
376 47 24

Location: Earth


The next morning, the storm had blown itself out, and the day was calm once again. There were only three telltale signs that it did happen: the wet ground outside, the broken branches strewn all over the garden and my puffy red eyes and face.

I sit up and rub my eyes, shaking all sleep away from me, once before heading to the bathroom for a morning shower.

Normally, I don't take morning showers, but it seemed like today was a day where I needed it.

The soothing warm water seems to wake me up as it runs down the length of my spine. A quick shower later, I change my clothes and head out my bedroom, drying my wet hair using the towel as I shuffle out.

I turn towards the flight of stairs, sighing when I remember that I have to head up, to wake up Seonghwa.

It is at that instant, that I become aware of a fragrant aroma drifting over from the kitchen. Strange. Did Jongho knock over more things again?

Instead of heading upstairs as I intended to, I change my motive and turn towards the kitchen, determined to find out what is going on in there.

As I round the corner, the sight in the kitchen makes me raise my eyebrows in surprise.

The angel, who was already in the kitchen; so I guess I don't need to wake him up, was standing at the stove. The burners already on, the pan already filled with frying eggs...

But what surprised me the most, was the table. It was already set up with a tall stack of pancakes and a plate of bacon. There was also a vase of flowers, which I have no idea where he pulled that out from.

I thought I wasn't making any noise whatsoever, but he must have heard me, because he turned around to face the entrance of the kitchen. He had a huge smile on his face, which somehow gave me warm feelings, and igniting a spark of joy in my heart.

Then, he spoke up first.

"Oh, you're awake! Why don't you go call Jongho up? I've almost finished cooking breakfast."

Unable to say anything, I wordlessly nod my head and head over to the living room and duck down beside the small cave.

"Jongie, it's time for breakfast! Are you awake?"

He heaves a low grunt in reply, so I know he is awake but not fully. I grin, knowing how grouchy he can be if he isn't up thoroughly.

"Okay, I get the message. I'll give you five extra minutes, but you'd better be up by then, otherwise I'll eat your share of breakfast!"

The squeal of rage that comes from inside the cave immediately tells me that he is under no circumstances giving his food away. Truthfully, I'd be just as protective of my food too, but it seems to be most apparent with Jongho.

He trudges out of his tiny home unwillingly, obviously miffed that he was threatened using food, but then again, he can't stand it if it actually happens. Trust me, a hungry dragon is an angry dragon, whether big or small.

I smile at him as he glares at me, such a contrast in expression. But even he can't stay angry for long, especially when there is food involved.

We head over to the kitchen.

"Did you have a good rest, my little baby dragon?"

He nods his head, albeit uncertainly, even though I know that he must have had a restless night, considering the severity of the storm.

His eyes still look a little puffy as well, similar to mine.

"It's okay, baby, you know we are a family now, and I won't ever leave you, I promise."

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now