
305 40 25

Location: Earth



Unfortunately he had to wait until the next day to execute the plan...


After a rough night and a tiresome morning, filled with terrifying dreams and extreme effort in convincing some creatures to eat even though they were sad, it was now the afternoon and Hongjoong was exhausted. Actually, to say he was exhausted was an understatement.

However, he did have a duty to fulfil. A duty to fulfil to a being that he met for less than an hour.

Still, there's nothing to it.

At exactly 9pm sharp, he took the necessary supplies and left the house once again. He took his time, knowing that show probably wouldn't have ended yet, and when he entered the city, he was proven right. The lights around the circus's tent were still flashing with strobbing lights.

Well, now he has time to spare.

Out of instinct, however, he finds his feet leading him over to the carriage cars. The one he had been in the previous night had its door hanging open, proving that they had indeed let the griffin out of the cage. But who knows for how long before they shut it back inside once again.

Footsteps from behind him got louder, startling him, which caused him to jump and run to hide inside the car. Hey, when you panic, you sometimes do the most illogical things.

Hidden on the inner side of the train, flat against the carriage side, he could hear the conversation taking place on the other side of the wall. And was he appalled.

Apparently, the griffin had messed up his entire performance so badly that they were gonna put him down the next day. Call it an accident, nobody's gonna suspect a thing, no one will even notice, and they get compensation money cause he's only a loan.

Not if he's saving him tonight.

When they finally brought the poor creature back and shoved it in the cage, Hongjoong sprang into action.

He smacked the two guys who brought it back in the back of the head with a frying pan. Rapunzel would have been proud. They fell instantly. Weaklings. That had been way too easy, he instantly felt suspicious if it was a trap.

He stole the key to the cage from one of the fallen guys and hoisted himself back into the carriage.

"Hey... Oh shoot."

The griffin was in a bad shape. Displeased with its performance, the other workers of the circus had beat it up. With what, he wasn't sure, but it already looked half dead.

Hongjoong picked up the pace, he hustled to open the cage and proceeded to drag the by now fainted creature all the way to his car. By some miracle, he fit the whole 6 by 6 feet of it into the back seats. XD

The next day, the news headlines were a hullabaloo of outrage.

*in the present time*

"So, yeah, I saved him from death, essentially, and now he stays here with us."

"That's amazing, the way you've been saving all these lost souls, Hongjoong. There's one more left right?"

"The Pegasus. It's uncanny though..."


"Because what happened to him was very similar to how you ended up here, Seonghwa."


Well, so Hongjoong didn't need to go on some epic quest to get stuff done... It was THAT simple. Bahahhhahha

I did actually want to write more though, but I still have assignments due, and that's the priority for me.. :(

I might have to go on a short writing hiatus after this week too

But anyways, thanxx for the support!

~cey xx

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now