
371 44 37

Location: Earth


"Anyways, let's go find Sangie. He couldn't have gone far. Actually, he usually ends up in the same tree everyday so I don't know what I'm saying."

I head out the stable door with Seonghwa trailing behind me and head straight into the forest. It doesn't take me long to locate once again, the tallest tree in the woods, and of course, Yeosang is sitting at the very top of that particular tree.

"Sangie! Breakfast!"

He swoops down to land on the shortest tree nearby and I hang the feeder up.

From the look on Seonghwa's face, a look of complete incredulousness, I know that he's never seen anything like my baby Sangie.

"Is he a phoenix?"

Yeosang has already started eating, and is bent over atop the feeder, so I stroke the top of his head, he occasionally likes that. If he doesn't appreciate it on the day, he'd probably push me away. Thankfully, he seems to like it very much today, based on the soft almost purr like sounds he's making.

"Yes! Sangie is a phoenix. He might not look like all the others, but all of us here still love him the way he is. That being mentioned, if you do insult him, he will hate you, and the rest of us will attack you, so beware..."

"Why are his colours so odd though?"

"That's what makes him unique. I'll tell you the story later though, he's sensitive about it. If I tell you now, he'd probably peck me, and trust me, it hurts." (A/N: I have gotten pecked by a bird before, and it drew blood, so yes, I can justify that it hurts.😊)

Once Sangie finished his meal, we both headed back into the house and I sit Seonghwa on the couch, ready to elaborate what in the world was going on in this household.




Love all of you so much!!!! :)

~cey xx ❤

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now