👼First Kiss👼

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☺Chapter - 11☺

❤Dedicated to you all beautiful people reading this book from so long! Be my valentine reader always promise okay?!

❤First Kiss❤


I was so mad that evening after getting home from an unsuccessful day at work. Nothing I loved was happening. I couldn't concentrate on my photography and people would tell me what's there to concentrate really when you just have to press a button and click a picture. I didn't waste my time educating them on the art and technology behind what I did. I was just annoyed that things weren't working out. I thought okay let's try to calm myself down with some music but I couldn't find the plectrum.

"Aarohi!" I called out to my wife who was in the kitchen cooking something delicious that I could smell all the way to the hall. She had a habit of listening to music when she cooked and I knew that but I still got mad when she didn't respond after I called twice more.

"Aarohi yaar!" I finally stepped into the kitchen and went straight to her phone which was getting charged on the countertop and paused the music. She looked at the Bluetooth speaker first, checking why the beats dropped and I made a mental note to hide that damned loud thing.

"What happened? She frowned at me when she noticed I was the one who had stopped her favorite Bryan Adams from crooning.

"Where's my guitar pick?" I grunted, my eyes searching on the top surface of the refrigerator.

"I don't know! Where did you keep it? Look there only." She did seem surprised that I was looking for it after a long time but at that moment her heart was invested in the song she was listening to so she came near me while wiping her one finger free of flour and touched the resume button again on her phone and the music blared again. I pressed my eyes and sighed.

I knew I was usually the one she had to tolerate in our relationship and she was the angel most times but when it came to her obsession with cooking concerts as she called it, she was no less of something to tolerate for me. She had walked back near the stove where the tomato puree simmered in a pan. Her whole being was into another world and at that time I wanted attention so bad therefore I stopped the music again and she glared at me when she turned around.

Well I was already moody. "Can you at least help me find it?"

"Kabir please! Can't you see I am fixing dinner for us?"

"Yaar it will take only five minutes, come and search with me."

"Here you go! Typical husband behavior! You always do that Kabir. Kabhi ye nahi mil raha hota hai kabhi woh nahi mil raha hota hai, yaad kuch nahi rehta hai! Am I a machine?"

"Why? You're the one who tells me 'Kabir why you're not like other husbands ya' and now I act like one that too you don't like. Fine!" I imitated her and moved around to look into cupboards.

"What! I never speak like that. What's this tone 'ya ya ya' I never do that!" By this time she was really annoyed and the spoon made loud noises as she stirred the puree.

"Look I have already had a hard day at work-"

"-right! The king is here and I should serve like a servant as if I was free the whole day! I have had a hard day and night both at my hospital shifts okay! Btw don't mess up my kitchen Kabir, how come you'll find the guitar pick in the cupboards here!" She tried to shoo me away and I slammed the cabinets shut and sighed heavily. She was right. She was working harder than me and yet barely complained and here I was failing day after day, raging out on her and we kept having a good share of domestic arguments between us. Sometimes we even laughed about it all but most times I felt guilty for taking it out on her.

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