the door.

Nonetheless, his apology has left a smile on my face. I didn't even need one because I didn't mind last night at all. I was befuddled ofcourse but I could understand where he was coming from.

Planning on wearing a happy colored tee and a pair of jeans I rush into the washroom. There still lingers the fragrance of his shower gel.

The bathroom screamed class and elegance.

One thing is definite that I am going to love bathing in here.


After drying my hairs with a towel mildly, I leave them free to dry by themselves. Just as I am walking out to the hall, I hear a doorbell.

"Are you expecting someone?" I ask Kabir who is sitting at the couch drinking from his cup.

"No. I'll get the door" he nods at me and I worriedly let my eyes wander. I had planned to clean the place a little to make it look more presentable and if Kabir has guests,would it leave a good impression if the place looks covered in a sheath of dirt!

But to my surprise it looks like Kabir has taken care of the cleaning all by himself.

Oh why does he do that? I also live here now, ain't I be having some say in cooking dinner or cleaning it up! But its when my eyes take a look at the clock that I notice the time.

Uh! It's so embarrassing! How did I slept in so late? It is almost midday. That's why my morning seemed brighter than the usual. Damn!

Kabir must have cleaned all the place and then he might have taken a late bath. I should have taken a look at the time before assuming it was morning upon seeing him getting ready.

I walk into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I hear Kabir talking to someone in the corridor near the main gate.

"Man I was gone for a long time. Good to see you bro" I hear another man's voice speak happily. The voice addressed Kabir in a very friendly manner so I gather he is a friend. But I haven't heard this voice before. I have only met Kabir's school friends and his two friends from Dublin, Lily and Vladimir,who came in the wedding.

"Good to see you too, when did you return from states?C'mon in" Kabir welcomes him in and I suddenly gets conscious of my appearance.

"Were you too busy in your married life to keep in touch man? Where's Aashna? It has been long we met."

Just as I had faced them with a smile, from the kitchen, I heard Aashna's name being taken by this friend of his. He is in his late twenties, with a tall demeanour. He stares at me with a big smile but when his grey eyes sets on me his smile falters.

I feel a wave of uneasiness cross over me. For a moment I feel Kabir's compelling gaze, and I finally give in looking back into his eyes. Eyes in which swims a regret.

I try to push back my thoughts and again put a soft smile as I walk out of the kitchen towards them.

"Peter, this is Aarohi, my wife. Aarohi this is my friend Peter." Kabir introduce us.

Peter seems confused clearly not able to digest the fact that I am Kabir's wife.

He stares at Kabir for a moment.

"She is your wife? Howcome....I ..I thought it was Aashna."

Kabir sighs noticeably and I don't fail to catch Kabir's clenched jaws.

"I mean I am so sorry...I probably misunderstood forgive me." Peter's cheeks turn red before he focus his attention on me. "hey Aarohi. Nice to meet you. Congratulations."

Peter says to me, his eyes embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you too Peter." I smile at him and my eyes meet Kabir's before I ask, "would you guys like something to drink?"

"Sure.thanks" Peter smiles up at me before keeping a hand at Kabir's shoulder.

Both of them walk around the couch to sit and I dejectedly prepare them a cup of coffee.They continue to talk but I block their conversation away. I don't want to hear anything more.

There are a lot of questions running in my mind. How close is Peter to Kabir? why did he presume Aashna was Kabir's wife?And above all how did he know Aashna?

When I serve them their fill of coffee, Kabir avoids my gaze and Peter's face shows a lot of understanding. So maybe Kabir gave an insight of his life to him.

"Won't you sit with us Bhabhi? (Sister-in-law)" Peter suggests in Hindi and I am surprised he knows Hindi. Because nobody could guess from his accent. My face must have given my thoughts away because he gave me another smile before adding, "I am an Indian too".

"Ah! Great" I smile back at him and glance at Kabir. "I have to make a few calls to our folks back in India, please excuse me" I say politely and walk back to our bedroom.

Peter was great but I can't help but feel this nagging query of how does he know Aashna pester me. Talking with folks would help me I guess. I will inform them about our safe landing and would spend some time in reassuring them that I am okay in this new place.

As I talk with them my eyes wander around the room and I try to listen to what is being said in the phone's receiver rather than wondering about Kabir and his life in Ireland.

When I finally hang up I realize almost an hour had passed while I talked to my family and my new family.

I walk out of the room and my eyes search for Kabir but I don't find him anywhere.

Where did he disappear?

I hear an engine starting and I run to the front window to look outside. Kabir is sitting in the passenger seat of what I assume is Peter's car and they zoom out onto the road.

What the hell? Didn't he find it necessary to tell me where he was going or even going for that matter. I have never felt so humiliated in my entire life till now. I am his wife dammit!

My stomach grumbles and I fumingly stomp to the kitchen and take out the pasta from last night. There is no other grocery left uff!

I put the pasta in the oven to warm it.

Bravo! Mr. Malhotra! You're ridiculous. Let's see. I won't call him now.

Let him come back home tonight and we'll see how well we get along.

You got questions to answer Kabir. It is time to Unravel.


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Last time I had asked what was your favorite chapter out of all. And though we are all a fan of happy times, the maximum of you loved the chapter destiny the most! Its an achievement for me that I made you all fall for the sad phase too.

You guys make me soo happy with all the love coming in. Really! This means so much and even the world to me.

Tell me what do you think about the recent chapter. Kya Aarohi khabar lene wali hai Kabir ki? 👅😁😂

Please do vote and leave your thoughts in the comments.

Love always,

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