
397 48 7

Location: Earth


I wake up the next morning on the couch, remembering that yesterday night I had sat there until I fell asleep, not bothering to head back to my bed. The air still seems cool, so it must not be too late yet.

Stretching my arms above my head, I stand up despite how sore and tired I feel. Wow. It really hurts. That's probably why most people don't sleep sitting upright.

Jongho is still sleeping beside me. He didn't go back into his cave even though it was cold. He's such a sweet child. I tickle his belly to wake him up, and head into the kitchen to make my coffee, same routine as yesterday, or rather, everyday.

After setting the coffee pot, I hear the padding of pawsteps behind me and turn around to see the baby dragon slinking over on his stomach, too lazy to use his limbs.

I chuckle at the sight, but still pick him up and place him on his feet. Once the coffee is done, I open the back door and head outside to watch the sunrise as usual.

This time, however, my mind isn't completely on the beauty of the morning. I can't help but worry about the angel, and why he really doesn't want help. He's really difficult to understand.

Maybe if I stay here watching the sun, the answer will come to me.

Unfortunately, the sky does not seem to want to cooperate. The tips of the mountains are soon covered by a layer of clouds, not letting any sunlight pass through any longer.

I sigh, knowing that possibly, a storm was brewing, and that we had to get back in the house quickly before we got drenched.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now