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Location: Earth


The Unicorn's Story


He petted the unicorn foal's head, making sure to avoid the horn, which was now blunt but still, it wouldn't hurt to be a bit careful.

That's when he saw an intense amount of magical sparkles leave the unicorn's horn, and he felt the world start to spin.


The sparkles formed a vortex around Hongjoong until he couldn't see anything other than the foggy, misty cloud of glitter.

Then, in an instant, all the glitter was gone. He was now standing in a different part of the forest.

Clearing his throat, he realised that some of the glitter had gotten into his body. So,  he coughed it out. It looked kind of funny, coughing out glitter particles.

He heard a second thump and turned around to see the unicorn fall out a second vortex. It picked itself up off the ground only to stumble and fall over once again. Since it was only a baby, it hadn't mastered the art of the teleportation whirlwinds, and now it was dizzy.

Hongjoong couldn't help but giggle when he saw the unicorn lurch around from right to left while walking. It was hilarious. The baby looked drunk.

Once they had both shaken off their dizziness, the unicorn child led the human over to a hidden cave that Hongjoong hadn't seen earlier. This must be where he lived, the unicorn, not the human, obviously.

It was rather small, but appropriate. A tiny house for a tiny horse.

The unicorn disappeared into its home.

Hongjoong crouched down to make his way inside. It was a tight fit through the entrance because it was so small. However, the inside of the cave was huge! Maybe there's magic at work here. Or maybe nature does have its own magic.

There were very few things within the cave. A couple of little nuts and miscellaneous items that people trekking through the forest must have dropped, and a blanket.

Hongjoong gathered up all the things in the cave. He wasn't going to let the poor creature stay alone here any longer.

He crouched down once again to make his way out the cave and started off to make his way out the forest, but stopped in his tracks instantly when he heard soft whimpering behind him.

The unicorn was too afraid the follow him. I mean, it would be acceptable. It had just gone through severe trauma. Who would like a part of their body chopped off and then pushed down a cliff side?

Well, Hongjoong has some convincing to do.

He crouched down once again in front of the unicorn and slowly lowered himself to sit on the cave floor. Then, slowly, he moved his hand closer to the unicorns snout. Letting it sniff and take in his scent before deciding if he was safe or not.

It took a while, but finally, the unicorn was sat in Hongjoong's lap, curled up in deep sleep.

The human picked up his new friend and carried it out the cave. He spotted the Pegasus waiting outside. "Hey, do you think you could show me the way to my car please?"

The awake creature took to the skies, with Hongjoong just a few paces behind him. They made it to the car rather quickly, and Hongjoong lay the sleeping unicorn in the back seats.

He bid a farewell to the Pegasus. He had no idea when he would see the other again, but he was grateful for the help he had received from the other creature.

The drive back wasn't as nerve wracking as when he had been driving there.

The only nerve-wracking thing that happened was when Hongjoong opened the front door of his home, only to see the horrific mess that the teleported back medicine cabinet had spilled, and the mess that the baby dragon had caused.

*in the present time*

"So that's how the unicorn came."

"That was a long one."

"Yep... That was the longest one actually. The others aren't as long-winded as that. Ready to hear the hippogriff's tale?"

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