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Location: Earth


"They found more than twenty stab wounds on her body. More than twenty! If I had been older then, I could have prevented her death..."

"It's all in the past, what matters is that you went through it, you successfully got through it, and now you are an adult. You didn't let yourself get beaten down by the incident."

"I regret so many things about that day. I missed the chance to save my mother. I killed my own father. I almost killed myself, for that matter. And..."

"You did that to save yourself. You shouldn't regret all of that. Some things were meant to happen for a reason."

"So, I'm a selfish brat who only cared for himself..."

"I didn't say that!"

"But it's so true..."

"It wasn't your fault though."

"You say that now, but that wasn't the only incident that occurred..."


I am so sorry that this part is so short! The next chapter is one of the longer ones, if that helps anything... Thanks for all the support I've received! It means so much to me! xx

~cey ❤

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now