
300 39 21

Location: Earth


I followed behind Jongho over to the tallest tree in the forest. At the very top of the tree stood the phoenix. "Okay, now that I've done what I need to do, may I be excused?" the baby dragon asked in a very pointed way. "Sure, yeah."

Yeosang didn't show any signs of budging from his "spot", even for food. Especially because it wasn't even Hongjoong. He was still wary of the stranger.

Well, if the phoenix wasn't gonna come to him, he would go to the Phoenix, the angel decided. He, as in Seonghwa, started to climb the tree, injured wing and all.

By the time he reached the top, it was midnight. Just kidding. He didn't take that long. Or maybe he did?

Fine, it literally took him 5 minutes. I'm jealous. I can't climb trees for the life of me.

Anyway, he reaches the top and sits on the branch next to the Phoenix. "Hi."

"Didn't think you'd actually take the time to come up here for me."

"Well, of course. It's my duty, especially since Hongjoong is sick. Besides, it was partially my fault that he's sick too.

"Oh... I thought you came up for me..."

"I did? There's a reason why I'm here right now, isn't it?"

"No... Not in that way, I thought someone would come here because they actually cared about me."

"Don't you feel loved now?"

"Yeah I do, it's just that... Don't you ever feel like you want someone to love you in that exceptional way, like they would gladly lose their life just to make sure you're contented, make you happy?"

Seonghwa couldn't help but agree.

He understood how lonely it could be, especially since most of the angels are all for themselves, there's only heirachy, no mutual respect or love.

It infuriated him sometimes.

How they were not able to express the love within their locked, sealed hearts, forcing it deep down within.

"Say, um, since I'm already up here anyway, how about some bacon bits?"

"Sure, I'd love some."

"Heh.. Do you mind if I had some too? I'm starving."


Hi everyone!

I know it's been quite some time since I've updated this and I'm sorry. School has been pretty rough, but I'm still active on here, just not in writing. Feel free to message/pm if you feel like it! :)

Thanks for the continued support! xx

~cey <33

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now