
340 40 61

Location: Earth


Okay, let's just say these creatures seem more crackhead than I expected them to be, especially because they looked refined when I saw them without the speech. Now that they are actually talking, I realise how much more annoying it would be if animals could actually speak human.

The first to introduce themselves is the Pegasus. I think maybe it's because he's the oldest, I don't know. Anyway, he walks in front of me and bows rather regally. "We've met so many times, but you still don't know my name. I'm Yunho." "Oh yes, hi. First of all, this is the second time I'm meeting all of you, so that's not a lot of times, and second, I'm not a mind reader, how was I supposed to know your name?!"

"Oh, so he's one of the NEWER ones... He doesn't know about the thing."

"What thing?"

"No thing."

"Ahhhh whatever. The rest of you: GO! Unicorn, what's your name?"

"I'm Mingi."

"You were suppose to play hard to get!"

"Oh, I thought that was only applicable to San, Woo..."

"Okay, which one of you is San and Woo?"



"Woo's the hippogriff and San's the griffin."

"Yeo you betrayer."

"What? That wasn't me."

"Sure it wasn't. That was your voice and all."

"You forgot that Yunho does GREAT imitations..."

"Oh... You the betrayer Yun!"

The hippogriff launched himself over the fencing and at the pegasus, where they both fell over on the ground.

Yeosang flew down onto a post nearby the angel, who had a look of extreme concern.

"Don't worry, they do that all the time. Once you see it everyday, you start to overlook it." *exasperation*

The duo watched as the fighters continued their wrestle, the unicorn and griffin shouting encouraging words from the sidelines, and even the baby dragon coming in to serve as the referee. Chaos.

Eventually, the fight died down, the laughter had ceased, and they all realised they still hadn't eaten. Lol.

"Give us the food! We've had our morning exercise now."

Seonghwa imitated exactly what Hongjoong had told him to do, which made it look really awkward since he wasn't used to it. The four stabled ones were now fed. He looked around and realised that as he had been doing so, Yeosang had disappeared. It's surprising how silently he can fly.

The angel called for Jongho, who had been rolling about in a pile of hay at the corner of the stable, to come with him in search of the Phoenix.

They left the stable, Seonghwa being careful to latch the door securely before turning away. Who knew what trouble those fellows would get into if he had eat it open?

"You know where he'd be, right?"

"You're the human, I'm just a baby dragon, why do you think I'd know better? After all, aren't humans, or rather somewhat humans like you, supposed to be "very smart creatures"?"

"Hey, look, I'm new here. I've literally been on earth for a week. Essentially a newborn of sorts. You, on the other hand, have been here your entire life. Shouldn't you know by now where your friend would be?"

"We aren't exactly friends but sure. I'm not gonna continue this. Follow me I guess."

The baby dragon trotted off into the forest, Seonghwa trailing behind slightly, wondering what had he done to get on Jongho's rebellious side.


Hey everyone!

This chapter is dedicated to my very good friend SSfantasy501 !!!

Congratulations on 1k reads on By Your Side! You deserve every single one and all the love and support! If you don't read it yet, I strongly encourage you to! It's on a completely different spectrum from this story that's for sure! XD

Also, thank you guys so much for the all the support on this story! Garden of Fallen Angels hit 4k reads yesterday and I'm really stoked about it! :)

Love you all so so much! ❤❤❤❤❤

~cey xoxo

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