
382 49 15

Location: Earth


I hear the sound of the raindrops hitting the glass windows before seeing the dark clouds. With a sigh, I get up from the bed, uncontented with having to move, and go over to close them.

After getting up, however, I immediately fall back onto the bed, my body having no energy to do anything else except lying down today.

However, my stomach seems to have other ideas. A loud growl comes from it, and I soon realise that I am indeed very hungry. Ravenous. So that's why I don't have energy. That Hongjoong guy didn't bring me any breakfast today.

Looks like I'll have to leave the room. It is difficult to be cooped up for days on end without leaving. (A/N: feel free to make quarantine jokes here) I know I said for Hongjoong not to bother me, but now I'll have to break that promise in the opposite way. It can't be helped, food is a necessity of life.

So, I silently walk over to the door and open it just an inch, checking if he's right outside to expose me. Thankfully, he isn't there, so I tiptoe out the door.

Curse my dumb luck, but the instant I step onto the  first step of the staircase, a flash of lightning steaks by very close to the house. The clap of thunder that follows is deafening. It even scared me, and I'm not easily fazed.

In that instant, I trip and stumble, praise the lord I didn't fall, down the flight of stairs. If he hadn't caught me by the slight creaking of the first step, he definitely will now after that "Ahhhhhh, thump thump thump thump thump thump thump boom".

I sigh at my sheer dumb luck and make my way down the second flight. No lightning and thunder this time. That's good. But I've already given myself away. Better make my presence known further rather than have him find me now.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now