Thank You

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Wow this was a ride. But hey, I have a completed story now! Holy goodness it took me almost half a year to complete this, way too long for it to be this crappy and cringeworthy but okay. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read, vote, comment, and in general just support this wild novel that you probably never expected to find but stayed cause you thought it was weird.

To everyone who have read all the way to this point, could you do me a very small favour? Send a "Me" in the comments. There are definitely some of you that I don't even know exist yet and I owe so much to you, so please, just this once, no matter how antisocial you are, do it for me! :)

Hi lemonadedispenserXXX! I have no idea if you remember me taking on this project, but once again, I really have to thank you for letting me use your story idea. This work could not have been completed without you sincerely. <33

To my bffs here SSfantasy501 and yunhopower, you guys are just the best! Thank you both so much for your constant support! I know I had my days when I was down, but you were always there to pick me up when I needed it. Btw, I don't know if you realised, but I actually wrote one of the chapters for joongie... and now im kinda sad cause he never got to see it.. BUT PLEASE DO NOT BE SAD THIS IS A HAPPY OCCASION

Last but definitely not least, thank you to every one of you who stuck around with me. I know my update schedule was really haywire and all but there were so many of you who did follow my rather not well thought out journey XD

Thank you!

For the final time,

~cey xoxo

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now