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Location: Earth


Everything is a blur when I open my eyes. I shake my head to disperse the fog and sit up. Instantly, a stab of pain shoots through my back and I fall back down again.

It's soft where I'm lying on. Wait a second. That ceiling does not look a single bit familiar. And what is it I'm lying on? This is not my bed.

Looking around me from where I'm lying, all the furniture around me is not the standard set that they have in heaven. I panic. It's not the most suitable reaction, but it's definitely the most appropriate one.

I stand up in one full movement despite my sore legs and back and stumble toward the door, planning to escape from this unknown room.

Unfortunately, my plans were foiled immediately. The door opens, revealing a short man with red hair. He's carrying a tray with medicine, a glass of water and some apple slices. Trotting just behind his feet is a baby dragon, looking very curious as to what his human was up to.

When he sees me up and running, he jumps in shock, but soon recovers and gives me a small smile. "Ahhh, you're finally awake. I was hoping you would soon. Here, I've brought you some food. I thought you might be hungry."

"Where am I? But more importantly, who are you?" I sputter, unable to get the words out clearly.

"Whoa, slow down. You just recovered from a terrible injury. I believe your questions can be answered later?" He gives me a pointed look.

I fold my arms and set my foot down. "No, I need to know who you are, where is this place, and what exactly happened right now!" I pout like a child, hoping he would give in.



They've finally met!!! Yeah! Woo-hoo! Amazing!

Anyways, if you're still reading this book, thank you so much for your support and see you in the next part! :)


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