👼Mad Morning

105 29 80

Chapter 17.

Dedicated to vinantik for all the love that she showers upon and for the ultimatums as well. 😂


"Nooo....Kabir! Lemme sleep!" I yell grumpily at him, trying hard to snatch the quilt back to cover myself.

What the hell is wrong with him! Why is he disturbing my beauty sleep?

"C'mon girl! Wake up!"

I sigh and sit up so that he stops pulling on my quilt. As soon as he leaves the force I snatch it away and cover myself completely to go back to sleep.

"Aashna!" Kabir gasps and I smile victoriously trying hard to remember my dream and wondering if it would continue from just where I left when Kabir woke me up.

"Aashna its ten minutes I'm trying to wake you up! Aana hai ya nahi?"

Arghh!! Kabir! He won't let me sleep🙀🙀 for god's sake its only a quarter to 4'O clock in the morning!

"Nahi ana" I squirm as he grab my both ankles! Oh no no no! Is he gonna pull me off the bed?

"Hadd hai!" I hear him say and I feel myself sliding down.

"Wha....Kabir!!! Is this a way you wake your girlfriend?"

I hold on to the bed tightly afraid of falling. He leaves my half lower body on the floor as I hold myself up.

"Get up we're getting late!" He says.

I watch my bundle of warmness go away as he takes the quilt away from my body.I groan and fall back on my bed. "First you wake me up like a gentleman"

I stare at him in mock anger giving up on my resolve of sleeping. I know how fond he is of watching sunrises, so there's no point in going back to sleep, he won't leave without me.

"Gladly" he smirks and jump in bed locking my legs in his ankle lock and holding my both wrists above my head. My eyes widen as his whole body covers mine.

"Woah! Daring move Mr. Malhotra!"

He chuckles soundly, "tell me about it, what can you do about it?"

"I..uh.." His eyes are too distracting when they have this gay dance over my face. I don't want to move, I'm unable to but only my upper body. Down to my toes, there's an urgent itch to rub them together. I squirm under him rubbing my toe thumbnails against each other. He lowers his body, his face more closer to me now. And suddenly I remember my morning breathe. Shoot! I turn my head, my right cheek pressed against the pillow.

"Uh....okay! Maybe not this gentle of a man?" I whisper peeking at his expressions.

He maintains his smile but then loosen his hold on me and bubble up with lots of laughter. I relax and quickly get up running to the restroom. Mad Morning!

30 minutes later when I'm showered and dressed, we leave for Killiney Hill in Kabir's car. Its still dark and lonely in the road, I stare ahead at the little details I can see in the headlights.

"Sometimes, some of the best things in life come at a price. Sometimes that price can be an alarm at 4.30am in the morning.

That's what's needed if you want to witness one of the most natural and gorgeous things possible; a sunrise."

He says and I listen to his throaty voice which can make me smile too big anytime. His love for sunsets is clearly readable from his eyes. I pass on a smile and try controlling the yawn that develops.

"You can sleep I'll wake you up when we're there"

"Thanks" I go back to my dear sleep. Its hard to fall asleep when I'm in a moving vehicle but then I've just taken a bath and sleeping warmly in the jacket seems like a good choice.

It has been two weeks that we're together and every moment, every second Kabir has given his whole to me, loving me so tenderly, appreciating me for my good, scolding me for my bad and showing so much care that it makes me cry delving into the overwhelming feelings I have towards him and he has towards me.

I have enjoyed every day of us being together right from when I met him till now, sharing the silence of the early dawn with him. We're still counting. God has been so merciful and my life is perfect. Just perfect.


She looks so peaceful while sleeping. I like watching her sleep. Its nearly time for sunrise, we're late enough so I have to wake her up.

"Hey! Aashna wake up!"

She comes around slowly adjusting to her surroundings.I notice some stubborn acnes on her face. Grabbing a water bottle I offer her and she drinks from it thirstily.

"You should be drinking more water Aashna. It will kill all this oil on your skin"

"Yeah" she pouts while checking her face in the side mirror.

"Let's go" I step out of the car and she follows as we climb up the hill.

As we look upon the eastward dark sky lifting up with that faint pinkish yellow light, our pace gets rapid and we soon reach the top of the hill.

I am holding onto her hand as the dawn breaks in front of us.

At the crack of dawn the sun peaks out from behind mountain tops. We can see the first rays of the sun grace the Earth. Before our eyes, the clouds become lit with a fabulous, warm light as the rising sun announces the coming of a new day.

A hear a sigh leave her mouth at the spectacular scenery in front of us, houses, trees and everything in shadows. The glorious golden fireball rises slowly above, its intensity increasing shining over the dark sky westwards.

The soft red touch in the sky with sparks of yellow is a sight so magnificent that its a wonderful experience altogether.

Aashna pulls me down with her and I wrap my arms around her. She is resting against my chest in my warm embrace. The early gold of the morning shining over her beautiful face.

"Its breathtakingly gorgeous" she whispers and eyes me.

"You are!" I wink at her and move my eyes ahead at the tropical, crimson,hazy and dewy sight mixed with the very welcoming wind music.

She rolls her eyes at my comment and I stare at her amusedly. "What? Get used to it coz I'm never getting tired of you are beautiful Aashna."

She smiles a shy one, her dimples delightful much to my sight. She faces me, lightly grazing her fingers through my shadowy growing stubble. "You are more beautiful than me." She decides.


"Yes beautiful."

I smirk. "Interesting choice of word." I pull her close to feel the warmth. She smiles and in her eyes I float with the admiration that she holds for me in her heart.

Her eyes travel down just above my throat and I can sense she's distracted. I am curious to know what caught her attention. I wear an amused smile and wait for her to say. She takes her time and I let her.

"I think the most delicious sight for a girl to see in a man is this" she touches my Adam's apple bobbing out lightly.

A smirk lifts on my mouth as I register what she said and Aashna begins turning away but I hold her hand and places it back where she liked. "You know you can tell me anything, your deep deep secrets too" I wink and she drops her eyes to her hand on my skin above my throat.

"Shut it Kabir" she chides and I laugh as she watches in bewilderment at the little ball of wonder moving beneath her hand.

She looks so cute when trying to not show that she is shy. I leave a tender kiss over her cheeks lovingly and she buries her head in my chest. I hug her to my delight. "You're the best girl I'll ever know"

"This best girl is really very hungry now. Let's get something warm"

"Sure c'mon up" I help her back on her feet and we walk back to the car hand in hand. She makes me feel so complete. Like really perfect.

After the Brunch we come home and decides on watching a horror movie for the day. As she goes in for a change I settle the couch surfing through various movies and finally settling on 'The night on Elm Street'.

One hour later, our horror movie has turned comic much and we are literally rolling over each other laughing so much. I don't even remember when was the last time I laughed this belly pained and teary eyed laugh.

The best thing in the earth is, sharing a laugh with someone you love. She aims few popcorns at me and there she did it. A tickling match begins between us, the movie is forgotten and we both are soon out of breathe and resting in a very unpresentable manner. She straightens her top and I sit straight. A silence stretches in the whole room followed my a scream.

Aashna screams with the girl in the movie and I am astonished as I watch her jump on to me in a full attack mode. She starts tickling me like on an mission as I do to her and an idea pounces in my mind. While trying to keep her hands off of me I smartly pull my T-shirt off.

She stops at the very instant and I near her. She screams and runs around the hall, in between the couches, around the dining table, in her room,around her bed, out to my room and finally getting inside my washroom and locking herself in. I stop resting on the door breathing hard from all the running.

"I don't need to work out ever, if we play this daily" I call out to her and hear her giggle. "You are not going to come out?"

"Nahi! No! Nada!"

"Fine then I'm coming in. I need a bath"

I smirk.

"What!" She exclaims loudly and I laugh out.

"Kabir?" She asks and I stand silently waiting for her to come out.

As she steps out of the washroom I give her a chance to run and then takes off behind her. My door is locked so she runs into the balcony.

"Ptch ptch ptch!" I shake my head grinning at her. "Trapped?"

"Stay away, what do you want?" She leans over the railings and I stop.

"Don't lean there, come here" I hiss scared if she loses her balance.

"I won't do anything Aashna, trust me come here"

She steps close and try to make a run for but I grab her push her against the wall, trapping her between my hands, leaving no rescue. "Depends ki kya de sakti ho mujhe"

Her eyes widens and I grin widely at her enjoying myself.

"Besharam!" She fixes me with a glare, closes my vision by keeping her palm over my eyes and comes closer. Just as I anticipate a sweet kiss I feel her breathe near my ear "not so easy" she whispers and twist my ears.

"Ouch!" I move away and she makes the best out of this opportunity to escape.

I shake my head and am left smiling to myself while talking back inside and ruffling my hairs.

"She's Mad!" I amuse myself grabbing onto a towel and making my way into the shower.


"What the fudge! How come I'm early!" I slam the cabinet drawer shut taking out my sanitary needs. Trust my monthly cycle to come and spoil my mood at the end of the day. I sigh.

Coming out of the restroom I slump on my bed. Few minutes back I was so hungry and now I have lost my appetite altogether. The night is going to be one with cramps and belly muscle aches.

I don't feel like cooking so I walk out to the hall with a suggestion of ordering from outside but Kabir insists on cooking himself. So I leave him to that.

While he cooks I read through a magazine.

"Kabir! Slow down the volume will you?"

"Why? I think you like the song?"

I roll my eyes. "No...better stop it. Its giving me a headache."

"Okay sure." He does as I tell him. I feel bad...no no no. No Aashna. Its wrong to pour out your irritation at someone else. That too over Kabir. My sweetest man! No ways.

I make a sad face, frowning at the monthly chart in my mobile screen. Kabir comes behind me to stand. I out my cell away and he pulls my cheeks.

"C'mon let's have dinner." He takes my hand and leads me to the table where he has served the dinner.

"what exactly is this?" I ask him looking uncertainly at him. I know its not a pizza but it looks like a pizza.

"Pizza. Girl's best friend when she's low" he makes me sit, a childlike excitement in his eyes. That makes me go aww!!!

It doesn't look so good but it tastes soooo good that concentrate on eating than the rants that Kabir is shooting at me.

"You aren't listening are you?"

"No sorry, what were you saying" I give him a sheepish look.

"Nothing" he laughs and I pouts. "What Kabir tell me no?"

"I was complaining about a girl, she doesn't kiss her boyfriend when he wants her to and tricks him a way too much. Ptch! Bichara"

I chuckle heartily. "You mean you're bichara."

"I'll show you who is more" he winks at me and I squirt some sauce over the table. "Shoot!"

"I'm so sorry!" Okay embarrassing. Aashna since when are you becoming so messy.

"Its okay!" He laughs and I quickly stand up to clean.

Later he comes up with a bowl of chocolate icecream when I am watching 'Friends'.

"Where did you get it?" I eagerly dips the spoon in the frosty delicacy and takes a bite.

"I can get you anything you want, unlike you" he says, throwing me a sideway glance. After that we both swipe our tongues in the coolness of the icecream, melting in our warm mouths.

As my emotions kick in I feel the overwhelming care Kabir show towards me.

"Thank you Kabir. For everything" he locks his eyes into mine and wears a serious expression. His thumb grazes my cold lips, wiping some icecream butter off and licks his thumb. Uff sexy.

I avert my eyes as he smiles in satisfaction.

"Good night"

I hastily stand up and starts to walk off.

"Have a good sleep Aashna." I close my eyes stopping in my tracks. Why is he so good?

I reverse back few steps leaning over the back of the sofa where he is sat on, and kissing his cheeks soundly. No no no. Don't you move Kabir. Thankfully he doesn't and I run back to my room, surpassing every shade of red in my cheeks. My heart beats are so fast right now. Silly me.

I blink a few times and hear Kabir's steps moving in the hall as he might be dimming the lights.

I walk to the window watching the last winter storm outside. Today has been eventful and yet so like us. Me and Kabir. He keeps me so happy. I love him. But how would I tell him the sad news?

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And that's a fluff update like I promised with a free cliffy😂😂😂

I love you guys for waiting up for three weeks in a row! And for the 1k love oh my god!! ❤

I hope my double updates compensated for it. Tell me all of it in the comments below! Also vote!

Love always,

PS: I have rewritten the prologue, so have a read and tell me your thoughts on that too.

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