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☺Chapter 18☺

Dedicated to kkaps_ for all those moments together.❤


Shoot! I can't believe it has been two weeks I know this and still I didn't manage to tell him. Its gonna be hard if he knows this now.

"What's stopping you?" Lee asks me, eyes wide staring into mine from the iPad screen.

"It's not that I don't want to tell him, but Everytime I try to tell him, he says such lovely things that I refrain from spoiling his mood." I cross my arms sighing.

"Look sweetheart, I can just say you guys should talk about it before its too late." Lee stares at me in concern and I nod .

"I guess you're right"

"Yeah? Coz you get me how's it gonna be! This news will be dropping like a bomb on him and he is going to be soooo mad at you!"

"I know" I pout and Lee look around.

"Wait up! I think there's someone at my door, I'll be back."

"Okay!" I watch Lee walk out of the camera and I'm sitting having a good look of his dining room wall with Arabic paintings hanged there in an unattached trim fashion.

"Hi" Kabir walks in my room carrying a package.

"Hey, where have you been?" I'm delighted to see him back home.

"Downtown with Peter. Supp?"

"I was just video chatting to my friend Lee hu, from Dubai."

"Ohw hey hey! Lee hu!" Kabir excitedly comes to sit with me grinning at the screen.

"Where's she? Is she hot?"

He asks me not seeing Lee on the camera.

I laugh at him poking his nose. "Kabir, He's 'He' not ' she' and yes he's very hot." I wink at him.

"Oops! Bye bye! Lee!" He again calls out and slams my iPad close.

"What the hell! I was talking" I glare at him.

"Enough talking! Its boyfriend time c'mon" he helps me to my feet, all excited and I'm left frowning at him.

"What are we doing?" I ask him as he hands me a mop and a mask.

"Cleaning!" He grins at me and I gape at him!

"You! What time is this to clean huh? You were the one sleeping late in the morning Kabir! Then you spend your day out with Peter, leaving me alone and now its evening and you want me to help you clean?"

"That's right!" He smiles at me. Oh that charm I know it well.

"No thanks! I better sleep"

"Aashna, I went to bring in all these things alright?"

"This you should have told me before leaving nahi?" I fold my hands and he sighs.

"OK you want me to apologise for not telling you. I'm sorry baby!" He rests his palms over my shoulder.

I smile inwardly. Kabir can't even put up with a fight. He would always apologise first so that I can't be mad at him for long.

"Why so sweet?"

"Well what can I say?" He chuckles and hands me the mop again while he wears his mask.

We both set to work with Rachael platten singing 'The fight song' in the background.

The 6 pm sunlight washes the living room into a golden sunset glow, illuminating the dust particles in the sun rays. I see rainbow colors in the small water droplets kabir sprays at me in his mischief. The shadow his stubble makes on his cheeks and the way he stands in the light path spraying at me is fascinating, its a beautiful sight, his hairs rustling in the warm winds coming from the window. I spray attack back at him, those water sprays rising in the sunlight and swiftly flying in a projectile at him as he bends in his defence. His laugh echoing and warming up my heart. The sunlight soon leaves the hall out to the window on the road. We follow it out to the garage.

"You know what they say?"

He asks me while uncovering the car.

"About What?" I ask him curiously.

"About girls looking sexy while cleaning teh car"

I catch it. The naughty glint in his eyes.

"Really?" I laugh splashing the water on teh windscreen and grabbing the sponge.

"yeah!" He winks taking off his T shirt.

I smirk. "Now are you trying to prove them wrong by competing? Coz I'm not gonna strip"

He chuckles with his wolfish grin flashing white. "no! But what do you think?" He leans over the bonnet scrubbing the metal with his sponge. His bisceps flex and I can see his shoulder muscle bobbing in an out under his sunset skin.

He again stands resting his elbow on top of the car, "Ain't boys sexier?"

Hell yeah! My jaw drops open not at the act earlier but the way he arches that eyebrow and a devilish smirk plays on his lips.

"I dunno about other boys but you make the sexiest." I wink at him and squirt some washing liquid all over his front.

He is startled and his elbow slips with a surprised look on his face. "Hey!"

I giggle, like a 5 year old dropping all my weapons and running around the opposite side of the car.

"Wait who's gonna scrub all that huh?" He runs towards me, trying to distract me. But guess what smarty pants, I'm faster than you. I giggle again as he takes aim.

"Catch meif you can!" I scream, while running, at the touch of the water streaming towards me. I turn around to see Kabir with a hosepipe. Damn him!

There starts a Chase and Run game between us as I grab another one. The sun has set and teh sky is evening blue, getting darker by minutes. We are still behind each other to try and drench each other more than we already are.

I've still got lot of energy in me but I can see its dark and Kabir might catch cold if he stands here without something covering him. So we quickly get done with the car, wiping it all and setting it back to its glamorous shiny black.

We head back fully drenched and I run straight to my room wanting to get rid of the sticky wet clothes.

After 20 minutes of blissful warm shower when I walk out of the shower, I notice my face in the mirror. I fudging look like an adolescent, I dunno from where are these acnes and pimples emerging! To top it I'm unable to understand my body! I'm facing this untimely cycle and I'm gaining weight too. what can be more horrible of a news to a girl.

Coming out I spot a package that Kabir had brought earlier.

There are anti-acne creams and cool & clear wipes to kill oil. He got these for me! I'm touched. I sit and read at the back of the package. I have this habit of reading every word on the back from directions for use to mfds.

"Sirf dekhne ke liye nahi hai" his voice surprises me. There's something wrong with his throat.

"C'mon let me help applying this gel"

"Thank you for bringing these, but trust me I've tried as many creams and gels I could and they have always failed." I sigh in rejection.

"I specially hunted down this, try for me at least?"

He rolls the cap open dabbing on his index finger.

I roll my eyes, " you don't understand, its the internal defect, and I honestly don't think they're going to help me"

I eye his index finger coming closer to my cheeks.

He gently applies it on my face sushing me by keeping a finger on my lip. "If this too doesn't help then I'll take you to someone I know, who would solve this internal problem or whatever."

I blink in acceptance as he dabs it over my face.

"You don't have to see me like this" I drop my eyes low and he tips my chin up.

"Can't believe you are saying this! What happened to 'I love myself and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks'?"

"But I want to be perfect for you" I say in a low voice.

"And do I make you feel you're not?"

He asks, his hands stopping to cup my cheeks loosely.

What do I say now. I just shake my head. He sighs.

"Look at me Aashna." I do and his eyes makes me burn with the amount of intensity and sincerity he carries in his eyes.

"Listen, it you who I'm in love with. Not your face, or these pimples hairs neither any individual parts. You as a whole Aashna, with or without these free points on your skin."

"I want to be beautiful for you, without these" I wave my hand at my face.

He smiles at me, "beautiful toh tum ho hi. As for these villains of your confidence, let me think" he taps his finger on his chin and I try hard not to let him see the warm blush rising up my neck.

"Okay" I whisper.

"Thats my girl, now are you drinking more water?"

I rub the back of my head remembering when was the last time I drank. Shoot I should really drink more water. And I'm gaining weight. I pout sadly as his expressions turn serious. He closes the cap of the gel tube and grabs my phone. I gather the tubes and wipes and walk to my drawer to put them in.

Kabir is still busy with my mobile so decide on getting the dinner ready, it has been a tiring evening and I just want to be done with the dinner and go to sleep. Oh no I have to let him know that I'll be leaving soon. Should I start a topic of being apart and then hit around the bush or just keep it to the point.

What would it be like to go back. Ofcourse I'll be happy with my family, I miss them so much. But I'm habitual to Kabir's presence. I don't wanna leave but then again I can't just live here with no purpose.

I'm very unsure about the future, its like a hazy glass, I can only see there is a future, but what is it? I can't figure out, its all in blur.

"What are you thinking?" I look up hearing his voice.

"Hmm...nothing. Kya banau?"

I stand straight glancing at the fridge not able to decide on what should I cook.

"Whatever suits you suits me" he says , taking a seat at the counter and rotating my cell on his palms.

"Okay! Be careful with my phone" I makes it stop from circling and kabir hold on to my hand pulling me close between his knees and locking his ankles at my back. Woah? This is really awkward position and I'm pretty close. Not that I haven't been before, but Everytime is new for me. There's a fire burning in my heart as he keep on staring into my eyes, not uttering a single syllable. Okay, I might make way for tears if I don't blink now.

"There is something going on here." He states confident as he is most of the times. His index finger knocking the side of my forehead. "What is it?"

"Yes there is something I wanted you to know" I start uncertainly, I don't want to make him sad. But better make him now rather than shocking him as Lee adviced.

"You know you can tell me anything right. We'll talk over dinner, bhook lagi hai yaar" he releases me and I let out the breathe I was holding.

Thank him for the time, at least I can gather my thoughts and emotions while cooking.

"I've set the water app in your phone"

"Water what?" I ask him while collecting the ingredients for making curry rice.

"This is an app, that will remind you every 80 minutes or so to drink water and at the end of the day you will have an estimation of the volume you consumed."

He explains me and I smile at him, "cool!"

We engage with some usual jazz and sweet sarcastic arguments over dinner.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Kabir." I tell him as he sips on the drink.

"Nothing to miss, i'm all here and yours"

He says smiling at me.

"I meant when I leave from here." I say in a small voice and he stares at me, an alarm in his eyes.

"Are you planning on moving?"

"Someday or other I have to."

"What am I missing Aashna?" He asks, his eyes pleading sort of soft.

"Kabir, I'm done. My job is done here. I'll have to go back home and think on starting something new."

He holds my hand as I tell him.

"Why you can stay here Aashna, even after job, you can find something to do here" he says, his thumb circling my inner wrist.

"I can't, this isn't right too. And either ways I miss my home. I need my mom Kabir. It may sound childish but I need her, I have to go see her."

"Alright!" Kabir's face has fallen and I can see he's thinking over something. The rest of the dinner we have in silence. Later he goes to dim the lights and I am busy washing dishes.

After having done with the chores I walk out of the kitchen coming face to face with him, I can see he's upset. What do I do now? Or say anything?

"When are you leaving?"

He asks, his voice still raspy and dry.

"We've got two more weeks Kabir, you can come see me anytime when you visit your family. Don't make that long face."

I stare at him and he doesn't say anything but looks down.

"Well okay, good night then" I smile at him and starts to leave. He hold back my hand and hugs me from behind, his single arm covering both my shoulders against him. "It will be hard to not have you around whenever I pleased."

"I know, let's not talk about this for now, it's making us both upset." I rest my hand at his arm.

"Goodbyes upset me Aashna, and you know it"

"I'm not saying goodbye forever!!!" I roll my eyes and turn around to look at him.

Tapping his side of the head with my index finger pad, I say "I'm here all the time"

Then I close his eyes with my palms, "I'm here when you close your eyes"

My finger traces his long nose, "you can smell me here"

My hand follows down to his heart, "I reside here for the rest of my existence Kabir, this is my home no matter wherever I go"

His eyes are still closed but I can feel him breathing slowly and his lips are stretched in a teasing smile. He threads his fingers through mine and hold my free hand with his, bringing my fingers to his lips.

"I wanna feel you here" he whispers under my fingers, his hot breath radiating warmth throughout my body. I don't know what's the darkest shade of red, but I believe I'd have surpassed that too by now. My heart doubles up with its pace, threatening me to jump out this very moment but what's frustrating is that I can't move, I can't run away, I'm paused. It's like time has stopped and I'm afraid if he can hear the happy dance of my heartbeats.

Don't you dare open your eyes man! Damn you! He opens his dark eyes staring into mine. And this is what I have always loved about him. He has always looked into my eyes, not looked right through, it's like he sees everything I know of, that I understand, that I've seen and that I want to see. He is no more smiling but has gained one of those serious looks I've seen a Lead hero wear before kissing his love lady. Well am I going to be that love lady tonight who gets lucky to be kissed by her man? But I've never ever done this! He nears me, so close and I find it dangerous to even breath in his strong scent lest I get drunk by just his intoxicating smell. And I can't move my lips, I can't even part them to breathe through my mouth. God I'm not breathing but I need to badly.

I stare at him, unblinking,unthinkably and unafraid.

"Breathe Aashna" I hear him whisper, but still I'm standing unmoving, not able to make out what did he say. He releases his hold on me taking away the the projectile of warmness he has spread over me. What did he say? Breathe? Am I not breathing? Then how am I alive?

"Breathe I'm not going to eat you, mumma's girl! I'll sure come to see you and Kukkie in a month or two."

Oh. Right breathe Aashna. Arghh! "You mess with my mind so much, I might as well go crazy if I live with you anymore." I glare at him and he openly chuckles at me.

"Right! Laugh you bogus bastard! Here I thought you wanted to feel me but you're no fun!" I stamp my foot and turn away from him speeding towards my room, but he stalk after me and suddenly I'm pressed against the wall, trapped between him and his arm, at his mercy. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Fudge! Fudge! Fudge! He is so close I wonder if even air could pass! My toes curl uncomfortably and it feels like I'm suddenly on a hot seat. My eyes are still wide so I narrow them looking anywhere else but not him.

Our breaths mingle in a very welcoming warmness. Time goes on agonizingly slow and I blink twice before sighing to surrender for his touch and close my eyes.

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Another free cliffy 😈😈😂😂😂😂

Hahahaha, gimme votes and nice reviews and I shall take this moment forward with the next update real soon.

I'm also editing the last written chapters again, I keep doing that a lot so if you guys find something unsettling, its because of my pending unedits and half edits.

Leave me some love.

Love always,

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