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Location: Earth


The Unicorn's Story

"What about the unicorn? What's his story?"

"His story is a little bit different from Jongie and Sangie's. Let me start from the beginning."

*2 years ago*

A forest. Not one of those pretty, graceful, gentle looking ones. Those with wiry thorns and brambles that scratch you at every turn. Yet, Hongjoong was here.

It was the last place he expected himself to go. I mean, he literally climbed a 60 foot tree just to end up stuck at the top on one of the worst days of his life. What was going on?

A few hours ago, he was still within the comfort of his home, snuggled up on the sofa with a baby dragon curled up under the crook of his arm, watching the news on the rarely used television. It is within the times like these that Hongjoong believed some spirits were watching over him.

The sudden newsflash: Hunters locate unicorn in local forest, horn given to museum as proof. Though, fortunately or unfortunately, the creature had escaped, having tumbled off a cliff. What in the world?! Hongjoong jumped up from the couch, sending the baby tumbling off. Thankfully, he had fallen off sideways, so he just ended up rolling on the cushions.

His disapproval and disappointment at losing his cozy spot was extreme.

But the human was not to be distracted.

A few moments later, and he was ready and out the door.


The town in question was relatively close to where he stayed, despite being the obvious recluse he is.

After walking around for a couple minutes and eavesdropping on the inhabitants conversations, he had a rough idea of where he would find the poor animal. It was the talk of the town, this whole finding, and almost killing unicorn thing.

What he hadn't expected, was the weather. It wasn't raining, but it was on the verge of. Another unexpected aspect: the location. Turns out unicorns aren't will sunshine and rainbows.

Hongjoong was standing in front of a dark, bramble forest. Like what?! My whole life is a lie... Still, he had a mission, and an important one at that.

The leaves crunched under his feet as he stepped into the dimly lit scaffolding of the overhanging trees. Locating the creature wouldn't be easy. However, he had already made it this far, which wasn't very much, but still. There isn't any turning back now.

He made it further into the foliage and came upon a clearing. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything there except a tree stump and a sitting Pegasus. A PEGASUS!!!! What in the world is going on?

Intrigued, he crept closer. But of course, animals, with their exceptional sense of hearing which is much better than a human's, would still end up hearing him anyway. The Pegasus jumped up and flew off.

Insistent on pursuing the Pegasus, seeing as THAT was something new, he hurried off in the direction that it had taken off in.

After a few minutes, the Pegasus flew lower and eventually landed. Hongjoong pushed through the last few bushes and legitimately stopped in shock, and amazement, but mostly shock.

His curiosity had paid off for once. The flying creature had led him all the way to a cliff's edge, overlooking the deeper part of the apparently very large forest.

And to his luck, lying at the bottom of the cliff, was the unicorn they mentioned in the news. This was the exact cliff the unicorn had tumbled off.

For better or for worse, it was still alive. The injuries it had received in its fall were the worst ones Hongjoong had seen in his whole entire life. There were cuts all over it's body, complete with horrific details I will not list out cause I don't want to give anyone else nightmares, especially not the baby who's right here with us. 

Well, now the cross on the map has been located, unfortunately, there isn't a way to dig it up.

The human looked around the place, wondering how was he supposed to get down there? Oh, hey, look, there's a convenient flight of stairs right there. And no, I wasn't hallucinating. There was literally a set of stairs dug into the cliff's side. How did those hunters miss this?

Maybe there's magic in places when the need arises. He hurried down at an inhuman pace, almost tripping, which would have resulted in him dying faster than the unicorn but thankfully he didn't.

Rushing over to the creature, he realised that the injuries weren't as severe as he had thought. It just looked that way due to the extreme amount of stained blood on its coat. The unicorn might have used it's own magic to heal most of the minor ailments. However, there was one wound which was... Particularly bad.

Hongjoong would never get that image out of his mind.

Now, how was he supposed to help the poor thing?

*to be continued*

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