
524 63 30

Location: Earth


In the kitchen, I open the medicine cupboard and pull out some painkillers, alcohol swabs, antiseptic cream and bandages and set them on a tray. Next, I fill a glass with water and set it beside the pills. I grab an apple for the hanging fruits holder and slice it into eight pieces. Using the knife, I scoop up the apple slices and slide them onto a small dish.

I whistle once, signalling the baby to follow me, then, I pick up the tray and carefully carry it across the room and up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. Thankfully, I didn't drop it. Normally, I would knock, but considering my hands were full, it couldn't be helped.

The door is slightly ajar, so I nudge it open with my shoulder. The sight in front of meade me jump. He had woken up, and was in a state of panic. Almost ready to barrel out the door if necessary.

I was just in time. Hiding my surprise, I smile at the guy, showing that I wasn't here to threaten him.

"Ahhh, you're finally awake. I was hoping you would soon. Here, I've brought you some food. I thought you might be hungry."

"Where am I? But more importantly, who are you?"

"Whoa, slow down. You just recovered from a terrible injury. I believe your questions can be answered later?"

He folds his arms stubbornly and pouts.

"No, I need to know who you are, where is this place, and what exactly happened right now!"

I raise my eyebrows. That was not the response I was expecting to receive.

"Fine, I will answer all your questions, but first, will you please sit down? You have a couple of injuries and I'm not gonna let you suffer any longer. Also, have some food and drink, to I don't know, fill your stomach or something."

He seems satisfied with the answer, and sits back down on the side of the bed obediently. I pass him the tray and he takes it carefully with an outstretched hand.

I sit on the bed beside him and take the cream and bandages. He swings his head around to look at me, a look of confusion and a hint of fear.

"What are you doing?" he says, his voice shaking slightly, completely void of the power it held earlier.

"Oh, this? I'm just helping you to heal your injuries. There are a couple cuts on your back and wings."

"I don't need your help!"

"You were injured on my property, so it is my duty to aid you until you heal! The rose bush caused most of your injuries. Why would you deny assistance anyway?

He starts sobbing. "I don't deserve it! I don't deserve anybody's help!" he chokes out.

Well, that took a turn.

I look at him and say in a calm voice: "Whatever you've done, it doesn't matter right now. Right now, what is important is that we get your wounds healed otherwise they will worsen."

"I deserve to die anyway..."

"Even so, I'm still obliged to help you even if you 'deserve to die'. Now, let me see those cuts or I'm not answering any questions."

"O-okay," he smiles through his tears. "Thank you..."


So, I realised 2 updates a week is a bit slow, and I can't wait to post what I have of the story, so, I think maybe I'll start publishing 1 part everyday starting from tmr.

If you're still reading this story, thank you for your support! xx


Happy Birthday Hongjoong!!!! ❤🎂❤

Happy Birthday Hongjoong!!!! ❤🎂❤

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❤Our beloved leader!!!❤

Btw I reminded myself to add this before I published but I forgot... 😢

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now