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☺Chapter - 38☺

Dedicated to TehseenAftabShaikh as a belated Birthday gift.Happy birthday Aapi


With Kabir beside me, I feel the happiest. Right in this moment I realize my life is really beautiful and complete.

Kabir is wearing a white shirt over his cargo pants and looks handsome as always. Now that I think of it, he has never looked ugly to me. I have seen his state in all kinds of mess and he has always looked good. But there has to be something about him today that is just so like gravity, pulling me to him. His eyes are sparkling today as he guides me through the streets of the city center. Dublin is a very walkable city and hence on Kabir's friend, Peter's suggestion we left the car and decided to use the hop on hop off bus like true travellers. My first meeting with Peter was not that pleasant but this morning when we were about to leave for our day out, he showed up and I got the impression of him as a good person.

When we left Kabir had commented behind Peter's back that he was very clever. I got to know Peter is always behind Kabir's car and in return Kabir liked to ride his bike. Then Kabir had gotten into vehicle talk and though I wasn't much interested, I loved to listen to him talk. Because ever since we met its only my one sided talk that goes around between us. Sometimes when I used to call him from India an year back when we were just engaged, I wondered if he even listened to what I had to say because of his short responses. Those days I was able to make him talk about the city that he lives in at least. And now I'm walking on those streets that he talked about and most importantly, he is the one who is doing all the talking while I just admire him more than I admire the sidewalks and shops. I like what I see. Dublin has got that peaceful and green vibe. The weather is amazing specially and I love that my curls are all surrendered to the winds. I feel happy remembering Kabir smiling as I stepped out of the house. I had curled my hair for him and his approving smile means a lot to me.

After loitering around in the city center, we reach Temple bar square. For brunch Kabir takes me to the Gourmet Burger kitchen and after a long time I just give in to the junk food. All that walking built up my appetite. We then walk around the Temple bar and everything there is so colorful.

"I love street walking. I think I can do this all my life" he sounds happy and I sense some memories floating in his eyes. Before he falls into that zone I insist we take some pictures and selfies to send to our family group.

Click click on our way to City hall. And I don't fail to notice that Kabir's using his phone and not the camera that hangs around his neck.

Passing those small pubs and cafes we reach City hall and the building stands tall with pillars affront. But as we step inside the building I am left speechless. From floor to the ceiling, it takes my breath away in that circular hall. The colors and vivid frames coming out magnificently and these statues of Irish culture depicting the values of the scholars are all speaking volumes about the history there.

"How old is this?" I whisper in admiration.

"It's here from 18th century." Kabir tells me.

We walk down to the basement, explore the museum, church and exhibitions.

From the city hall we go to the Dublin castle, which Kabir tells me is owned by the Irish government. The adjacent gardens are beautiful and we get to walk past some of the medieval spots in the castle. The other rooms in the palace are modern and simply beautiful.

We decide to take a E bike to Trinity college. So I hop on the bike as Kabir takes the other one and it is fun to ride with him, observing the people and the cafes as we are headed towards the college street.

"You've been here so many times right?" I ask him as he parks his bike on reaching the College. It took us hardly 9 minutes and Kabir already drank half water bottle.

"Yeah. We used to race it to here back then." He replies wiping his lips. I wonder if he is talking about his friends or his former girlfriend with whom he used to live. I push back the thought and let my eyes wander.

The buildings of the college are all screaming Georgian architecture. There were students all around us.

"Do you know that Dublin is the city with most of the youth in western Europe?" Kabir's eyes twinkles and I nod in affirmation.

"Yes I did my homework" I chuckle. "I used to surf the net a lot when you were not at home." I tell him and he raises his eyebrows playfully as if to say he is impressed. But he walks ahead and I know he is trying to hide his guilty face. Next 35 minutes we enjoy the campus tour and I am amazed is an understatement. The history and liveliness that is in the air is a good experience. I especially love the manuscripts in the book of Kells and the spectacular Long room.

Since I have spent a lot of time in Libraries, being in one at Trinity feels like home. Also Kabir is a fun and inclusive guide to me. Although he has been here numerous times, he still kept it interesting while he walked me around.

On our way to St. Stephen's Green, we have a nice smoothie at Joe's cafe. After a long time that I was riding something like bike, I enjoy my way downtown.

As we enter the park, Kabir is little off the mood. It's because I tried to film while riding and well ended up falling and hurting my knees.

He holds my hand and takes me to the south side of the garden. The green landscapes spread ahead of us are refreshing. We pass the arch and fountain and it feels beautiful. My eyes are just stuck at Kabir's hand holding mine until he finds us a suitable spot to lunch. We sit on the ground and I catch Kabir eyeing my hurt knees.

"You see the streets here? There are embedded stones and if you fall down like that obviously you'll be hurt."

"It's fine Kabir, don't spoil your mood" I smile inwardly at the care, that he hides so well, surfacing in his expression.

"Do you have a bandaid?" He with his innocent eyes stares at me with expectation and I can't help laugh at his face. He is so lovable.

"Just because I am a doctor doesn't mean I'll go around carrying first aid."

His posture pauses and then he drops his gaze and I feel like pecking his cheeks again. I feel my cheeks flushing and he clears his throat.

"Okay I will unpack you wash that first." He orders me and I shake my head at him. Thank god we don't have a daughter otherwise unknown to the fact that he cares too much, she'll probably go berserk when he'll be overprotective over small injuries like these.

What am I thinking! Well Kabir for sure love kids but I am far from discussing about making babies with him. My face flushes and I quickly avert my eyes when his meets mine. I throw some water to wipe off my knees and then turn around to have a look at the small playground which is separated between junior and senior areas.

Walking back to him, it's a happy sight watching him unpack our lunch. He smiled at me today, held my hand, talked sweetly to me and showed care. Is he finally warming up to me?

"Are you waiting for food to develop legs and come to you?" He asks me before taking a big bite from his burger. I chuckle. He looks like a kid when he eats. The setting is so perfect and Kabir sure looks like a guy on a picnic with his family. Well I am family and it is time for me to join him for lunch.

After a good meal, I ask Kabir to take some good photos for my website. It is a Beautiful location around us. There is the O'Connell bridge above a pond on our right and on our left there are so many flowers, mostly Red and beautiful.

"Okay" he speaks hesitantly, "but You'll have to impress this beauty first" I see his finger pointing at his camera.

"Are you Kidding? Why?" I am surprised for how come this came up? Maybe he is trying to be playful.

"I don't do anything for free, C'mon Aarohi convince this camera and I'll consider this as my fee" he winks and I just stare at him agape. Ah this is him being crazy and it is the first time that he is being this lively. So I just give in.

"Done deal" I bite my lip and he stands before me, the Camera around his neck and an amused look on his face. Amidst the greenery, I am consumed by what lies in his eyes. I sit on my uninjured knee and with a tender smile I look up to the camera. My one hand is raised up to caress its body and then I look at Kabir's surprised face.

"I know you have captured so many other beautiful stuffs and I also know that you've got a little space left for me. It has been long that you set to work but trust the person behind you my friend. He has a soft heart behind that strong demeanor and no matter what he might do to you, give him a nice shot because he puts his soul in you,while he keeps you close to his heart. I know we both believe in him and this is why, let's be friends, let's be his strength, let's make him find his light and trust his instincts."

My breath hitches at last as I stare right into his eyes which are filled with emotions. He blinks and I witness that helplessness again, like someone is binding him and he is struggling against.

"What's wrong Kabir?" I ask as I again stand back on my feet.

"I guess this proposal was not good enough" he says and turns around to walk away. He is doing it again. Hiding his vulnerability and fighting alone. But does he really think so that I'll let it go this time? I follow him as we walk under the canopy of trees. His hair shining under the sunlight that filters through the net of branches above us.

"Kabir" I walk up to him and hold his arm. "Sit" I guide him to a seat on the side which is facing the pond. There are two ducks in the water at a good distance. I point to them and glance at him successively, "why don't you try?"

"Aarohi don't" he objects but I take his hand in mine and blinks at him. "Please!" I squeeze his palm, "nobody can help you until you help yourself Kabir. C'mon, I'm with you and my new friend and I believe in you."

I see him fighting himself and then he raises his camera and within seconds he takes few good pictures of the ducks. I admire the pictures because from where we sit , I can't really read the body of those pretty aquatic birds. In pictures that he took, every detail is astonishingly beautiful, specially their golden eyes.


He ask me disinterestedly. I smile at him. "I don't want to spoil your mood neither do I want to force you for anything."

"I know" he stares ahead and I rest my head on his shoulders as we sit close together. He doesn't keep his arm around me and I guess this is the distance that comes between us everytime. It's like I am stretching a rubber band and when it pulls back, it hurts me.

"The photos are beautiful Kabir. I knew you could do it."

"Stop it Aarohi! Are you trying to make me feel guilty? You can clearly see that "your new friend" is on auto mode!"

He sighs soundly and moves away from me.

"I can't do it!" His voice is hurt and I watch him as he frustratedly runs his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to feel bad but I can't understand why" I lower my gaze because my eyes have teared up seeing him so disappointed in himself. He goes through this everyday at work and I can't imagine how that feels. Because why can't a person operate a camera after breakup. This fact has been troubling me ever since I saw Kabir going down in his career.

Kabir is silent beside me and I wonder what goes around in his mind. "Fine." He sighs. "I will tell you why"

I look up at him and he is already watching me. I don't think he is going to tell me now. So I again hold his hand and smile at him. "Whenever you're ready"

"First I need a beer" he stands up.

"Then let's go see the beer factory" I say, standing up and I'm awfully excited. I have heard about the Irish beer a lot and all through our day out, I have been looking forward to visit the brewery location.

Before we leave St. Stephens green, I don't forget to let Kabir take some good pictures of me for my blog and also some of our selfies with flowers as a good memory. By the time we catch a cab to go to the Guinness Storehouse, both our moods are back to being cheerful. It takes us 15 minutes to get there and I see most of the people heading for the building.

The Storehouse covers seven floors surrounding a glass atrium shaped in the form of a pint of Guinness.

"This place is a major here, but it's not too busy today." Kabir takes my hand and lead us away from the line up. I guess he had already booked our tickets online.

Everything there is very well put together, the place is clean and modern.we are taken to the Brewery site where I see the founder, Arthur Guinness's photograph. At the base of the atrium lies a copy of the 9,000 year lease signed by Arthur Guinness on the brewery site.

We visit various locations which describe and explains the process on how to make and what it takes to create the perfect pint of Guinness. We went through a thorough exhibits of history and interactives on responsible drinking.

Kabir and I also got to pour ourselves a pint of the beer along with a tasting session.

"You like it?" His eyes twinkles over the rim of his glass and I have to admit that I really love it.

"I never thought I'd like it, but yes after knowing the whole process, it's incredible!" True to my words to Kabir, it was a magical experience for me.

"C'mon let's go up" he takes me up the building. There is a 360 viewing point which is very decent and it is damn interesting. After a good time we come down to the fifth floor at the Brewery Bar. It's a restaurant that uses the black stuff both in the cooking and as an accompaniment to food. Kabir had the strong one while I decided for the light coffee, but I could still taste the beer in it.

"This place was awesome! Thank you for taking me here" I tell him as we walk back to the streets after spending three and a half hours at the storehouse.

"This was my first time coming here too." He tells me and I am surprised.

"How could you live here for all these years and not come to this heaven?" I ask him.

"I was probably meant to come here with you for my first time." he smiles at me and I nod at him, "alright! This is it"

I grin and follow him.

It is nearing dark and I am super happy about how we spent the day.

"I enjoyed a lot but all that walking has gotten me tired." I admit to him as he raises his eyebrows at my slow pace of walking.

"Let's catch the bus, you'll love the city at night."


"Just wait till it gets dark and the light come alive" he speaks, that twinkle in his eyes back.

"I know you like to drink that is why you're happy about taking me to pubs" I narrow my eyes at him and he laughs.

"Yes that too, but we'll go to pubs and live the night life on some other day. Tonight I want to take you to someplace good." My eyes catch his Adams apple bobbing as he speaks and I nod in okay. We hop on the bus and I guess we are the only ones on the top floor. The winds are amazing up there and the view as the whole city surrounding us is terrific. As the city wears the darker gowns, the city is beautifully adorned with lights.

"I really love the energy here. It's so lively." I murmur and Kabir smiles at me. "I told you"

"Have mom dad ever been here?" I ask him, pushing my hair back.

He just shakes his head as if realizing the same thing I was about to say. "you should bring them here someday. They'd love the vibe."

"Hmm...we will" he smiles and puts his arm at the back of my seat. His hair delicately ruffles with the winds and I spend my rest of the time just looking at them as he sits looking out. At this moment not a single thought crosses my mind. I am just content and really happy from the inside. I think I am once again in love. Can I really say that I fell for him? With every moment I fall for him more and more and this realization brings a special feeling. I hope one day he too feels as happy as I am now.


I am happy after a long time. There are mainly two reasons. First, that Kukkie got engaged and she is super happy and that makes me happy as well. Second, I was able to overcome my fear of facing people. Today it didn't matter what they uttered, how they looked at me and what impression they had of me. More importantly, Kukkie, mom and dad, they were all so supportive and stood for me for which I feel blessed. Sometimes family can make you feel really special rather than doing their usual barbaric business.

"Di isn't it breathtaking?" Kukkie raises her ring finger in front of my face and I push them away, rolling my eyes on her.

"For Fudge's sake Kukkie! Stop asking me the same thing after every two minutes."

She sighs in a dreamlike fashion and I stare at her with my helpless look. Marriage make girls behave weird.


"Kya hai?" My mum asks me as she enters the room to keep some gift boxes.

"I think our Kukkie's losing her mind" I shake my head at her and exit from the room but not before poking Kukkie's head and sharing a giggle with mum.

As I enter the hallway, I hear my name being called. I turn around to find that Pink-lover guy again. All through the ceremony he had been giving me weird smiles like crazy.

"Hi" he greets.

"oh! I thought all the guests have left for the hotel. Are you looking for someone to drop you off?" I ask him, wanting to get rid of him as soon as I can. There are some people that don't match your vibe and for the reason unknown, they don't seem to be your favourite.I don't know why I don't like him.

"No, I came to see you. Last time I didn't get a chance to introduce myself." He smiles again and it is weird for the umpteenth time this day.

"I have heard a lot about you. I'm Rakshit" Also his speaking mannerism is unusual.

"Uh! How did you know my name by the way?"

"My boyfriend told me." He reveals and I am stumped. What! How come LGBTQ community has gotten so open, meeting people for the first time and telling them off that they have a boyfriend. So that explains why he likes pink and why he is the way he is. I knew there was something off about this guy. But wait! I don't know anyone's boyfriend!

"By any chance, Is your boyfriend's name Yash?" I ask him raising my eyebrows and before he could answer, Yash decides to make his entry.

Yash!!! Boyfriend? How come! I then remember one night Yash had asked me about meeting a guy and for some love advice. Seriously talk about the devil and here he comes.

"Oh you guys met each other already?"

"Yash, can I have a word with you?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Kya hua?" He asks and glances at Rakshit, who just shrugs.

"Excuse us" I say to Rakshit, who again smiles at me and I roll my eyes after turning around.

"Yash!" I pinch his arm.

"Ow!!! What's gotten into you?" He acts loud and I silence him.

"What are you doing Yash, bringing in your boyfriend to my house. Papa ne dekh liya na toh pta nh kya hona h."

"Chill Aashna, how would he know?"

"Yash, my parents aren't that modern, specially papa. He wouldn't give a fudge about your personal preferences and I'd end up lying to him and coming to meet you to maintain our friendship." I try to make him understand about my situation.

"Haan wo toh hai" yash agrees and I pinch him again. "Ow! Ab kya"

"Ek baar bta toh dete that you'd be bringing him too! Now get the fudge out of my house you two." I frown at him and then we turn around.



We both mutter under our breathes as we stare in shock. Papa is standing with Rakshit and he is pointing his finger towards Yash!

I am afraid if Rakshit told my dad that Yash is his boyfriend as easily as he'd told me.

"Yash why the hell is he pointing at you" I side glance at him.

"Now he is pointing at you too Aashna." Yash speaks trying to hide his lipsing. I widen my eyes and look ahead to see Rakshit's finger pointing at me. Then I meet papa's gaze and his questioning eyes scare me.

"Aashna" yash mutters lowly.

"Exactly. I think I'm screwed." 

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Disclaimer: I've never been to Dublin or Ireland so all that I have written is based on my research from the internet. Also thanks to Choco Aapi and Asif bhai for helping me out on some information. And now that I have written about the city and gained so much, I can say you both live in a Beautiful city!!❤

Who else loved Dublin with Kabir and Aarohi? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote.

Love always,

P.S. : Yash bhai don't kill me after you read this🙈😂breakup bhi krwa dungi pese lagenge but😝😈

PPS: Yash bhai isn't gay in real life

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