
361 47 5

Location: Earth


As I enter the lower floor of the house, I can't help but feel that it is unnaturally quiet. The only exception being the constant sound of raindrops splashing against the windows, the sharp strikes of lightning, and the occasional groan of thunder.

It's really too quiet. Abnormal for this house that seems so full of life.

I tiptoe over to the end of the corridor, peering around the corner to see what in the world is going on. At first, I don't sense anything amiss, just Hongjoong silently stroking the baby dragon's back. But then, it occurs to me that he's shaking. Not just the baby dragon, whom I can understand since he's young, but the red haired male holding him as well.

If it were a soft tremble like shivering, I wouldn't feel so strongly about it. However, they both seem to be full-on shaking as though in absolute fear. And I can feel my heart break just watching. I didn't think I even had a heart, but witnessing such a sight would make even the hardest soul turn.

Why do I feel like this? I've only met them for a few days, and majority of my time here was spent alone. Why do I feel sad when they do? Why do I feel the need to understand their feelings?

There are so many things I still don't understand. Those questions can wait. Right now, I really need to get some food into my system.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now