
418 38 61

Location: Earth


I pace back and forth in the garden, waiting for even the slightest shift in movement signaling that everything went well between the two that I care for so much. It hurts when people fight, but it hurts even more when both parties are those which you love, and you end up choosing to take neither side because you don't want to offend any of them. As cheesy as it may sound, the pain in my arm is incomparable to the pain in my heart. A few minutes pass, and I still see no sign of them. Taking my mind off the matter at hand, I stare out into the distance.

Sunlight, its rays shining from behind the mountains, emitting a path of light that looks like it led straight from the heavens. Was that also what it was like that day when Seonghwa appeared?

The memories all come flooding back. Me and Jongie, together, hearing the crash and finding him in the rose bush. Healing him and questioning his motives. Him feeling undeserving of the help. Me breaking down during the thunderstorm. Him listening to me sharing what happened in my life. A constant, reassuring presence. And yesterday, when we shared that kiss, it made everything that happened worth it.

Lost in my mind, I didn't even realise that Seonghwa had been calling my name for the last minute or so. The two were coming up the final stretch to the garden. Jongho hurries on ahead, faster than Hwa, and leaps into my arms, the momentum and impact causing me to fall over. "Jongie, don't you ever run away like that again! Oh, you had me so worried!"

Seonghwa makes his way over and sits on the ground next to me, taking Jongho from my arms and cuddling him as though they hadn't just been in a fight just a short while ago.

"You guys seem like the best of friends now, eh?"

"Be careful, Joong, Imma be fighting with you for baby's attention now!"

"Hey, who said you could decide on those things without me? Besides, don't you think I have an advantage since I've been with him longer?"

"Speaking of advantages, by the way, do you know I can talk with the animals?"

"Wait what?!"

"Yeah I can!"

"And you didn't think to tell me earlier?!"


"Jongho just called you a fool."


And from our position here, in the garden, the garden where angels fall, where broken souls meet and form the never-ending bond of love, we watch as the sun sets behind the mountains, twilight colouring the glistening sky with its gorgeous hues of purple. Together.

:The End:

Does he not realise that they're soulmates?

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now