👼A second chance👼

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☺Chapter - 9☺

❤Dedicated to MayurChan as a warm welcome back to the story. Thank you for your encouraging feedbacks❤

❤A second chance❤


"He has given me one month at least!" I shout over the loud music, keeping both my hands to cover my mouth as I bend towards Yash. We're in Panti bar in the north of the city tonight. I hate the music here but we have important business to do.

"You've got a month. We'll come later." Yash tries to chicken out.

"No!" I shout loudly and this time I catch the attention of a couple nearby. "Yash you have to! Come on please!" I continue, giving the couple an apologetic look.

Yash makes a pouty face and wanders away to grab a drink whereas I bite my nails looking around me desperately. I don't know how to do this kind of stuff. It's a gay bar and I am looking for someone who'd pass for Yash's boyfriend. He is adamant he wants serious relationships and I have to convince him to have a hookup for just a night so that we can go to Kabir's and show off. After that Yash can break up or keep the guy, it's his call but Kabir is getting on my neck and if I don't have my story strong, I am confident he will throw me out of his cabin to keep me away.

I gather my hair to the side nervously and try to search for someone who's not smacking someone. The weird lighting is not at all helping and Yash is being totally useless. I thought it would be fun for him to go out but he's in one of his bad moods and I'm upset with all his sulking.

We have to find someone suitable if not for real then someone who'd help us stand by the lie.

I push through dancing bodies and make my way out of the dancing floor, towards an artificial pool. It's a small, round fish pool kind of thing with green colored water. I feel less awkward standing here in the corner, the lights are not so bright but I can see everyone from here.

Little did I know there was no need to look far when for whom I was searching for was standing just across from me at the other side of the pool.

I bite my upper lip as I meet his amused eyes. I try to smile at him kindly, hoping it would work some way and still seem friendly. He winks at me and then grins, showing his full teeth. And then my smile disappears and I'm almost running out of the door, the second hand embarrassment casing over me.

"Hey wait!"

Oh my god! Did he have to follow me?

I stop and worry my lips, unsure about how to slide out of this very awkward situation.Where the hell is Yash! I'm fumbling inside my bag to find the cellphone when the guy stands before me expectantly and I have to face him now. "Uh! Hi I am sorry I thought you were someone I was looking for." I stutter without giving him a glance and clicking keys on my phone.

"A woman as beautiful as you wouldn't look for someone in a gay bar." He comments and I can hear his smile in his voice. He has a weird accent I had seen Indians with green cards tend to carry. That makes me look at him and this time when I do, I'm seeing him properly in a more clear lighting of the corridor. He wears diamond studs in his ear, has a decent height and looks quite young to me. Brown eyes, brown hair, brown color and a forever mocking smile pasted on his face.

He does look somewhat Indian to me. "Well I'm here with a friend." I purse my lips, finally hitting the call button on my phone.

"You seem like you're in a huge hurry. People don't stare that obviously in there." Ah! So this was what amused him. "I do have my reasons to be determined." I tell him, arching my brows.

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