
282 35 48

Location: Earth


Since his rather short arrival on earth, Seonghwa has become one of those television maniacs, and I don't blame him. They must have had a shortage of these in heaven. Another characteristic I've realised, is that he's pretty much still a child. In fact, it turns out one of his favourite shows is My Little Pony. You know, the one with the talking unicorns and pegasi? But yeah, I know better than to believe they actually talk. I should probably enlighten him on that too. Many a time have I caught Seonghwa talking with the barn rescues, and majority of the time, they sound like they're holding actual conversations.

Anyway, I digress. Right at this moment, Hwa and I are sat on the couch, watching aforementioned tv show. I swear, at this point, I already know all the words to the theme song despite never googling the words like I usually do. The tap-tapping of nails against tiled flooring and the huffy groan of a baby dragon filled my ears a few moments later. Jongie had been awaken by the noise. Whoops. And from the looks of it, he isn't happy.

He plonks down at the entrance of the small cave, seemingly in a daze. And after a minute or so, he gets up and drags his tiny body over to the sofa and squished himself into the thinnest of gaps between Hwa and me. As we continue the show, I subtly noticed Jong pushing the angel further from me little by little. Moreover, as I reached over to Seonghwa to make the smallest of human contact and affection, he would make the weirdest hissing noise. And I know, dragons are essentially snakes-of-sort, but still. It was most uncharacteristic of him, almost as though if he were trying to push us apart.

To test my theory, or to satisfy my curiosity, I stood up from the couch, climb over the back rest, and jump back over to sit on the other side of Seonghwa. Instantly, I see Jongho stand up, climb over Hwa's lap, and parked himself between the two of us once again, complete with the pushing, albeit in the other direction and occasional hissing. But by now, I'd also had enough.

"Jongho, what is wrong with you? Why do you keep pushing Hwa away? You're not yourself today."

Slowly, he lowers his head to stare at his clasped paws, and my heart softens. "Jongie, if there's anything wrong, you can always tell me, you know." He appears to calm down, and internally I sigh with relief. Thinking that he'll be alright now, I reach over to Seonghwa again, which was a daring move.

But also, the worst one to do at that moment.

Animals have heightened senses, way more advanced than a human's, and Jongho must have sensed the movement. A sudden glint of anger flashes in his iris, and I watch as he lunges for my arm like a cat would, claws unsheathed and all.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as I watch Hwa grab Jongie, causing me to have the minorest of scratches, meanwhile he had suffered bulk of the wrath. In the shock of the moment, I watch as he drops Jongho onto the ground, blood rapidly flowing down his arm and onto the carpet, decorating it with round, murky red dots.

"JONGHO! What are you thinking?! Hwa, let me go get the bandages, I'll be right back."

But something catches my attention first, the tears filling his eyes, the sharp wail, and the sudden rapid movement.

I watch in horror as the baby slips out the crack in the doorway and rapidly disappears into the woods.


So this ain't much of a revenge but I tried lol

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now