
998 90 52

Location: Heaven


I awake from my slumber only to find that the sky has turned dull and dark. My what felt like minutes long nap turning out to be a few hours. I stretch out my wings and look into the distance. A few moments later, and a couple things click into place.

Wait a second. The clock tower clearly shows that my nap was indeed a few minutes long. It's only coming to half past three. Why is the sky so dark?

I look over the side of the tower. Straight into disaster.

Apparently, while I was asleep, the worst thing that could possible happen, happened. Exactly what I didn't wish for.
A couple of hellhounds had escaped from, well, hell itself, and were wreaking havoc on the heavenly souls town. A couple of homes had already been knocked over, their inhabitants running in the streets in a state of panic.

I panic. No, I don't panic. I just jump of the side of the tower.

It helps that you have wings when you're an angel. That jump off the tower would have instantly killed me if I couldn't fly. I swoop down into the city and try to locate the hellhounds.

In no time, I locate one of the many and help the other angels, who were already fighting it, to kill it. Sending it back to its actual home.

A higher up, who was fighting that exact hound, looked at me after the kill and said: "You're gonna be in so much trouble."

I scoff at his threat. As if. They won't demote me just because I shirked my duty. Besides, there were other angels on security duty just now. Surely they deserve the blame just as much as me.

Just because he hates me doesn't mean I'm always responsible.

I help the other groups of angels kill off the rest of the hell hounds. Looking at the clock tower, it now says 7pm, which officially means I am off duty.

I stretch and start walking towards my home. However, the higher up from earlier diverts my attention by yelling my name.

A court meeting is to be held to discuss the issue. I sigh. Hopefully this won't take too long. I have a lot of rest to catch up on.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now