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And there it is. Coming up just at the edge of the distant mountains. The dim to bright lighting slowly appearing. The warmth developing, the cool of the night ebbing away. Waking up to the morning sun is such a joy to me. Seize the day. You never know when it will be your last.

This particular bench in the garden is the perfect spot to watch the sunrise. Maybe it's the location, or the angle. But it's just the perfect spot. The light hits the ground right in front of it, making it look like the path is illuminated. Like a path straight to heaven.

As I watch the sun make its ascent into the sky, I take slow sips of coffee from the mug I'm holding, savouring each one. The bitterness of the coffee is such a contrast to the way I feel about life now.

What I've been through shouldn't affect the way I think. What's past is in the past, everything has changed since then. Where I stay, what I choose to do, the decisions I would have made...


The bench that I'm sitting on slowly heats up from the growing warmth. I place the now empty mug down, stand up, and stretch my arms above my head, feeling the strain from the unused muscles after a long night of rest.

A couple more stretches, and I feel ready to take on the day. I turn away from the beautiful occurance that is nature, picking up my mug from the bench as I leave the garden.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now