
336 40 47

Location: Earth


The instant I arrive at the stable, the whinnies and caws of extreme irritation due to hunger threatens to burst my eardrums. But weirdly enough, I can hear the sound of mutters mixed into those noises. Was somebody inside the stable? Did we have an intruder?

Hwa spy mode: on.

I crept around to the side of the stable, hoping there's maybe a side door that I can use as my entrance instead. You know, to sneak up on whoever it may be inside. Unfortunately, there isn't one. Then, I remember that Hongjoong mentioned a small exit, the one that the phoenix uses to fly out when he wishes to.

To say it's high up would be an understatement. Normally, if my wings could work, this wouldn't have been an issue. However, with this situation...

There's nothing to it. Seonghwa decides to just barge in the front door instead.

"Okay... You can do this. It's just a possible intruder, isn't it?"

At the third beat of his heart, the angel throws the stable door open and peers into the place.

To his surprise, there isn't any human in there. But, he does hear the soft sounds of sniggering.

"Okay! Whoever is in here, get out now!"

"You have no idea how much of an idiot you sound like right now."

Seonghwa turns in the direction of the voice, only to see the phoenix seated high up on his perch, nothing weird there.  At that moment, he heard the voice again, but all he saw was the Phoenix's beak moving.

"Yes it's me talking. Hello, it's not a pleasure to meet you but alright." The phoenix's voice was soft and deep, which made it pretty soothing, despite the rather savage words he had mentioned.

"Um... Hi? I didn't know you could talk, why haven't you said anything before?"

"It isn't just me, by the way."

"Bahahahahahhaha!!!!!!! He didn't realise at all!"

"I vaguely remember telling you that he wouldn't."

"The plan worked, didn't it?"

"We're geniuses..."

"O-okay? Now I'm confused. Why haven't you all ever said anything before?"

Yeosang appears to be the most calmed at the moment, silently preening his feathers while the other four start rolling on the floor, bellowing with laughter.

"It's simple, really. Hongjoong doesn't understand what we're saying. All he hears are what other animals speak. But, you, you're an angel. You can understand what we're saying because you're a magical being too."

"So... Does Jongho talk too?"

"Yeah, I do. We were fooling you the whole time.."

Without the "adults" present, the baby dragon had crept out the house without anyone realising and down to the stable. He had just stuck his head in through the tiniest of gaps in the doorway and stuffed the rest of his body through.

"You're all conspiring against me?! Hmph... And to think I was gonna give you your food..."


Yeosang stared down at Seonghwa, as if to say "you see what I live with everyday?   You better give me my food. It's the only thing that lets me survive."

"Fine, I forgive you. But, before I give you your breakfast, please tell me your names? Hongjoong never mentioned them. I only know Yeosang and Jongho..."

"That's because they're the only two that he named. He found the two of them as babies and since he's the parent he has every right to give them names. Although I feel that the names he gave could have been better..."

"Hey! I think our names are fantastic! If I were to say so, yours isn't any better."

And a full blown argument started.

Seonghwa, standing in the midst of it all, still had absolutely no idea what was happening. He'd literally just found out these weird mythical creatures can talk, and now they're fighting in front of him?!

It was a little too much. His maternal and nagging instinct came into play.

"All of you be quiet! Now!"

They all ignored him. XD


They all shut up instantly. Wow that's effective.

Seonghwa calmed himself down once more before speaking. "Now, would you please introduce yourselves to me before I do something I regret?"


A disclaimer: I'm still on writing hiatus.

This update is dedicated to my one of my best friends here: yunhosanchor_ !!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on 40k reads on As You Whisper!!!! You deserve all the love and support! For all of you who don't read it yet, please do! It's such a great story!

I would have inserted the link here but I'm on my phone and I'm not tech savvy lol.

Speaking of support, thanks for all the support on my story too!!! :) we're almost at 4k haha! Love you all so so so much for everything! Never knew I would even hit 1k sincerely.

Have a great day or afternoon or night wherever you all are! <3

~cey xoxo

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now