
309 38 65

Location: Earth

A few weeks passed as quickly as a hummingbirds wings flap, after that day, the duo became closer than they had ever been. Infinitely much closer.

Taking the time to have casual conversations on the sofa before bed, helping each other with various errands around the house, even tiny intimate moments where they'd cuddle together. Of course, when the kiddos weren't around, that is.

But the final straw came that day when they were both rounding the corner of the corridor and didn't know that the other so happened to be coming in the opposite direction. Hongjoong, who was of that unfortunate smaller stature, bumped right into the angel's chest.

"Ah omgosh I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was goin-"

Hongjoong's blundering statements were cut short by a pair of soft lips brushing against his own, and to his surprise, he didn't despise it at all. Closing his eyes, he leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the angel. The action was reciprocated by the other, and they clutched each other closer than they could have imagined possible, even cuddling had never felt as lustful as this very moment.

What turned out to be minutes felt like a few seconds when they finally separated from each other. "Hongjoong, I didn't get to say this earlier, but I don't want to regret anything, so here goes. I love you so much, more than anything in the world, in the heavens, everywhere. Do you... Do you feel the same for me? I mean, what am I saying! Oh gosh, I'm putting you in a spot, I'm the one who should be sorry, suddenly springing that on you. You don't have to answer me rig-"

"Yes I do, Hwa. Had I been the first, I would have told you the exact same. You mean so much to me too, and I do love you just as much or even more than whatever it was you said."

"So, um, are we officially a "thing"?"

"What thing?"

"Like a couple?"

"When did you pick that up?"

"One of those TV shows..."

"Haha! Well, yes, technically we are a "thing", as you say."

The human was enveloped once again into a hug. For the first time in his life, he felt complete, like his whole existence was not rounded out; there was his other half that had not been found.

And the appearance of a single being had changed it all.

He'd found his forever one.


Well, um, hi everyone.

Technically this could be the ending, but I have other ideas hehe
Or, I could also write a sequel, idk let's see what my mind works up :)

I'm so sorry that this has taken so long.. I've been having writers block for this story, the plot is well thought out, but the execution is poor haha

But I do hope you like this update, it isn't very good, and I apologise for that, but I hope it is satisfactory by any means?

Thank you for all the support on this story! We're almost at 6k! ❤❤❤

~cey xoxo

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now