👼You Drive Me👼

219 41 124

chapter 3.☺

❤Dedicated to Samanion for i'm missing her so damn much. MUCH MUCH. SIGHS.❤


"Sir miss. Mathur is not back yet. Would you like to wait and maybe I can get you a coffee?"

The receptionist offers me in a sugar coated voice throwing a revealing chest out and I try not to look below her chin when I answer,
"Er....no that's alright."

"Are you sure sir?" She fashions her eyelashes trying to breathe soundly.

That! I hate so much about such women. Nodding to her curtly I walk out of the hotel.

I've had a good evening with Mr. Ronald and got to learn so much from him. He was one wise man.

All this time I was unable to contain the excitement of seeing Aashna.
It is half past nine and she isn't at her hotel.
I lean on my car as I wait for her to come but minutes are harder to pass even when I play Need for speed 2 on my cell.

Racing games always set me up all competitive.
I am growing impatient as I push hard on the accelerator on my screen.

A small smile breaks out on my lips as I remember Aashna had sent me a meme saying you don't really have to push the button harder to make the car move faster. Said no racing game ever to do that. Where are you miz. Righty!

I can call her but that would ruin the surprise. I want to witness her expressions when she'd see me here.

A flash hits my eyes and I scrunch them to find its source.
I grin as I watched her walk in the side view mirror of my car, her watch flashing in the light from the hotel entrance.

I turn around to see her, clear and real.

My heart warms up. The monster in my stomach suddenly getting excited.

She isn't that tall, but appears taller than the last time I had seen her. Maybe the heels.
She is wearing a formal coat paired up with a dark blue jean, perfectly clinging to her legs and going out to her black heels.

I smile wider than I already was. 'Why do girls tie their hairs at all if they can't manage to put them at place.' I mutter to myself as I watch her hand go up to move those flicks away from her eyes, which had come out from her ponytail.

I put my hood up as she comes nearer, her other hand clutched around the strap of the bag she is carrying.

"Hello ma'am, care to take a ride?" I try not to let out a laugh though I am pretty sure the amusement is clear in my voice.

That amusement must have fed her anger for I see her fisting her hand tightly and walking ahead faster not even caring to look at me. I pull the hood closer and get into my car as a police car patrols by.

Turning around she smirks. Good game girl.

I call her and watch her fist unclench as she speaks in the phone,

"Hello ma'am, care to take a ride?"

"Go to hell!"
She spats and I laugh out loud. More angrier she comes and raps on my window. Poor car.

I roll down the window still chuckling.
"Welcome to the hell."

She is flabbergasted. I enjoy looking at her face as it expresses shock to surprise to delight to confusion to some amount of anger and then settling on bewilderment.


Oh i'd give anything to hear my name from that mouth. She makes it sound foreign in a good way like I've never heard my name better.
I push back my hood, still grinning at her.

She frowns and glance at her mobile, her truecaller might have traced my name for her eyes had widened now.

I step out of the car.

"Hey yourself! Why did you have to act like a bastard and where did you get my number?" She narrows her eyes at me speaking speedily.

I was about to answer when she does it herself, "oh yeah right! Kukkie!"

Her eyes travel quickly over me taking a good look before widening.

"You drove all the way from Chandigarh?" She states more to herself than to me.

I like it when she worries her lips as her mind races. But I need her to calm down and not think I'm some kind of a stalker.

"Chill Aashna! Here drink this" I pass a water bottle to her weary self.
She drinks gladly, while her eyes still lingeres over me.

I smile, "I have to pick my dad tomorrow morning."

"Oh!" I sense disappointment in her voice.

"Aur kya! Did you think mai tumhaare liye.....?" (Yeah why? Did you think I drove the way for you?)

I tease and she shakes her head not meeting my eyes.

"Kuch bhi" (whatever)

I guess it is hard to not grin when she's around.

"You look tired. Lets get some fresh air. For the third time now, care to take a ride?"

"Abhi?" (Now?)

I roll my eyes, "c'mon haven't we developed a habit of meeting at these hours?"

Her tongue comes out quickly to swipe over her dry lips before she smiles and affirms, " okay! I'll need a few minutes, wanna come ..er, up?"

She ask the last bit hesitantly and I smile at her reassuringly "no I'll be fine here."



I am having a hard time controlling my heart beats since I saw him. Its dancing madly.
It is totally unexpected that i'd find him here.

Damn! Why does he have to look handsome as hell.

I quickly change into my favourite and very comfortable grey tank top and black faded shorts. They are not the best things I have packed for a night stay here, but who cares!

Or do I?

I stand in front of the mirror, still not believing Kabir is here!
This guy had me going crazy day and night since a week.
We chatted like every minute except when I was in class.

My mother gave me interested looks at every ping my cell did, kukkie would grin madly at me knowingly and papa has been a bit irritated seeing the device with me 24/7.

But I am enjoying every bit of this friendship with Kabir.
And now he is waiting for me downstairs, oh my god! I am damn happy.

I realize all the tiredness had just vanished as soon as he asked me out.

Uh well. I bite my lip. He did ask me on a drive.

I seriously have a better thing to do instead of sleeping on the posh bed. I glance at the cottony soft bed longingly and throw the comb back.

"Why am I combing my hairs straight so much today!" I mutter and grab my cell.
Saving his number I was locking the door when my heel broke.
Oh no! That's the only pair I brought on a one day stay here.

Darn it!

Grimacing I pick up my phone. It is Kabir calling.

"What is taking you so long? We're not going to a party!"

"I know" I give out an irritated sigh.

"They say too right about you girls taking so much time. What is the matter?"

"Come up" I pouts. I don't want to stay at hotel room when I have an amazing offer to explore some Delhi breezes.

"What's wrong?" Kabir asks before the doors of the elevator could even open enough to let him out.

I raise my heels to his eye level. He drinks in the sight of my broken black pair of heels and gives me an incredulous look.
I chew on my lower lip shrugging.

Next moment I find him snorting at me. "Are you serious?"

"I'm not going bare foot, all of them would stare!" I huff leaning on the closed door of my room and glancing at one of the hotel staff in our corridor.

"We'll be in my car, how does it matter" he speaks sobering up , his eyes travelling to the room service at whom I am staring pointedly.

"C'mon Aashna"

I look back at him shaking my head and he takes a step closer , his eyes catching mine.

"You are worried about them? Heck! Who knows you here tell me. No one. It doesn't matter what they think if you walk bare footed out of here."

He is right. I am being senseless. I scratch on the bridge of my nose.

He sighs and takes off his slippers, clinging them on his index finger.

"Chale?" (Shall we?)

My heart warms up to this boy and I see sense. Nobody knows and it doesn't matter.
I give him a grateful smile, flashing my dimples and he clasps my hand in his and lead me to the stairs.

We are running down skipping a stair each time and are out of the hotel onto the road, laughing and giggling.
Well giggling for me.
His laughter is more so cracky and heart warming.

Once inside his car, I adjust to the warmth the seat offers.

My heart flutters. This is the first time I am sitting in front seat with a guy.
I am glad I can call him a friend.

He drives swiftly and I let the winds play with my hairs.

The music system comes to life.
"Shaam bhi koi jaise hai nadi.......leher leher kaise beh rahi hai..."

I sing along, well try to do so and we both laughs good-naturedly over my lack of remembering lyrics.

We are zooming past the Delhi traffic and I keep stealing glances at him.

Damn. When he stares back at me with that twinkle in his eyes I feel like i'm floating on cloud number 9 with the prince of my dreams.
Ahem. Uh well! I do feel like it really. Don't care much if it is too much of a fantasy.

"You seem so happy. Its good to meet you again" honesty drips from his soft tender words.

I curl my hairs back at place and smile at him. "Ditto"
"I'm glad we met Kabir."

I love using his name.
I can not just get over it. I love his name.

He stares ahead , a look of longing passing over him.
I know he'd never had friends with whom he can hang out.

Never have I ever. Perhaps that is why we warmed up to each other so well.

My fingers pries over his placed on the gear and he suddenly breathe in and exhales slowly before pulling over to the side of the road.

His eyes seems as if charmed as he stares at me again. A silence fall upon us, no music playing and he whispers,

"Iced lollies!"

I let out a giggle for his voice carries an excitement similar to that of a kid.

On a roadside stand , we try so many flavours of iced lollies, sipping, making slurping sounds and licking off the syrups.

I laugh at Kabir. He looks so cute with that red color on his lips.

"You're cute"

"No! I'm nowhere near cute. Guys are macho"
He rounds his eyes big and pull his half sleeve to reveal his muscles.

"You're adorable"
I tell him cheekily knowing well he would only scrunch up his nose falling for my tease.

He did. I snort.

"Don't you use these words on me. Suits you. You're adorable and cute and and ...lovely and..jo bhi hai." (Whatever it is)

"Uh hunh?" I give him a mischievous smile.

"Yeah." He winks at me.

"C'mon let's get going" I smile too much that it hurts.

He makes me so happy and is a very comfortable company.

We walk back to the car, our lips numb from the ice we swiped our tongues on.

"Catch!" I hear his voice on time to see a set of keys flying towards me.

My mouth forms a total O upon closing my fingers on the car keys.

He winks at me before taking a seat at the passenger side.
Feeling half dazed I find myself sitting behind the wheel somehow.

"I've never got a chance to drive a car."

"Well then, here's your chance" he gives my hand an encouraging pat.

I feel a sudden rush of adrenaline, excitement and recklessness crawl up to my sides.

"Okay!" I breathe in , one deep much needed gulp of air.
I had become breathless at his touch and I wonder if he felt the extraordinary static charge between us?

Tying my hairs up in a knot I bring the car to life with a quick flick of the key.

Next half hour, Kabir guides me how to drive. I can't believe I'm steering on Delhi roads. Well a less traffic area still I'm driving a car! Woohooo!
His every touch is creating a havoc in my system.

The music system booms 'fast car' by Taio Cruz.

It is impossible to push my spirits down. We both are high on driven by the mad fun of being together, kicking and killing the night.

"Woah!" We cheer as the car races, more faster this time matching the pumping rhythm as Taio sings.

I am astonished that I am driving and controlling this car. That too my favourite model of Mahindra, Xylo.

I pull over at a good distance from India gate. The road is deserted and we have a glorious golden night view of it clearly.

"Wow" he whispers, his eyes twinkling and lips twitching up.

I have a vague idea he wasn't talking about the view because he stared at me when he spoke.or am I imagining too much?

This is one of those looks he fix me with, when you feel someone could look right through you.

I again feel my guards falling.

I can't stare back for too long so I lean back on the bonnet of the car.
The Cool touch of the metal body gives me a shiver.

He leans beside me, both of our feets dangling bare.

"I love breezes, love it when they play around with my tresses."

I feel him move to undid my hair free from the knot, "then let them" His voice is a gentle caress.

I smile and rest on my locked hands at the back of my head.

"I love this summer sky, it is magnificent isn't it?"

"You're beautiful, Aashna" he whispers out of the blue, copying my posture.

My heart flutters, a zillion butterflies forming in my belly.

No one has ever said it to me this sincerely before.

I meet his soft honest gaze, my heart ceasing to pump blood and then restarting slowly to a major boost.

I can tell he meant it.
"Thanks" my voice sounds strange to my own ears.

"You are so handsome! How come you've ne'er had a girlfriend?"
My curious self has me spluttering the question at him. If only I could keep shut. I look away biting my lip.

"I dunno" he replies, a surprise in his voice clear in its clarity.
I sits up folding my legs beneath me. It is dangerous for my sanity to be so close to him.

He rise to my height, stretching his long legs and crossing them.

"Aashna, my thoughts vary. I don't want a play along relationship. I've never felt so much for anyone. My only love is this."
He shows me his camera and clicks a picture of India Gate, in all its glory.

"Aur?" (And?)

I don't know why are we whispering. It all feels strangely good and cozy.

"Aur" (and!) he sighs smiling wide, his eyes shining.
"I want someone who can make me feel the way I feel for this."

Raising his camera, he turns it towards me to show me the pic.

Just is a sight in front of us, but a little more live in his screen.
"Perfect shot." I smile at him adoringly.

"What about you?"

We are above whispers now. I sigh and shrugs.

He chuckles, " that's what I said and ended up speaking so much."

"Kabir, I don't know why I never felt the need to be with someone that way. For me I have a perfect life with my small family, I never craved for you know.....that type of connection."

He searches my eyes but I feel strange for opening up to someone like that for the first time.
I worry my lips for a while and he keeps trying to catch my eye.

I elbow him when he chuckles "its okay yaar, wasn't a zombie thought."

I relax visibly moisturising my dry lips.

"Has someone never tried on you then?"

"They have."

"You didn't like them then? Do you like someone anyway?" He is wearing a grin as he straighten somewhat.


"I suppose No." He answers himself at a roll of my eyes.

"Um huh! Never allowed anyone to come in my life if I never wanted them to."

I feel a soothing touch of wind as I close my eyes.

We are both silent and seconds tick by.

"Allow me Aashna?" It sounds desperate, a bare whisper of his cracky voice.

My eyes flows back wide.


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Oh my!! KABIR!!!

Let's naacho 💃💃💃💃💃💃

Is he really proposing her!!!! Do you think?
Wait this is going wayyy too fast.

What do you guys think Aashna's gonna say?

A minute to thank all of you for giving me amazing response on the previous update and waiting for this from the past week.

I hope you liked the treat!! You guys are the best.
Do leave me cotes and vomments!!
I mean :p votes and comments :P

Love always,

Sue 💚

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