
477 60 19

Location: Earth


I head downstairs once again, entering the kitchen and starting the coffee pot. While waiting, I head to the front door to retrieve the mail. They're usually addressed to the owner of the house, which isn't me even though I stay here. I don't get many letters, just the occasional one from the animal society telling me to renew the keeping "livestock" contract.

If only they knew what kind of "livestock" I was rearing.

I pass by the living room, only to hear soft breathing from the fireplace cave. He's still asleep. Best not to bother him. He gets cranky if he's tired.

As I head into the entry way corridor, however, I hear the soft pattering of footsteps behind me. Or should I say pawsteps. I turn around and immediately receive nuzzles around the ankles, like a cat would do to scent mark.

"Good morning baby Jongie! Did you have a nice rest?" I kneel down and scratch him behind the ears, which he absolutely adores. He whines with content and I can't help but feel happy and proud. Proud that I managed to save him when he needed it. Now, at least he's healthy and strong. He deserved that chance which his biological parents didn't give him.

Although I'd really enjoy playing with Jongie all day, I have duties to carry, so I stand up and open the front door. The breeze flowing through the house is cool and refreshing. I pick up the mail from the box nailed beside the door and shut the door again.

By now, the coffee has finished brewing, so I pour myself a cup and head out the back door of the house, ushering Jongho through the door ahead of me. If he's outside with me, I can 100% ensure the kitchen will be spotless when I return.

The air is even cooler and more refreshing here due to the mountains. I walk over to my usual bench and pat the spot beside me, signalling Jongie to sit there. He barrels over and hops up onto the bench.

I stretch an arm over and around him, attempting to pull him slightly closer to cuddle him. Unfortunately, he wasn't fooled by my plan and ducked his head down and out from under my arm. I gasp in mock horror and he makes a weird chattering noise, which I think might be snickering.

It's okay, though. He's never really liked affection very much anyway.

We both have our likes and dislikes, our loves and hates, but we'll always be here for each other.

I lay an arm on his back, scratching between where his wings would have been, and together, we watch the sun rise from behind the mountains.


Ha! If I wasn't writing the story, I would have thought this was a hongho/jongjoong fic even tho Jonghos a dragon. Don't worry though, this is definitely going to be a seongjoong story.  It'll just take a bit of time before they actually start to care more about each other.

Anyways, I hope if you've made it this far that you are still enjoying the story! Please vote and comment if you do! :)


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