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Location: Earth


After waking Jongho up, I lead the sleepy but eager to fulfil his stomachs requirements baby to the kitchen, where I start by pouring a bowl of coffee for him.

He still appears groggy, but happily laps up the coffee anyway. Seonghwa stared at him weirdly, as though he can't believe that babies can drink coffee, despite the fact that he is a dragon child, and can therefore do so.

"Well, I was expecting ridiculous, but not this plain out weird."

"You get used to it. Besides, you're an angel, nothing should be too weird for you considering you're a me with wings."

They both then sat down to devour the delicious breakfast that Seonghwa had prepared. For a first attempt, he hadn't done too badly, with just a few pancakes and eggs being square shaped due to the burnt bits being cut off. Moreover, the table was cleaned and all the utensils used were washed and left on the drying rack. The kitchen was as spotless as it had been before other than the finished dishes left on the table.

Neither of them tried to make any attempts at conversation during the meal. There was still an awkward tension between the two due to who knows what.

It was only after the last mouthful had been swallowed before Hongjoong spoke.

"Hey, um, thanks for cooking breakfast. You're my guest here, you didn't need to do that."

"No need to thank me. If anything, I should still be thanking you for helping me and letting me stay here temporarily. Besides, I was wondering if you'd let me help around? It's really boring staying in the house all the time and I'd really like to take a stroll outside and stuff."

"I guess I could always introduce you to the other animals I adopted. They do need to be fed now that we've finished our meal. Come on then, I'll show you the ropes."

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now