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☺Chapter - 44☺

❤Dedicated to --Sumi-- and miniTHEnomad as their birthday surprises! Happy birthday❤


"It's good to love, but you need to receive love so you can gain some confidence."

I smile gently at the sound of these words strung together by Aarohi. She had whispered to me in her usual tenderness this evening while handing me my guitar. Through her unshielded love, I have gained much confidence, enough to go out there and perform, exposing myself to this world and expressing my emotions in public. It was liberating to get rid of the heaviness I still have been feeling from this unsolved puzzle that is my love life. And surprisingly when my performance ended and there were cheers all around me, I felt the weight of my emotions gone.

It was like I accepted some part of my destiny and let go of my past. All those moments of feeling betrayed by the universe and the unfairness of my life was evaporating as I heard the hoots all around me. From then on I felt like I was teleported to another world and gradually the voices around me started to fade and it was just me, facing my real self, without wearing the facade of pretending to get on but this time for a change getting on with my life in wholesome actuality. And in my actuality there was a hand holding mine, a soft touch of comfort where I can bury all my inhibitions and seek support whenever I am about to fall. The ring resting on both our hands the very proof of our relationship and giving meaning to how pure it can be if only I dive into it taking my whole self. I start to smile feeling light hearted.

"Dude you've got insane number of views on this live stream!" Vladimir's voice pulls me back from the world I zoned out to, as he comes to stand beside me, keeping his arm around my shoulder.

"What?" I ask him, blankly.

"I went live from your IG. Here!" He says, handing me my cellphone and disappears into the crowd, probably getting back to tend to the customers at the pub. No doubt there are a lot of them and might I admit , quite impressed by me. They keep rubbing my back or showing me a thumbs up in appreciation. Some of them surrounds me to greet me and it's gratifying to hear they loved my song even though it was in a language not even the minorities would understand. But I guess eyes don't lie and they connect in the most unusual way, breaking the language barrier. Their eyes reflects that they connect to what I wanted to convey through my music.

As some random music fills up my ears and the light darkens into the pub, creating a cozy aura, my eyes search for the person who has put so many efforts today to make my birthday special. I spot her socialising with someone. Looking gorgeous in a halter neck silver dress ending above her knees from where her black tights show up disappearing into her black boots. She is smiling brightly at him and seems to be in a perfect amount of comfort. I start to walk towards her and catch a glimpse of pastel solid colored jacket donned by the person she's talking to right now. Just as I realize he is none other than Peter, Aarohi laughs with him. It seems like she is really enjoying herself with him. Her head throws back slightly and her hands comes up in the air, index finger gracefully brushing the strand of her hair away from the side of her cheek. My steps falter as my breathe hitches, my mind keeps replaying her elegant laugh in slow motion through and through again and I realize how beautiful she is. I have never made her laugh like she does now, so carefree yet dignified.

'I wish I had a wife like Aarohi' Peter's words from earlier clouds my mood and a pang of inefficiency and jealousy washes over me. The sight of Aarohi standing with Peter and enjoying in his company fills me with distaste and I am left bothered.


Before I can answer I find myself dash towards my wife, my eyes focused on her possessively and every other noise fading in the background. I can only see her in this moment. A pretty smile plastered on her pink lips and tears of mere delight in her twinkling eyes. Those shiny orbs meets mine and makes me feel like I'm a trophy that she won, because they light up with proud joy making me forget the world and this time I make sure to take her along with me to where ever I was leading.


Each and every thought leaves my body as soon as Kabir holds my hand. One moment I was having a good time with Peter, waiting patiently for Kabir to be done with meeting and greeting his audience. And the other moment I see Kabir walking up to me and leaning in for a kiss. I am surprised at this point of time would be an understatement. As soon as his lips capture mine, I feel the very existence of every hair on my body even though they don't show much on my skin. My eyes close as I frown a little on the electric like current attracting me towards him. If I thought it was just a peck expressing gratitude from him, I was wrong. His arms wrap around my body in all those right places like they were meant to hold me, and he deepens the kiss. My heart flutters as I feel the need to hold onto something, suddenly it's so hot all around. I can hear the hoots around us and feel my knees go weak. Kabir holds my hand and leads it to his neck, before finding its way back down my waist. I could taste the tints of wine as he moves his lips against mine. But it's more like he is claiming me today, showering all his love. Ergo, even if it's too late to respond, I reciprocate all his unsaid feeling towards me. My free hand finds its comfort in clutching the hem of his jacket. It is a long searing kiss and I let myself lose in the moment, cocooned into my dream. And then it dawns upon me how I have started dreaming ever since my engagement to Kabir. I was never a girl with fantasies forget out them being wild. As far as I could get, I always have dreamt of getting kissed by my man among a crowd of strangers in a foreign land. It is amazing how in his arms even this foreign land feels like home as my dream comes true. It is more amazing how so many people surrounds us, there are all types of voices coming but I am not listening to a single one. All I can hear is our soft sighs mingling with each others, all I can acknowledge is his presence so close to me, all I can feel is him consuming my heart with a warm fuzzy feeling. I smile against his lips, my memory throwing several flashbacks of today into my mind. He looks so dashing everyday but today I was seeing him as a man more, his handsome face smiling at me and my efforts, his naturally styled hair tempting me to run my fingers through them. Just now I have the very chance of doing so. My fingers find their way up from the nape of his neck into his soft and warm hair.

The need of oxygen rescues us from our private affair and we come out of the kiss breathing hard. I tug at his hair, his head leaning away from me and his gaze finds my face, surprise inflicted in them. But my eyes still needs time to get focused. I became dizzy from the spontaneity of what we shared just now. I can feel sweat in the palm of my hand clutching his jacket. I chuckle breathing out and rest my head at his chest and he pulls me close, hugging from my waist. As i close my eyes, my heartrate takes time stabilizing on its own. He caress my hair from behind and I am touched at the gentleness he is showing towards me tonight. I can feel my lips tingle in absence of his touch, sensitive to the rush of adrenaline that has pushed throughout our beautiful moment together. I sigh, resting my cheeks against his body, listening to the faint beats of his heart beneath it.My senses comes back to me and I can now hear the slow soft music in the background. When I open my eyes I realize we were moving slowly. Kabir was swaying us into a slow dance, the music now more clearly audible. There are people staring at us in awe and suddenly I am poured with the holy water of shyness all over. My cheeks heat up and I turn my head to the other side, hiding in Kabir's embrace.

He drops a tender peck on my head and I can feel him smiling. When I raise my head and my eyes meet his, I can feel the warmth of that very affection I have been dying to experience.

"we're not in a dream right?" Even though everything was certainly real, I still pose the question. He just chuckles softly and shakes his head. There is happiness swimming in his eyes and it brings the toe curling excitement in me. He let me roll out only to pull me back right against his chest, this time my back hitting his front. OK step change. It's then I take note of the slow music beats. He rests his chin on my bare shoulder, and just by the mere touch shivers run down my spine. His cool breath near my ears making me feel more like a woman.

"It's not a dream Aarohi" he whispers softly, my name rolling out on his tongue in a very unusual fashion. I swipe my tongue over my lips, lightly biting on the lower ones.

"I'm sorry I took so long" he grazes his nose aginst my ear and my eyes close tight, trying to keep myself steady. Before I could register his words he quickly changes the step, dipping me down. My eyes open up in astonishment, his face so close to me, the back light colorfully illuminating his body outline, his hair shining above his cheerful eyes. My one feet dangle in the air, as his strong arms support my body. When I find the earth below me again, it feels like it has been long I've been flying out somewhere. Everyone claps for us and I can't help but giggle.

He stares down at me, amusement clear in those dark brown eyes.

"I feel like a star tonight" I grin at him as he stands beside me to face everyone,my one hand still held in his securely.

When we step down into the crowd again, Kabir squeezes my hand demanding my attention and I look up at him.

"You are a star Aarohi" he winks at me and then smiles, leading us ahead. My breath falters in its wake and I wonder if he was talking about just tonight or for as long as we'd be together in this life.


After spending a crazy time, celebrating my birthday in the closed hours of porterhouse brewery, I was content. There was a time when I used to hang out with Peter, Vladimir and Lily and someone else was at my side then. But tonight having Aarohi stick by my side I didn't feel like something was missing. That empty feeling has died and surprisingly I feel lighter in every aspect. There is this new confidence in me that it is possible to get on with my life. With of course Aarohi by my side.

I park the car outside our house and I glance at my pretty wife who's dozed off, her head resting on the window. I lightly pat her shoulders in order to wake her up. She has done so much for me today and showed a great amount of enthusiasm that even I couldn't manage to have for my birthday.

"Aarohi wake up! We're home." I smile as she stirs. As long as I remember Aarohi, she has never been among those cute girls. She is like a miracle. Always beautiful.

She clears her throat, gathering her hair and tying them into a bun, before getting out of the car. While she unlocks I quickly steer the car into the garage. I grab my jacket from the backseat and walk towards the front door, only to find Aarohi still standing at the door. When I arrive I see many packages lying on the floor. My eyes lit up from a child-like excitement for of course they were gifts from back home in India. We quickly move all of them into the drawing room, Aarohi even more excited about unboxing them all.

We sit together, her having some light wine and I drinking a strong one because I feel happy. We casually talk about the gifts and our parents. Aarohi tells me how our aunt never made her feel the absence of her parents on her birthdays. She was away for studies but even then gifts found their way to reach her. I love the way she would talk about her sister and brother in law and their kids, our aunt and uncle and even my parents. Her eyes always reflects the respect she carries for them.

"But you miss your parents." I state, searching her eyes. She glances down, her tongue licking the bottom lip and then smiling tenderly at me she speaks, "I do. The void can always be filled anytime but one can't replace them." Through her eyes, she points to the gifts my parents sent me and then sighs, "No one can replace their children for them as well. So make sure to call them from time to time." She caress my hand and then leaves me to my thoughts.

She is right. I do call my parents but not as much as I should. Dad's pretty cool maybe, he has his job to take care of and probably keeps busy mostly but my mom! After Biji expired, she is left all alone and I know she misses me. I miss her too.

My eyes prick with tears as I graze the texture of a handwoven muffler she sent me with my initials designed on it. Lately I have been so busy trying to figure out my feelings, my career and my married life that I haven't been keeping check of if she was okay. Of course I asked over phone and she said she's alright but I know better I should have given more thought to how she feels. Maybe she shared with Aarohi or maybe Aarohi understands them better, realizing this now makes me feel guilty somewhere. I make a mental note to call my mom first thing in the morning and tell her how much I liked what she sent and just how much I love her.

I pour one more glass for me and quickly swallow the liquid down my throat. My eyes swiftly catch the sight of another small gift laying beside me. I grab hold of it and unpack it. It contains a whole package Nautica Voyage latest collection of colognes.

"Holy shit!" My mouth just opens up wide and I sit wondering who has sent me this. To calm my nerves, I grab the bottle and drink from it more than I needed to calm down. I close my eyes as my throat burns from the strong taste of alcohol.

Breathing in and out I search for the name tag or a hint about the sender. My eyes go through all the names, my parents, uncle aunt, aarohi's sister but I can't guess who might have sent me my favourite brand that too latest one. I take a bottle out and try it out on my body and just as I anticipated, it smelled freaking outstanding. My head gets dizzy as I close my eyes soaking in the maddeningly consuming fragrance.

I shrug out of my tee Shirt to loosen up and look for Aarohi. I can't find her in the kitchen so maybe she has gone inside to our room. I walk towards the bedroom, thinking that she might be asleep but on opening the door, the sight that greets me is incomparable to anything I have ever seen.

I suck in a breathe as my palms twitch in enticement. Our bedroom lit in golden lights, the walls dimming in background outshining the bed and the dresser. Aarohi is standing facing her back to me but I can see her face illuminated in the soft diffused light through the mirror. Her tights and boots now lay in a corner and she looks ravishing in that silver dress hugging her body as she turns sideways, about to unzip from behind just when I enter the room.

Alarm bells ring in my mind, trying to warn me to seek control. But when have I ever been able to do so, my fight has always been in between trying to gain control and letting it loose too. Alcohol in my body was playing tricks with my mind, my vision a slight blur, making her look more attractive than she intended.

I run my hand through my hair as I stroll close to where she is standing.

She acknowledge my presence, now fully facing me and searching my eyes.

"Did you cry?" She asks softly.

The air surrounding us is increasingly becoming heavy. I swallow and somehow manage to nod in yes. "Hmm...a little"

She smiles at me, her gaze travelling down my lips and rests on my neck. Stepping closer she closes her eyes and I try hard to keep my hands in place. I can feel her nose in the crook of my neck and then I hear her take a whiff.

"Smells fantastic." She murmurs and I can feel her warm breath on my skin. I am not in my right mind and at this rate I am afraid I'd lose myself with her. Aarohi initiating skinship is something new to me and I wonder if I'm driving her mad too like she does with me?

She faces me then, a bright satisfying smile on her lips and her hands still around my neck.

"So you liked it!" She almost squeals and the wheels in my head turn. I frown. What is she talking about? Of course I liked her being this close to me. I stare at her blankly as she grins and raises her perfectly arched eyebrow. That does it. Turning me on! Before I can proceed to do something wild, it dawns upon me what was she talking about.

The Nautica Voyage latest ranges! Yes! That gave that wild fragrance, enough to drive any woman mad. Now I understand her.

"That was your gift" I smile so big at her that I am sure she can see the skin cracking on my face. I don't care! She actually pretty much did something which means a lot to me. That collection I couldn't get from a long time because of my oh so depressed and distracted life. I have almost forgotten to live and do things I loved but Aarohi today took me to adventures, made me perform and now getting this present is so thoughtful of her.

I laugh through my open mouth as she nods in aye, proud of herself maybe to get me this excited and hyped about it all. I gather her in my arms, lifting up from the floor and swirling her in the air. Her surprised giggles are priceless to hear. It's music to my ears and I grin at her from below as she clutch my shoulders in support.

"Okay I got it you loved it! Get me down Kabir!" she urges cupping my face from one hand. The skin behind her thigh graze against my wrist as I bring her down, both our breathing harsh.

"I freaking love it Aarohi. Thank you!" My eyes would make the brightest star in any sky at this moment, I am that happy. I stare at her with gratitude and she leans in to peck a sweet kiss on my cheeks.

"Happy Birthday!" She whispers and just like that we keep staring at each other, our eyes engaged in a conversation of their own, smiles playing on our lips and bodies intensely aware about the proximity we share. After it feels like eons of time passed by, she turns her back at me, her eyes asking for a little help from the mirror. My eyes travel to the zip on her back my feet uncannily fixed on the floor as I try to feel the world around me running. But all I feel is that time has just ceased to exist. I can hear my own breathing get faster as I raise my hand and grab the zipper between my middle finger and index finger. I can see her getting red in the face from the mirror, I can see she shares these bodily reactions that I'm feeling, I can see her chest rise and fall more rapidly. With a swift motion I reveal the creamy skin at her back. Without thinking rational, I close the gap between us, standing really close to her and bringing my face down on her shoulders.

"Did you drink the whole bottle? She asks me, her eyes still closed. I hold her arms with both my hands, feeling my chest touch her back and it's electrifying with so many intimate thoughts already making way in my mind. I feel light headed, inhaling her sweet scent, burying my face in her shoulder blade.

"Can I touch you?" I ask away in a haze. Without regrets. There was no turning back now, she is igniting these new feelings inside me which are driving me insane, my senses swirling in all the manners. All the rationality has left my mind and all that remains is the desire and need to love.


Her answering moan is my cue.I have no thoughts hereafter. I just want to live in this moment and that's what I should be doing.

Little did I know that it would be a sick mistake on my part.

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Hey loves! Hope you're doing well and If not , please remember to smile for those to whom it matters.

Let me know in the comments what is going on in your mind after reading this update. Votes really help me so don't forget to turn that star orange.

Leave your wishes for Mini di it's her birthday today and also for Sumi, who's is on 4th oct, that's Tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more 😉

Love always,

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