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☺Chapter - 42☺

Dedicated to sammy_am_ 😘 Happy Birthday love❤


Standing in front of the mirror, this early October morning, I check myself in the mirror. Hair, mascara and Bindi all perfect. The only thing that's missing is his approval. I sigh, pushing my engagement ring into my finger. I am wearing an Indian ethnic dress today with the earnings that my sister gifted me. They are my mother's last possessions. Today is Diwali and I already had a good amount of chat to our folks back in India. I have always spent Diwali holidays with my aunt, uncle and sister. This is the first time that I am away and with all the festive talks of my mother in law I miss those Diwali vibes here. But it's quite okay, I have already decided I will make this Diwali special as it's the first that Kabir and I are going to celebrate together. But damn I tried getting an off from duty and that too didn't work well. I am still needed at the hospital.

I purse my lips after applying the lipstick. Still I will work it out I guess and try to come home early. Kabir is most probably not gonna go to work today as he is still in bed. I glance at his sleeping figure and a smile creeps on my face. My heart flutters and a slow motioned flashback of last night draws on the canvas of my mind. My eyes catch glimpse of myself blushing in the mirror and I cover my face with both my hands and twirl around grinning against my palms. What kind of giddy feeling is this? It's such a beautiful day and I have an intuition this is going to be an amazing day.

Before leaving for the hospital, I quickly prepare a refreshing glass of coconut water with lemon and ginger for Kabir to have when he wakes up. I hope it does the job and help him with the hangover. And also calm him down just in case if he doesn't forget what happened yesterday. Because with him, I can't trust! The man drinks no matter how much and still manages to remember everything he did after getting drunk! I mean how?

But it's good that I need to leave now, it will give him some time to come to terms with his heart and what he wants from our relationship. But I just wish that we will spend a good time tonight, maybe decorate the house together and prepare for the Lakshmi Pooja.

With that anticipation my walk speeds up as I breathe the familiar smell of the River Liffey, feeling the sunshine on my face. I am so happy and nothing can bring my spirits down today.


My phone buzzes in my pocket and I ignore it, thinking it's one of those happy diwali texts that are filling up my inbox. Right now vacuum cleaning is the most interesting thing to me. It is helping me to think and sort out my thoughts.

But then notifications are like itching on your body. You gotta attend to them immediately. I picked this habit of checking texts as soon as I receive it from Aashna. Something or the other will always pop up her name no matter how much I push back. So I guess I should be getting over this pain swirling feeling at each and every mention of Aashna.

Easier said than done. I am not even close to getting over her.

But last night I shared a kiss with Aarohi. It is exhausting to think too much about it. I feel like I broke some rules or committed a crime by kissing Aarohi,since I love Aashna. Still! I feel like I wronged Aarohi, since I am not entirely into her, but I can't say it didn't mean anything to me. That's what disturbs me. Kissing her felt right, I don't regret it. She too wanted it as much as I did and I have already decided to move on last night. But more than the intimacy, I think I needed someone by my side to comfort me. Aarohi understands me, she didn't let me sink. She in every sense is my support and I can trust my life with her.

I stare at her name on my phone screen.

'I'll be home by evening. How is your headache?' her text reads so and I smile. At Least she has somewhere to go out and work unlike me who doesn't find the courage to go to work. So I am taking Diwali as an excuse to not go to the studio.

I woke up three hours earlier, found a sweet note of good morning from my wife with something to recover my hangover. Sure my head hurt but I am grateful to her. She takes care of me so well, like a perfect wife should. Then why do I feel incomplete?

'A-okay! Thanks :)'

I hit the send button and slide my phone back into my pocket. I have dusted the whole house by now, arranged and rearranged stuff and well there was nothing to do more since we both spend really less time at home.

For the rest of the day I decide to step out and bring in some stuff from Saffron and Sapphire. I called my mom and dad and it was good to hear them bicker the same way after all of these years. My mom listed a ton of things I should be getting for tonight's Pooja.

I take a long relaxing hot shower and try to block the images of Aashna from popping in my mind. I should be happy that she looked happy. I stare at my dripping self in the mirror. The reflection is blurred from all that steam settling on the mirror surface and I swipe my hand over it.

"You need to be good to your wife and all those around you" I point at the Kabir in the mirror and utter aloud, my voice resonating in the shower room.

"More than that, you need to be good to yourself Kabir" I remember Aarohi had said to me on her birthday while we were sitting on the beach at Bray head. She was right. She is always right.

I should stop pitying myself. I turn the shower off and push back my wet hair, stepping out and grabbing hold of the towel.

When I enter my closet I hear my phone ringing and I rush to pick it up thinking it might be Aarohi.

I find Peter's name on my phone screen and am slightly disappointed that it wasn't her who's calling. Why am I expecting her to call me now? She must be at her duty.


I hear as soon as I pick up my phone.

"Hello to you too, Peter. I see you're extremely polite today what's the matter?" I ask smirking and putting my phone on speaker.

"Look who's asking? The most polite person alive on this planet, who doesn't even open the door if someone visits his house." he curses again and throw on a casual black T shirt on my body while laughing.

"Wait up cranky man! I'll be there." I cut the call shaking my head and slide it on the back pocket of my jeans. I quickly dash to the front door and let the poor man enter.

"Seriously did you not hear me ringing the bell or were you intentionally ignoring me?" Peter's square face scowls at me as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"When did you ring the bell?" I ask honestly not remembering if I heard it.

Peter stares at me incredulously.

"Great! Did you get that drunk to rupture your hearing senses?"

I open mouthed stare at him as we sit on the couch in the drawing room.

"Vlad called and told me about your state yesterday." He answers my unasked question.

"I didn't hear the bell because I was in the shower and maybe too occupied to notice. How long were you waiting?" I state, not wanting to talk about yesterday night.

"Not long, alright." he stares at me, not totally convinced.

"What?" I cock my eyebrows. "Besides I am a married man now, you can't expect me to be at your service at odd hours." I mutter not meeting his eyes.

"Oh! Did I interrupt a private moment? Is that it?" He asks with a hint of laughter.

"Today? No. Tomorrow you might."

I speak lightly and he returns my smile. I see he is happy for me that finally things are settling well for me. I stand to walk to the kitchen and offer him some brunch.

"So stop greeting with curse words on the phone before knowing who is on the other side. It would not be always me picking up my phone."

"Aah! I get it. By the way I brought your Car back." He grins at me and I frown at him. "Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"Uh huh! The one who might attend the calls on your phone bought it back for you" he smiles and take a huge bite from the sandwich.

"What? Aarohi got it back?" I am surprised would be an understatement. She didn't have to do that for me. I knew at the back of mind that she was planning something like that.

"I get jealous of you man! I wish I could have a wife like her." He says picking at his food and I rub the back of head, gripping some of the hair in a fist and releasing them with a sigh.

"When did she meet you?" I ask him.

"She didn't. She called and said day after Tomorrow is your birthday and that she'd like to have it back." Hearing so I shake my head at her. A smile reaching my lips ay her thoughtfulness.

"Oh by the way, Happy Diwali!" He wishes me with that mad smile of his and it feels good to have someone share the same festive aura.

"To you too" I wish him back, filling the juice from the carton.

We talk for some more time over our usual barbaric business, about his life and how he wants to give this new woman he is seeing, a chance. I intentionally ignore talking about my work life.

When he is leaving I say to him, "Peter,"

He turns around to listen to me.

"I wish you get as lucky as me, to have a wife like Aarohi." I genuinely smile at him and he bumps his fist to my shoulder twice. "Thanks man!"


"Aarohi!" I hear my name and I swirl around. Yes swirl. Not just turn. I have turned into such a happy soul today. Everyone's picking at my mood, be it my fellow doctors or my regular patients. They say they have never seen me so happy. I feel like a light fluff ball of furr wanting to fly with the wind. I shake my head and smile at Emily, who is the closest to me in here. We generally eat together in the cafeteria. Emily is a gynecologist, unmarried at 38 and still a young beauty. She flicks her blonde hair away with her hand and my eyes catch a ring on her finger. She told me once that someone she sort of had a crush on gave her the ring. He had worst case of cancer and unfortunately died. Since then she always says that she has married this hospital and it is the only home she has. I have never seen a doctor as dedicated as her in my entire career till now. She is also very genuine and a good friend. I think other than Kabir, if I know someone well in this foreign land, then she is the one. She lets me in, talking about her life and experiences and I feel special.

Her tall figure walks towards me with a reflecting happy face.

"Hey Em!" I smile at her. "Are you leaving early today?" She asks.

"Yes! Today is actually Diwali, it's the Indian festival of lights"

"Oh great! Just that or something's more special today?" she raises her eyebrows at me and I have a grace to be elegant enough as I swipe my tongue on my lips.

"Why?" I grin at her and she clears her throat. I give my eyebrows some tension not understanding anything.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy" she winks at me and then points outside before walking away. I frown to myself and look in the direction she drew my attention to. Through the glass door I see a familiar car waiting just in the front, its black body shining in the building lights with the dusky background.

I walk out of the automatic main doors of the hospital building and there is he! Standing with his back resting on the car, one knee outwards and his flats on tyres, he is waiting for me. His hands are folded and he looks dashing in his low waist denims and a simple T-shirt. His eyes rests on me and he scans me from top to bottom.

Oh right! I suddenly become so concious of myself. I performed an important surgery today and that has exhausted me literally. My hair have turned messy and I have tied them into a bun on top of my head. My earings are somewhere in my bag and the makeup is totally ruined. I didn't want him to see me like that! With my eyes lowered I shyly walk towards him.

🎶🎵🎶See my eyes are watching
Hear my heartbeat is pounding
Whatever I do wherever
I go It's for you🎶🎵🎶

Don't you dare comment something Kabir Malhotra!

He quietly opens the door for me and I rush inside the passenger seat. Thank god he didn't say anything. I let my hair fall free from the bun and quickly start braiding them, bringing them all to my shoulder facing the window. Kabir gets inside the car from the other side.

I peek at him and he doesn't seem mad at me in any way. So maybe he is cool with having this car back. And he even came to pick me up!

"Seat belt" he reminds me, strapping his own and I follow his cue.

"Thanks for coming" I smile at him lightly and he starts the car.

"You should thank me yes. Were you planning to travel publically like this?" His gaze mocks me and I avert my eyes. So much for commenting! I press my lips.

"Ptch! It would have been such a shame to your handsome husband's image Mrs. Malhotra." He says playfully, turning the steering wheel. I keep staring at him in surprise. He must be in a good mood today for he has never joked this carelessly with me. I admit I like when he is like this but then my mind also wonders about his take on whatever happened last night. But it's better not to bring up that subject now.

"Stop embarrassing me!" I mumble, looking everywhere but him. He chuckles good naturedly and I smile soberly as I look out of the window to the blurring lights as the sky turns a dark shade of blue.

"Thanks for the pre birthday gift, but you didn't have to buy it back from Peter." I hear him speak and glance at him.

"Who told you I did it for you?" I meet his curious eyes before he turns them ahead again. "On days when I'm tired, what will be better than having you pick me up on your way back home!" I shrug.

He nods at me once and then glance at me. "Still. Thanks" I smile back at him.

"What did you do today? Did you talk to mom dad?" I ask, supporting my elbow at the door and leaning my head on it.

"Yes I did. Also your munchkins video called me and said they miss you."

"Aww I miss them too. They might have slept, I'll make sure to call them tomorrow." I smile as my cute nephew's and niece's image settles in my imagination. I wish I had them to give me those cute baby hugs.

"Also I bought somethings for the Pooja." He tells me.

"Did you get Rangoli colors?" I ask him excitedly and he looks at me taken aback.

"Umm....no" he shakes his head and I let out the breath I was holding slouching back to my earlier position.

"Kya Kabir! What is Diwali without Rangoli?" I twitch my mouth and he just clears his throat.

"Okay let's do like this, I'll drop you home so you can take a bath and get ready, I'll go find the colors for you.cool?"

I see some efforts! I flash a smile at him and affirms. "Done."

🎶🎵🎶See my days without you
I feel no shame in crying
Whatever it takes you know that
I'll be with you🎶🎵🎶

While Kabir is gone, I quickly take a bath and start to get ready. I decide on going for all black with a printed dupatta, my hair straight down, properly washed and blow dried. With a decent makeup, some jewellery I bring back the elegang charm in me which is far better than what I looked earlier while walking oyt of hospital.The warm shower has relaxed me. But more than that the sight that welcomed me at home took away the day's tiredness. Kabir has totally done magic through the day. Everything is so clean and there are lights all over the place like literally. He has turned our house into a Beautiful universe and there are all sorts of lights, decorating the drawing room around the TV, on the walls, surrounding the couches and center table. Even the dining area is so lit. There are flowers that adorn the small temple area. I play some Aarti tunes in a very low volume to create a Diwali ambience.

When Kabir gets back I am almost done with sorting the things required for the worshipping and arranging them close to the temple.

"Here" he says handing me the colors. His eyes are stuck at me and I wait for him to say something. My heart flutters in anticipation and I look at him from under my lashes. He clears his throat, "I'll go get changed." He mumbles and leaves and I grimace to myself. "Atleast tareef mein ek word hi bol dete"

I flick my hair back and busy myself in lighting the diyas. Then I start to draw the Rangoli. When I am about to fill it with colors, another hand comes to my help. I look up at Kabir, now changed into a silk blend royal black Kurta and red pyjama.The material is a perfect on his well built body. His hair are styled with a wet look and his striking figure is too perfect. I can't take my eyes off him.

🎶🎵🎶Now that I see the light
Now that I touch my light
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

"I used to help mom in filling colors in the Rangoli." He tells me, his eyes following the movement of his thumb and forefinger in concentration.

After like a minute when I don't stop staring at him, he finally look up at me and cocks his eyebrow, "what? Aren't you done with shamelessly checking me out?"

I grin and shake my head, " was just wondering how do you manage to carry a perfect look in everything you wear" My eyes twinkles and then I continue to do the rest of the job, adorning the Rangoli with contrasting colors and putting a diya in the middle of it.

"Just like you do, ofcourse why would I be behind." He smiles and I shake my head again, this time with more affection. He won't just praise me outright. Well I'll take what I can.

We both together completes the Rangoli, do the Lakshmi Pooja praying for well being and prosperity. After we both keep the diyas in every room and kitchen. I take care of cooking single handedly and Kabir goes to light the entrance and outer garden as well. Well ofcourse I told him to put a diya in his gym as well. Later i encourage him to take some photos and he also captures me while cooking.

Kabir has invited Lily, Vladimir and Peter for dinner.

We have enough sweets but I insist on making the traditional Indian one's too so Kabir helps me in the kitchen, making Gunjiyas and Gulab jamuns. And while we both are in the kitchen, Kabir with his kurta sleeves pushed back up to the elbows is the sweetest blessing that I have in my life. His expertise and doing things with all the perfectness takes my breath away.

Now that I see the light (and life)
Now that I touch my light (and life)
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

I only wish that he gets back to his photographer self as well. Because that is the thing that he does with the topmost level of perfection.

🎶🎵🎶Now that I realize🎶🎵🎶

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Hey loves, I want to make two things very clear.

1.) The last italic paragraph in the previous chapter was something from the future, so Aarohi is not leaving as of now,maybe she will in the future.

2.) Things might seem repetitive as Kabir still is dangling between his feelings towards Aashna and Aarohi, but hear me out, getting over someone doesn't happens in one go. Same is with falling in love. It's a process. So to make it more realistic, I'm giving these filler updates, don't think it as a drag!

That's it for now. Make sure you tell me in the comments how did you like reading this long update.
This is the last one for this month, I'll see you sometime in September after my exams.
Don't forget to vote. And try missing me 🙌😎

Love always,

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