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☺Chapter - 43☺

❤Dedicated to shwetabais and Samriddhi0599 as a pre - birthday gift 😘 love you both❤


I woke up to an amazing fragrance of lavender, and it's so fresh like walking straight into a flower garden. My eyes are still closed as the aura drives me crazy. I breathe in deeply and then that feeling surges through me, the one in which you feel you're being watched. I feel her presence really close to me. Gulping I lean my head a little to the right and my lips instantly connect with her soft plump lips as soon as I open my eyes. The peck was so quick to register as she moves back a little, surprise and embarrassment clear on her face.

I widen my eyes, the lavender in the air more strongly filling my senses. My eyes scan her flustered state as she blinks more not meeting my eyes. As I realize this situation, a ghost of a smile tugs at my lips. Apparently she maybe was trying to peck on my cheeks, thinking that I was asleep, but ended up landing her lips on mine when I turned my face.

Like a kitten caught in the act, she slips away from the bed, leaving behind the trail of fresh afterbath fragrance.Her hair are partly undried as she brings them to one side of her shoulder.

"What was that for?" I raise my eyebrows, resting my head on my elbow. She frowns at me for not letting it go as I enjoy the priceless look on her face. A yawn passes by and my eyes travel down her body draped in a Saree. Her lean figure is an epitome of feminism and elegance and she is beautiful in every sense, the inner , the outer, the spiritual, every damn sense. I take my time to eye her from bottom to top again and when my eyes rests on her lips again, she is smiling.

"That was something to give your birthday morning a good start." She speaks walking back to the dresser.

"Sweet" I comment yawning again and rubbing the sleep off my eyes. Last night, Peter, Vladimir and Lily came for dinner, stayed in really late to celebrate my birthday as well.

Last year I had driven them away but this time with Aarohi too in the house they insisted that we do the proper cake cutting ritual and a short midnight birthday party. I don't even remember when I passed out and when they left our house. Maybe it was almost early morning and Aarohi saw them off. But if she did, how has she already bathed? She was so tired yesterday from Diwali preparations I wish she'd have slept in some more. I stretch my body, craning my neck left and right and sit with my legs on the floor.

"Aaj Saree kyu?" I question her.

"Aisehi, just felt like it" she says, wearing the earring, flicking her hair back.

I keep looking at her, slipping into my sleepers and getting up from the bed. Her eyes meet mine from the mirror. She doesn't even have dark circles wow! Doctors sure have insane energy. I shake my head and enter the washroom to fresh and up. It is already late in the morning and Aarohi and I are going to go pray at the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar at serpentine Avenue. From there we'd probably have lunch somewhere and go visit the "surprise" place as she calls it.

She still hasn't told me where is she taking me this evening and only said it was a surprise but I trust her choice since she chose to marry me.

Narcissistic much Kabir? I cock my eyebrows looking at myself in the mirror, toothbrush in my mouth. I haven't felt like this in ages what I feel now. Maybe finally I am beginning to gather myself up! Maybe from this birthday onwards everything will be great. I smile an awkward smile and begin brushing my teeth with more happier energy.


My phone rings somewhere and I grab hold of the cushions surrounding me, pushing them into my face and trying to block the painful noise.

"Aaah! In the middle of the night!" I grumble, pretending that it doesn't tempt me to pick it up. I wish internally for it to stop and when it does I stop frowning and sigh.

This day that passed was full of sadness. I mean how is it possible? After spending the happiest day in a long time yesterday, I am only like a loner today of all days.

Yesterday Diwali was superb. I celebrated it with my family and kids from the neighborhood. Not to mention Rakshit and Yash were obviously there and we all missed Kukkie. She isn't back from her honeymoon yet. I did talk to her after dinner tonight, she said she is having the time of her life and I am happy for her actually.

My mum and dad had to visit some relatives in Delhi so they left this morning and well I spent the whole day sitting in despair wondering what all Kabir would be doing on his birthday. Will he ever think of me after all this time? Or has he gotten over me like I wanted but not really. At times I over think a lot and when I do, it all starts from the flashbacks of right when we met to where it all ended.

I dip my head low, not wanting to think of him or any of my past. Happier thoughts are so much easier to get rid of- they're forgotten in an instant. Bad thoughts on the contrary; they're hard to wipe out of your mind. No matter how hard you try, they always seem to worm their way back into your life, clouding what is good and raining all over the parade. So there's this cloud of distress raining on me since morning and here I am trying hard not to sleep. Because if I do sleep then nightmares will follow and I'd had enough of anguish today so I definitely don't want something intruding my sleep tonight. I thought I will write something to be awake but it doesn't help. My head aches and I can't type. So I am just lying on my bed, face down and trying hard not to let any thought come in my mind because any thoughts that might come would probably lead me to him. It is like some sort of meditating that I am trying to do, listening to everything that I can, be it the tick-tock of the clock on the west wall or tip-tip of the loose tap of the wash basin. I hear some faint sound of an insect outside my window. And just as am I almost connecting to universe this way, my phone starts ringing again and I swear under my breath.

But then what if it's really urgent? I chid myself. My eyes notice the time on the wall clock. It's past midnight, Kabir's birthday is gone, well not there but atleast according to Indian time zone.

'What if?'

My breath hitches as the probability of him calling me excites me. I quickly crawl on my knees to the edge of the bed and get hold of my phone.

Rakshit calling. It says. Yeah well I didn't expect anybody else. I roll my eyes at myself. I think I've lost my mind. Why the hell would Kabir call me? And why the hell did I hope! I sigh annoyed with my own self and slide my thumb on the phone screen to pick Rakshit's call.

"Why call someone so late?" I speak scowling at my state in the mirror facing me. My knotty hair are all over my face and I try just try to set them back instead of sticking away like crazy. If hair was flowing water, mine is a full on Tsunami right now.

"I'm coming to your house" he says, his voice excited and I scoff, "wait what? Why? What do yoy need?"

"I don't know I just feel alone without Yash. He and his damn night shifts. I thought you're alone as well so why not be together?" He chirps and I can imagine him grinning like a fool.

"Are you crazy? It's like saying you and I both are single so let's be in a relationship!" I widen my eyes, the incredulity evident in my tone.

"I wouldn't have minded that too if you suggest, but thank you very much, all my interest lies in Yash" he jokes.

"Aww such a loyal boyfriend." Just as I say this the doorbell rings.

"I'm here. Open up" he says, his breath huffing like he walked a long distance. Maybe the poor guy took the stairs instead of lift. Still! "I am not letting you in" I tell him bluntly.

"What why?"

"Meri marzi" I smirk. For a moment he is silent and then he asks, "Are you the square root to the negative one?"

Where did this come from? I lick my upper lip, "why?"

"because you can't be real! Someone is standing at your door and you outright deny to let the poor soul in!" He mimics in a voice that justifies him calling himself a poor soul. I bite my lip and suck in a smile, choosing to ignore his weird fetish with funny pickup lines. "You know what Rakshit?"


"You've got a 'shit' in your name for this very obvious reason!"

"Hey!" He starts to object but I cut him off;

"Alright then. Good night Rakshit" I speak with extra sweetness before ending the call. Ofcourse I will let the poor soul step into the house.

As I walk downstairs to the main door, I can hear him ringing the doorbell again. Serves him right for all those times he has been annoying me.

I can hear him from the other side of the main door, "Aashna c'mon! I have to share something with you about me and Yash, I am in a great distress listen..." his words are cut off as I open the door and then he flashes a foolish grin my way before pushing me aside and walking inside.

"Shameless dork!" I mutter, loud enough for him to hear and he laughs off proving all the more what I called him.


"That was so much fun" she laughs freely and I think I am lost, all smiles to Aarohi and this day.

"Totally" I cheer. She has surprised me a lot today. First with her wearing a Saree and spending a peaceful time at the Gurdwara, sitting on the stairs and having some heartfelt conversations about life. It has always been like this between us, we have always talked about me and my life and issues. But today I got to know so much about her and how she dealt with life all along. Then we went to have an appetizing meal at Indie spice grill in sandymount.

After that we got back home because Aarohi insisted a change of clothes for her. Ofcourse she is not in a habit of wearing a saree for whole day. Most of the afternoon we spent at home, she baked a homemade cake for me and we watched an episode of MTV unplugged, since movies aren't her thing.

But after that, the unexpected occurred. I always thought Aarohi was someone who liked sitting at home with books and like all doctors are, nerd and boring but sweet all at the same time. But Aarohi's rebellious side came alive today. She took me for parachuting and abseiling, and I, Kabir Malhotra, who have always dreamt of trying my photographic skills in adventures, was able to actually achieve my target.

The feeling up there in the sky or climbing the mountain was exhilarating and incomparable to anything.

"When did you plan all this?" I ask her as we sit in our car. She hands me a water bottle. "Thanks" Ofcourse all that adrenaline has fired my throat so I thirstily gulp down the water, tossing the cap somewhere on the car's floor.

I knew Aarohi would care to pick it up. I shake my head when is see her bending down from her seat to search for the cap. In the process, her front body is leaning over my leg and she is really really close. She seems least bothered about it but her strong scent begins driving me mad and I become uncomfortable. I clear my throat and thankfully she has found the cap and moved away. She takes the water bottle and closes the cap on it while I eye her waiting for an answer.

"I thought you needed to loosen up Kabir, let it go and feel light maybe and since you love doing adventures and insane stuff, I thought I'd join in." Her light brown orbs lock with mine and I am touched would be an understatement.

"That's very thoughtful of you" I smile a genuine one at her.

"I haven't got you a gift, that was all really!" She says playfully raising her well trimmed eyebrows. I chuckle and nod at her.

"Alright. Thank you very much!" I express my gratitude, holding her hand and giving it a squeeze before letting it go and starting the car.

She grabs a sticky note between her fingers from the dashboard. "What's this?"

"Reminder. Tonight we're going to the Porterhouse brewery, uh that's where Lily and Vladimir work"

I tell her.

"Oh yes! They told me last night to be there on time. Lily was kind enough to leave a dress for me."

She speaks in her usual gentle conversational tone.

"She did?" I ask surprised, glancing towards her while changing the gear.


"Lily has her own ways to be sweet to people." I mumble, remembering the first time I'd taken Aashna to the brewery , they both had behaved like long lost sisters. It is the first time I am taking Aarohi there. I have memories there, a lot of them and I will have to keep myself in check if I go.

The rest of the ride home, neither of us speaks, I am lost in my own mingled thoughts and Aarohi was never the one to poke the comfortable silence around us.


"And I thought you were here for sharing your great distress" I roll my eyes at Rakshit. It is almost 1 am into the night and he is just not ready to move from that damn couch into he hall. I am sat opposite him, laptop open in front of me and a bowl of ice cream in my lap.

"Uh huh!" He mumbles and I throw a cushion at him. He doesn't budge still. What kind of human is he! I stare at his busy self, I am sure all he is doing is scrolling on Instagram. I close the laptop sighing for the umpteenth time.

"I am gonna tell Yash that behind his back, you search hot guys on the internet and who knows if you inbox them or something...." I threaten him and he finally looks up to me alarmed.

"What? Why would you do that?" He acts to be hurt.

"Cuz that's how wonderful of a friend I am!" I stick my tongue out at him and he pouts slightly. I bet this was unintentional he doesn't even know what he is doing and that's what I find cute. I'll give him credit for what he deserves.

"You said we both were alone so let's be together and do what? Sit on the same couch yet find our individual source of entertainment?" I narrow my eyes at him as his face screams naughtiness.

"Then what else can we do on this couch?" He asks innocently, his eyes very suggestive and this time I make sure when I throw the cushion it hits him right in the face.

"Woah! Okay" he chokes and then sits close to me, "let's watch together, I was just watching this live stream of a photographer on Instagram."

"No thanks!" I roll my eyes. Instagram sucks ever since a certain him stopped being my photographer. I walk into the kitchen to put the empty ice cream bowl back.

"Aashna!" Rakshit calls and I ignore him, walking back into the hall.

"Oh Aashna!" He again calls sweetly and I sigh. "Kya hai!"

"can I get a coffee?" He asks and batters his eyelids.

"Oh;" I block my view with my face, "it freaks me out, stop fluttering your lashes for fudge's sake!"

"Coffee please!" He grins and I am highly irritated. "Go make one yourself!" I twitch my mouth and he sighs as if he is the most saddest person on this planet.

Dramatic much!

He puts his phone on the table and leaves to make a cup of coffee. Just as I am about to open the laptop again to hunt some good movie that we both can watch, a singing voice of a male blurs my vision. It happens so fast that I am unable to process what's happening!

But that voice, just tears me apart, my eyes stinging as I look at Rakshit's phone through my blurred vision. I can't make out much from the screen as the phone is facing the opposite side. But I can hear him singing for a while and now I can hear the words. The singer seems hurt and why is it that my heart reacts to it this way?

Leja zakhm tere jo tune diye
Ab inki zaroorat nahi
Jhoote waade kiye
Jhoote sapne diye
Tere bin bhi jee lunga main

O ho.. ab chaahe roothe dil
Ab chaahe toote dil
Ab kabhi na lotunga main

Shivers start running down my back as my whole body erupt with goosebumps. It's him. It's Kabir I am sure! My heart dips and I can't move. My whole existence centers once again as I hear him and it hurts to listen to this song of his heart. I muffle the moaning sounds into my hands. My body has heated up suddenly and it feels like my head would burst anytime. How am I supposed to deal with this heaviness? I feel restlessness crawl upside down to me and I can't even move. Can't even flip the phone and stop the live stream. I can't bring myself to even go see his face while he sings.

As tears give way I close my eyes, crying silently. Did I broke him that much?

Mujh mein tu rehta hai yaadon mein meri
Kyun phir nahi main nigahon mein teri
Abhi tu yahin thi Tu baahon mein mere
Aankhe jo kholi, kahade thhe bin tere

Ab mujhko pehchano
Kyaa khoya hain jaano
Ab kabhi na lotunga main

I wanted this right? I wanted him to move on and forget me. Why does this hurt so much still? He doesn't need me, neither my memories, I am just a gone by past. I hug my knees, resting my forehead on my elbows and positioning myself into a foetustic hump. It feels like he is singing those lyrics for me to listen. Gradually there he is wanting to hurt me. Like I did to him. It's like he doesn't even want the scars I have him now. He is throwing me out of his life and I feel like dying. Did he go through all of this too that night when I threw him out of my life but not really?

This rejection is like a poison and it's eating me inside out. Maybe I deserved it or maybe not, but goddamit I still love him! I start crying bitterly, not caring if I am heard by Rakshit.

Leja zakhm tere jo tune diye
Ab inki zaroorat nahi
Jhoote waade kiye
Jhoote sapne diye
Tere bin bhi jee lunga main

ho ho ho...

Milke naa hum mile
Na rahein silsile
Jaa leja tu zakhm tere...

This would be the last time that I'm hearing his voice. As his songs come to an end, I hear everyone cheering, and a faint 'thank you' that he might have said, his voice crackles at the end.Did he perform somewhere? At the brewery?

All the memories from there hit me hard, the laughing sessions with Vladimir, Kabir and I riding the bike into the night, him performing with me at the brewery and us dancing in each others arms. I become short of breath and Rakshit rushes to my crying self.

"Aashna? What's wrong?" his voice is concerned but it's like I am not into this world. I am still there, sat behind Kabir on a bike, hugging him on the night of his proposal in the kayak, washing his car with a hosepipe,....

"I wanted to live that life, there with him" I whisper, as I sob and Rakshit tries his best to comfort me. But will I ever be comforted by someone? I am doomed to this loner life.

"Aashna why are you crying?" Rakshit hugs me but I push him away not wanting to have any support.

"I need to stay alone. Can you leave?" I ask, my voice rough from all the sobbing.

"I can't leave you alone in this state." He states firmly and I stare at him for a few seconds. When I am convinced that he won't change his decision, I run upstairs closely followed by him.

"I don't want to talk!" I bellow and shut the door of my room into his face, sliding down to the floor.

"Okay! Just don't do anything stupid Aashna." Rakshit's freaked out badly I suppose from the way he speaks. I guess he is sitting on the other side of the door as well.

I blink to block the tears that line up. "I'm not dying!"

I breath deeply assuring myself more than assuring the person out there who is really worried for me.

The rest of the time passes by in a blur and I don't know how long I sat there or how long was Rakshit waiting for me out there.

All I know is one thing. That somehow, I managed to survive through my life.


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Hello sooner than expected! *smiles widely* 😁

My exams got postponed a little so I thought why not drop in another update before I disappear 😉

There's a lot coming up in future updates so give me reviews on this one till then so that I'll be inspired to go write the next update💕

Don't forget to vote and wish my friend Shweta and my sister Aashi, their birthdays are on 5th of this month.

Love always,

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