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Location: Earth


The first thing I do when I enter the kitchen is to prepare mine and Jongho's breakfast. For today, we have sunny side up eggs on buttered toast. Jongie seems to really enjoy the toast, or maybe it's just because it was more burnt than the eggs.

After clearing up the breakfast dishes, I get ready for my everyday chores.

Even if I have an unexpected person in the house, I still have the everyday tasks to fulfil. It really sucks, but that's just how it is. But first, I really need to feed the other creatures in the stable before they break the doors down.

I'm in the kitchen, preparing the breakfast for the others when suddenly, it occurs to me that Seonghwa hasn't had any breakfast.

I feel like slapping myself hard in the forehead, but that won't help anything right now. Instead, I grab a plate and fry a couple more eggs and toast another slice of bread. Then, I place the plated food on a tray beside a mug of coffee and a glass of milk since I don't know what he prefers.

Carrying the tray upstairs is difficult, not as difficult as carrying a full grown angel, but it's still slightly hard. Anyways, I make it over to the room, leave the tray on the ground beside the door, knock once, and walk back down the stairs.

He didn't want to be bothered, as he had stated this morning, so I'll give him his personal space for today. Tomorrow, however, will be a different story.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now