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☺Chapter - 6☺

Dedicated to tush9111 for always encouraging me and also keeping me on right track in my writing. One valuable reader you are!❤



A delighted squeal fills the surroundings followed by my rui ka gola's sweet giggles. God! She's so loud that a Chaffinch flew away from the tree nearby, flapping its wings soundly. It's a hot day of summer, Kalpana aunty has left Riddhi with me to play for sometime while she runs her errands and that's all I want, honestly, to spend time with my cotton ball. My 'Cute' cotton ball.

"Arey aise kaise!!" Yash, on all fours, is chasing her running in the garden on her small feet. I'm standing near the bushes, watering them but also laughing at the duo. Yash looks funny acting like a Lion and trying to fail at catching her intentionally while my cotton ball is too bouncy and giggly. She lets out another squeal as she manages to escape from Yash's hold.

I high five in the air from a distance when her eye catches me looking at her. She jumps up to return one in the air, showing her two year molars and I grin back. Yash takes the advantage of her distraction and gets hold of her from behind.

"I got you my cupcake!" she giggles more and it's music to my ears. Yash stands up taking her on his shoulders, both laughing like crazy. It's such a happy sight and I feel like crying because a child that pure had to part with her mother. She deserved Aarohi and Aarohi deserved to see her baby grow up and become everyone's favorite. I swallow the lump in my throat and watch as Yash walks towards me, his cupcake as he nicknamed her, playing with his velvet like hair. He's talking to her cutely and I'm not sure if she understands or not but Yash always tends to talk to kids. He believes that they learn quicker if we keep talking to them. It has been a week since I moved here and she has already charmed Yash too.

"What's wrong?" He asks, standing close to me now and frowning.

"Nothing!" I sniff and smile at the kid on his shoulders. Comparatively, Kabir's shoulders are more broader and muscular. I wonder what this sight would look like if Kabir would've been here.

"Oh is that why you're watering yourself?" Yash's smirk gets to me as soon as I feel something cold and wet at my feet.

"What?" I look down in surprise and see the hosepipe is turned towards me and I'm pretty sure I had it directed towards the bushes. "I didn't," I start to say, frowning at him and then notice what Yash is doing with his free hand while the other holds Riddhi's leg to keep her in place.

"I did!" he winks at me and steps back, leaving the hosepipe, wetting my whole legs in the process. What the Fudge!

Gawaffing, he helps Riddhu down from the back of his neck while she wears a thrilled expression. "Aashu did nhai-nhai!!" Yash encourages her and lands her on the grass.

"Aashu!!" She giggles and speaks cutely in her baby language. It's ridiculous how delighted they both look at my half wet appearance. They are going to get it from me.

I turn the hosepipe towards them, mostly at Yash because he is an idiot and I want revenge! But it's entertaining to watch his cupcake being his savior and protecting him as he bends on both his knees to her height. For the sake of fun Yash doesn't mind getting drenched and we play along for a while.

"Okay okay! Attack time soldier!" He gets up and hold Riddhu's little hand to march towards me. "Say attack!"


"Louder, attack!"

"Atack!" she cheers in her cute ecstatic self. I leave the pipe to them and pretend to run away. Yash lets her hold the pipe and help her direct it towards me and the cooling water hits me. I was half wet anyways and It's nice to escape the day's heat under the sun. I turn round and hear the duo laughing and sprinting water towards me. There is something in the air. A magic of laughter mixed with pretty memories of yesterdays. I look up towards the sky and for a moment, a like experience from my past flashes before my eyes. It's of the time I used to live with Kabir and how while washing the car we have washed ourselves too in the waters of fun and love. I can actually see him chasing me and I was running around the car, wearing my favorite clothes, being so open and carefree, looking pretty. I blink as the water stops coming my way. Tearing my eyes away from the sky I find Yash and Riddhu busy among themselves now playing with each other.

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