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Location: Earth


"Ooh um."

"I'm just joking. Medicines cant kill you unless you take too many."

"Oh okay. That's fine then. Paracetamol, that's the right one isn't it? Or at least, that's what the bottle said."

"Yeah that's the right one."

Seonghwa handed Hongjoong the bottle of pills and watched as the human shook out two of the miniscule tablets into his palm, before placing it back in the waiting hand of the other and picking up the glass of water. The angel watched tentatively as the human tossed the two pills down his throat and gulp a hefty amount of water, desperately hoping that he would not choke. He did not.

Now that he had established Hongjoong was alright, Seonghwa picked up his tray of supplies and turned towards the door, headed back to the kitchen. However, he was stopped by the soft, yet certain voice from behind him. "please stay, Seonghwa."

"But I need to put bac-"

"Please stay. I don't want to be alone like this. Weak, pathetic, vulnerable..."

"Joongie, you are not any of those words. In fact, you're the exact opposite. You're strong, kind, and sweet. Everything that I've always wanted to be, but wasn't able to become. You've shown me all these traits, and I wanna be able to reciprocate them. Don't write yourself any lower, because everyone is worth the life they live. It might have seemed difficult at some point, it may still be difficult now, but you are here for a reason, and that reason is enough for you to continue being life's greatest gift to yourself."

Seonghwa put down the tray on the bedside table instead and made his way back to the side of his saviour. He gently lowered himself onto the edge of the mattress, and turned so that the duo were sitting side by side. One of the huge wings protruding from his spine curled and wrapped around Hongjoong, and the other he wrapped around himself, almost as though he were enclosing them both in a hurricane of feathers. He'd always thought of them as intimidating, never would he have ever thought they were a comforting, cozy presence. The events of today definitely proved something, that he could help others as much as they helped him.

His thoughts were cut through by the others voice.

"Hwa, thank you."


Heyyyyy so like I'm really sorry this hasn't been updated for so long...

I was actually thinking of writing the whole story out first before publishing but it was really taking too long haha.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy this rather short update. Hope I'll be able to get more out soon! Love you all so so so much!!!!!! <333333333

~cey xoxo

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now