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Location: Earth


I stand up from the bed, telling the angel that he should have some rest so he can heal faster. Convincing him to do so isn't as easy as I though it would be, but eventually I persuade him to, telling him that nobody would bother him while he was out of it. One thing that he makes me promise, however, is to only leave after he sleeps. So I wait. Thankfully, it isn't long after he hits the pillow that he falls asleep.

I tiptoe out the door, closing the door gently without making any noise, and head down the stairs. Jongho is at the foot of the staircase, staring up at me as I make my way down. He seems curious as to what happened.

Sincerely, I suspect he has the mind of a human, the baby I mean. He seems to have an intuition way beyond his years, and a caring nature similar to a full grown adult toward their child.

When I reach the landing, I walk to the living room and I sit on the soft couch cushions. I pat the spot next to me, allowing Jongho to hop up and curl up next to me for body warmth. Once he's comfortable, I start telling him about the angel upstairs, and about how he seems to be worried about something. The baby looks up at me as though he understands, which I wouldn't doubt if he did.

Then, I move on to what concerned me more. I don't even know his name, what he's even doing here, if he's pretending to be injured so he can secretly harm us, and if he's innocent, how was I suppose to help him, what will I even do about him in general?... So many what-ifs and hows and questions. So few answers, and now he's resting so I won't get an immediate response.

Jongho seems to sense my restlessness and stress levels rising, so he stands up and crawls into my lap, rubbing his tiny face into my chest to distract and calm me down. It's very effective. I feel all the tension melt away and my mind clear a little more.

"Thanks Jongie." I stroke his head, and to express my gratitude for his help, I give him a couple scratches behind the ears, earning a few more contented cries. Everything's fine. I'll just ask him when he wakes up later. There's nothing better than a good friend giving reassurance to help you ease your worries. 😊


I can't believe I managed to split events of two days into so many chapters. This is the best I've done so far!

Anyways, thank you for getting so far in this book and for the support if you've made it this far. Hope to see you in the next chapter! :)


Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now