
417 49 14

Location: Earth


I pace up and down the second floor corridor, listening to my inner demons argue amongst themselves.

"He said not to bother him, so we really shouldn't do that! Respect the others wishes!"

"But we should check on him to see if he's okay! We're partially responsible for his injuries, actually it was the bush, but the bush is in our garden!

"Also, I kinda want to ask if he enjoyed the food..."

"No! No pestering or bothering means no pestering or bothering! That's final!"

Ultimately, the good guy always wins in the end, although this time, I really did want the rebellious one to win.

The corridor isn't going to clean itself, so I start from the furthest end of the corridor, sweeping the dust on the floor all the way to the staircase landing. Then, I work on the rooms that were not inhabited. They tend to be the most dusty considering that the furniture isn't moved often.

After sweeping all the collected dust into the dustpan, I turn off the hall lights and start back down the stairs to dispose of the mess. However, I do cast one last look at the single closed door along the dimly lit hallway, wondering if I really should have let the rebels win for once.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now