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Dedicated to Vinanti02 ❤ Happy birthday love❤



"What brought this on man?" I am amazed at how much more handsome Kabir looks with this haircut. It's like we are sent back in time, back to the year we were together. I control my smile as I realize I've started to wear clothes I used to wear and be more chilled out and he has now cut his hair and looks just like that Kabir I fell in love with.

"What wind brought you here?" He lets the acid slide in his voice as he counters me with a question of his own and I remember what I saw when I came here.

"Why have you left them here like this?" I point to his precious things which he's letting ruin among this garbage.

"Can we not talk in questions?" He asks, his eyes deadly.

"You are the one talking in questions too!" I point to him, my finger that was pointing to the cardboard boxes now turning to him in my defence and decides to add, "Aren't you?" To make it a question once again and that does it. That annoyance on his face has always been priceless to see and it has been a long time now that I'm vexing him.

"Aashna don't!" He calls out as I bend down and pick up his old camera body. There are a few more camera bodies lying in a carton and I don't see a point in keeping them here. He's smart enough to keep the lenses somewhere safe as they aren't with the camera bodies but damn these cameras sure look pricey.

I recognize one camera from the lot and pick it up instead. It's from the time I used to live with him and I remember how he used to take my pictures with it at every chance he got.

"Why are these here?" I ask in a more softer voice as I twist the body around in my hand. He snatches it away from my hand and keeps it back in the carton, kicking it deeper in the garbage. A muscle working in his lean jaw. I stop him by pushing him back, not understanding the heavy emotions lading his eyes.

"Because I don't have anything to do with them anymore." He speaks through gritted teeth and somehow I can't recognize him in this man even though he now has a hairstyle similar to his past self. Kabir was rarely angry when we were together but the present Kabir always gets angry to the extremes. He knows no moderate grounds. I decide to let it go but not without speaking a last pitch in a hesitant voice.

"If they are still lying on your terrace then I think you still have something to do with them."

His fists tightens at this and I sigh, stepping away from him and walking to the railings.

"Why are you here? That's trespassing." He accuses and I don't have to face him to know that he is frowning at my back.

"You say it like I am not supposed to come here at all! What do you do alone here? Smoke?" I take a guess and turn around to look at him with narrowed eyes. His nose flares and I get my answer in that as a no. So he doesn't smoke and for drinking he had the whole pub to do that so maybe he just comes here for some natural air.

"No, okay! Workout then!" I nod to myself and look away hoping that he'll calm down. I want to talk and I don't want him to be angry lest we end up fighting again. A minute passes and then I feel him stand beside me, his hands folded against his chest and he seems safe to talk. But before I can initiate, he speaks, "I meant what are you doing here at all! Why did you come back?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I raise my eyebrows at him, "For Riddhi. Look Kabir, don't start with all the stay away warnings again because I won't be able to now."

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