👼Its us now👼

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☺Chapter 15☺

Dedicated to Coffeeholicme11 for ?? No I don't need a reason. Just a special update for someone special


"Always you" he whispers, his voice a silken caress wrapping around me.

His eyes are burning black, deep and intense into mine and I'm again thrown into that pool of feelings which entraps and pulls me, a force I've never experienced before. The silence between us stretches and I try searching something in his eyes, anything what might be going on in his mind. His face is unreadable so I focus on his eyes, gazing direct and unblinkingly.

Loud cheers break, ending our silent moment as we watch upwards to the bridge, heart shaped balloons swaying with the February wind under a dark sky. Soon there are three booms, one after the other , array of colorful lightning fireworks shoots up touching the sky and coming off scattered in beautiful patterns like a flower. I turn around to watch properly, my back hits Kabir's chest as he hold my hand. I stare at him, his eyes reflecting the colorful sky, as he watches with a smile. My eyes follow his to the bridge, An old man sat on a wheelchair is holding a rose in his hand, offering out to an old lady with medium height, she is wearing a woolen cap too big for her head, she fingers it trying to keep it from covering her eyes.

I realise my heartbeats have gone crazy as I wait for the couple in front of us to carry on. The lady accepts the rose and bend on her knees to kiss the old man, and as she does the sky again lightens with fireworks, this time scattering out in more colors and forming into letters.

I read inaudibly "one step closer" .

More cheers are followed as their family joins them, all youngsters unlike them. At some distance I could see the others kayaking, their boat LED's still on to spot them. There is an aura of celebration all around us and its heart warming.

🎶🎼🎵And would you take away my hopes and dreams and just stay with me?

I turn around at the sound of music to find Kabir has played it through my phone. I smile at the song, its my favourite "One" from Ed Sheeran.

My hairs hugs my face with the cool breeze and its then I realise he is still holding my hand when I move to wipe them off.

Surprisingly he does it for me. His fingers are rough but strangely comforting to my skin as he brushes.

🎶🎼🎤Take my hand and my
Heart and soul, I will
Only have these eyes for you
And you know, everything changes but
We'll be strangers if we see this through
You could stay within these walls and bleed
Or just stay with me 🎶🎶🎼🎵

"Kabir," I say breathlessly, my heart fluttering. "I can't help it when you're stood so close to me. If you're doing this to embarrass me, then you're such a jerk and I'm going to hit you hard"

He chuckles at me, his warm breathe feathers on my eyes as they closes trying to keep me sane.

"I'm not doing it to embarrass you"

I meet his eyes, gay black eyes, it all feels so cozy in the middle of the water, floating over these flower beds, being so close to him.

All my senses come to life
While I'm stumbling home as drunk as I
Have ever been and I'll never leave again
'Cause you are the only one🎶🎼🎤🎵

"Can I tell you something?" He asks. His lips curve into what is possibly the most irresistible smile I've ever seen on his face,and he looks up at me sincerely.

I have a faint idea where will it go, but I hold my breathe, nodding at him to continue.

🎶🎼🎧🎤 And all my friends have gone to find
Another place to let their hearts collide
Just promise me, you'll always be a friend
'Cause you are the only one🎶🎼🎤

"I want you in my life forever, I want this for always. I'm so glad for the Bhopal power supply cut, for me being there, for you walking out of your door, to having met you."

He says, warming up my heart as I return his smile with my dazzling one.

"Me too" I grin at him.

"You make me laugh a little louder , smile a little brighter and love life a little harder. When you're around you make my life a little better." His hand squeezes on mine and for a reason my heart is pumping loud and full. I am sure of where he's heading.

I decide to hear him, so I wait.

🎶🎼🎤. I am so gone, so tell me the way home
I listen to sad songs, singing about love
And where it goes wrong

He holds my other hand as well, giving a skip to my heartbeat. "I've always wanted someone I can talk to for hours and be silent with." He licks his upper lips, man is he nervous.

"I think you're the one Aashna"

🎶🎼🎵. Take my hand and my
Heart and soul, I will
Only have these eyes for you
And you know, everything changes but
We'll be strangers if we see this through
Just promise me, you'll always be a friend
'Cause you are the only one 🎶🎶🎼🎼

Holy macaroni cheese.

On toast.

With extra ketchup.!!!

What does he mean by I'm the only one.

My toes curl and suddenly I feel the weight of his hands on mine as they are warm, but still I shudder.

"Kabir, I..." I can't figure out what to say and he sighs then breathes in a long gush, stepping close and searching my eyes.

"Aashna, I like you, I really really like you in fact. I'm sorry for not admitting it all this while but I can't say what this is ...its just I have these feelings for you right from deep in my heart. I want to be with you"

His eyes are sincere and I'm staring wide eyed at him, my legs, my whole body going numb as I only can feel his warmness radiating from his eyes. I'm feeling so light. Like a huge burden has left and then I realise its him who should feel such but he is still staring at me. I process his words in my mind.

Kabir Malhotra likes me. His words are simple but there is something more deeper hidden in those orbs that he is not unleashing. Is that love? No he likes me. But why is it that I want more?

And this sadness that he only likes me is disappointing. I take my hands back and he frowns at me probably sensing my face has fallen.

But he does like me. I like him back should I tell him?

"Is there more?" I feel stupid and embarrassed as I ask and turn around.

"What do you want to hear?" He says in his husky voice that do things to my soul. I'm breathing hard. Its like I'm getting all the focus in a class full of 100 students, standing to speak my heart out.

"I want to know since when?" I manage to ask.

Seconds pass and still he is not saying something. The silence is uncomfortable and I shift again to face him, the boat slants and then balances on water.

His eyes are closed. But still I can feel them on me.

"I've never felt this strongly about someone ever in my life. Didn't I tell you I was searching for the one who makes me feel the same way I feel for my passion?" His eyes opens, and I'm surprised to find them with thin glistening wetness of honesty and probably respect. I chew on my lips and blinks at him.

"You makes me feel even stronger, like I can do anything in my power. And then there is you again who makes me feel so vulnerable at heart. No I don't want to confuse you with my weakness, its just I'm afraid somewhere that this dream ...that you and me it will break off like a shattering dream in the morning, which never comes back."

He blinks back some pearls and fiddle on his watch. I'm appalled to see him like that. One second he takes charge and the other he falls apart like this.

"I'm not going to go anywhere Kabir. The day after you left, I started counting days till the next time I can see you."

"Then hold on! Because I fell in love with the way you looked at me, spoke to me, touched me without using your hands and left me breathless and still full of life" he holds my hand , his finger tips grazing mine.

🎵🎼🎶. Take my hand and my
Heart and soul, I will
Only have these eyes for you 🎶🎼🎶

His words sucked out all my breathe away. I feel goose bumps rise onto my whole body as he admits he fell in love.

This is so recklessly crazy, these concepts. When he said he liked me I wanted him to love me, and now that he does in some ways, I think its too early to love someone.

"I want to hold on too" I whisper and his eyes meet mine, happiest tonight. "Are you sure Kabir..about me? So soon?"

🎶🎼🎶🎤. I'm stumbling off drunk, getting myself lost
I am so gone, so tell me the way home
I listen to sad songs, singing about love
And where it goes wrong 🎶🎶🎼🎵

He smiles a small smile, a slight musing it seems.
"The heart doesn't wear a watch Aashna- its timeless. It doesn't care how long you've known someone.what the heart cares about is resonance. Resonance that opens it. Resonance that enlivens it, resonance that calls it home. And when it finds it, the transformation begins. You don't measure love in time. You measure love in transformations...you've done it for me Aashna. When I'm with you, I'm not pretending, I'm being myself and you makes me love myself and brings to me the joy of this life we're all blessed with. No I don't have much idea about how to love and what does it feel like...but I want you to be the one that helps me find out."

There are a lot of emotions swirling in my heart right now and I feel it edging to explode. How can he make sense so easily and inbuilt these feelings inside me all unwelcomed initially but making home in there with a determined finality?

The next song starts to play as we are still sat facing each other.

🎵🎵🎼🎶There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
My first love
You're every breath I take
You're every step I make

And I
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do💌🎵🎼🎶

We both smile hearing the lyrics and then I can't control as I come undone. There is so much love in his eyes,all for me. So honest, so pure and completely new, when I was least expecting it to strike me, it did! His love.

Its so overwhelming and spellbounding. What is it with tonight.

"Bolo saath dogi na mera?" He asks.

🎶🎶🎼🎵And your eyes,
They tell me how much you care

I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms🎶🎶🎼💌

I hold on to his jacket lapels unzipped hanging on either side of his shoulders, tears silently burning my eyes. He doen't move, he just let me be. As I hold him I know this man will give all of him to me. And I want to do the same, for him. Its only him in my life.

I look up at him, smiling through my tears ending his last bits of anxiousness. I blink at him once. Twice. And then he nears me, holding my arms staring into my eyes deep. Its like he is ripping me off of any sheath covering my soul. Its just him and just me.

🎼🎶🎵Oh, yes
You'd be the only one
'Cause no, I can't deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you

You mean the world to me
I know I've found in you
My endless love.🎶🎶🎼🎵

I whisper the lyrics along with the song playing, my voice cracky but mingling with that of Mariah Carey.

And then it happens, I fall even more with the stunning smile he gives me and pulls me to him. "Thank you" he whispers taking me in his arms. And I close my eyes slightly relieved of the awkwardness I was feeling. He knows. He knows what he does to me. But he also reciprocates it all. And even better than me, more deeper than me. Maybe what I have is not of that level but we'll work it out together now. Kabir has talked a lot tonight. All of his heart on display for me. I can't have gotten enough luckier than this.

Can this be true, tell me can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete, I thought I was whole.
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?

I breathe in his scent, his body warming mine. His touch is not anymore making me nervous but is relaxing. It feels like a big part of me is complete. Like I lack nothing. I have everything in the world.

Is this what love feels like? Am in love with him?

"I want you by my side forever" I whisper and he rests his chin on my head, caressing my hairs behind. The next song on my list plays along and I'm lost into it, relating it to him. To us.

Its no me. Its no him.

Its us now.

🎼🎶💌Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent a little more time on you.🎶🎼💌

I don't know for how long we've been sitting there. I rest my head on his shoulders as his arms wraps around me. And together we watch the world celebrate the day of Love. There are fireworks lighting the sky, scattering with messages of love.

Somewhere I read 'promises'. Somewhere 'Happy Valentines' ,

'Names and hearts' , and 'I love you's'

I think of Kabir, I know he does love me. And I don't know if I do. I can't put a name to it. But I respect him so much for giving me space and time. He is still doing that. He still won't say until I come around as sure. But I know he is the one for me.

And the best thing is I'm happy. He's happier. Together we will make it to happiest.

We've begun for our forever.



Its 11:39 pm as i check the digital clock when we get back home. I don't feel a least bit sleepy and tired. I'm in a jovial mood from all that transpired between us on the river. Aashna stumbles in her heels behind me and I holds her steady.

"Easy ! come here." I make her sit on the couch and she rests her head on the head rest tiredly. These days she is liking the stout I drink a bit too much.

I takes out her heels, my eyes resting on her soft skinny legs and then I avert my eyes.

"Aashna c'mon! Just few more minutes then sleep" I say as I try to make her stand. I can see she is tired but I can't contain my excitement.

She huffs,pouts and makes faces cutely making me grin. But finally I manage to make her stand again, her dress once again straightening on her slender body. All this evening she has looked so breathtakingly gorgeous, too nice for my eyes. As we reach my room I open my closet door and ushers her into the narrow passage.

Now she seems all the more excited and curious to see where am I taking her.but I know better she will fake disinterest.

"Kal nahi dekh skte?"

"Uh hunh! Now's the time." I let her in to more open space and leave her hand as she is left open mouthed. She stares on the walls but I'm too busy oogling at her.

I hear her sharp intake of air as she gasps, her hands covering her mouth.

I wave my hand to the walls where I've decorated her numerous pics from Delhi, till now. Pics she does not know of when I have clicked. Like right now when I'm clicking at her again. With my heart.

"What is this place, kabir?"

"My temple, its where I worship you." I smile at her fondly. And she runs her hand through her hairs while the other rests on her heart. Damn. That's distracting with the v neck she is wearing without jacket.

🎤Tu hi hai ...mujhko Jo de khushi. Tu hi hai...jiske bin mai kuch bhi toh nahi." 🎤

I whisper and crosses the distance between us to take her hand. And as I do her hands rest on my shoulder, beneath them my body pleases the monster in my stomach.

🎤"Saanso ka aana jaana tu...dhadkan ka yu gungunana tu...

Har pal dil kehta hai mujhe...

Jeene ka har baahaana tu"🎤

I sing for her swaying her with me as we move in a slow circle. Her petite waist perfectly shaped under my palm.

🎤"pal bhar me jaane kya hua....tere chere ko nazro ne jo chu liya.

..Dekha Jo tujhe mujhe lga...kismat ka Tara mujhko tujhme mil gaya" 🎤

I keep singing to her as we dance in a slow dance. She is smiling up at me and then can't help herself from looking at the walls around us, full of her and roses adorning the empty spaces.

"when did you plan this all?"

She asks.

"You took so long to get ready, kya karta mai tab?" I tease and she punches me good naturedly in the rib.

"What if I would have said no? This all hardwork would have been a waste" she mocks but I turn serious.

Somehow I knew already she feels for me. "i was confident of your answer, of course you couldn't have resisted this charming boy" I cock my eyebrows at her and for the first time in this day she does it. She blushes under my gaze, as her eyelashes kisses her cheeks and her lips gets chewed by her.

"Five minutes left of your birthday!" I suddenly remembers and lead her to the kitchen. From the fridge I bring to her a heart shaped chocolate cake. I'm as inexperienced in this romantic stuff as they come in this area. But I try.

I take her hand and together we cut the cake.

"To us"

"To us!"

She smiles that high power watt smile that brightens my soul from within. She makes me eat the piece and I copies her. We take some selfies.

I've dreamed of doing all these things with her someday. Now this has come true.

"Thank you Kabir. For making it the best day" she whispers and I'm lost in her smile as she quickly pecks my cheeks and runs away to her room.

I'm left grinning wide to the empty kitchen, her half eaten bite sitting in front of me reminding me of her. As I grab that bite I imagine the color in her cheeks right now.

Witty, smart, polite, angry and even awkward Aashna has met me. But I'd love to meet this shy one from hereon.

I put the cake back into the fridge playing and replaying the kiss few minutes back.

This contentment with what I walk into my room, is what I've always wanted from everything that I've come across and loved. But this what am I feeling right now, is apar. Its another level of indescribable heartfelt love.

And if not before, then certainly I've fallen for her even more deeper. And we're together. Like together together.

I laugh feeling the craziness of being loved by the same girl I love. Maybe she doesn't realise it now that she loves me in too deep, but I know better.

I close my eyes in bliss. I thank my stars and every Lord that I know of for blessing me with her.

This, what I have inside me is so strong, endless love that I know is a promise of forever.

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In love with me? 💃👻
Then quick!! give me your reviews and don't forget to vote.

See you in next update. Take care.

Love always,
Sue 😘

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