
465 63 11

Location: Earth


It's starting to feel a little stuffy in the room, so I shake myself awake and pull my still aching body out from under the covers. My head is spinning, so I sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for it to clear before attempting to get up.

However, before I regain my senses, I hear a voice coming from the chair next to the bed.

"You're awake."

It's that guy, Hongjoong, if I'm remembering his name correctly. He's sitting there with the baby dragon on his lap, stroking its back like some sort of TV show villian. The corners of my vision are slightly blurry, so when I look at them, they look wonky.

I'm wondering how in the world I didn't realize they had come in when he spoke again.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Mr angel dude. I gave my share of explaining earlier, so now it's your turn to give an answer to me."

"That isn't fair! I'm the victim here and now you're forcing me to do things against my will."

"While that might be true, I'm not endangering my life or my family's life just to accommodate you. For all we know, you could be devil sent here in disguise to send us all to hell."

I glare at him and swear an internal oath to prove him wrong. Right now. Then, I sigh. It won't do any good to show him magic. The otherworldly demons can perform spells too. And if my feathery wings weren't proof enough, there isn't another way except through an explanation.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk. I'll answer your questions like you answered mine."

"Perfect. I knew we'd reach a consensus." he winks at me conspiringly.

What have I dragged myself into?

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now