
354 44 1

Location: Earth


The storm seems to have blown itself out when I wake up the next morning. It seems earlier than I'm used to. I look towards the clock on the nightstand, and even a glimpse of it tells me that what I thought was true.

The digital numbers on the clock show prominantly: 5:30am. I groan from the long but not wholesome rest, wanting so badly to sweep the clock off the nightstand even though it wasn't ringing.

I lay back down on the bed, hoping to fall asleep again, but of course, I can't. A sigh escapes my lips before I sit up once again. If I can't fall back asleep, at least I should do something productive.

I slide my legs out from under the covers and off the edge of the bed, before wearing the slippers that I left at the side.

The corridor outside the room feels rather chilly, probably reminiscent of the storm yesterday.

I make my way down the stairs as quietly as possible, wondering if the other residents are awake yet. As I reach the ground level, a look around tells me instantly that no one else is up except me. Even the baby dragon is still quietly sleeping in his cave, accompanied by the occasional grunt or squeal. He's probably having a dream.

My first thought as I look into the kitchen: food. I need to fill my stomach otherwise I won't have enough energy to survive the day. I'm exaggerating but you get the point.

I enter the kitchen and another thought pops into my head. "Since Hongjoong isn't up yet, why don't I make breakfast for all of them? This might be my only opportunity to repay my gratitude for him saving my life."

With that thought, I head into the kitchen and look inside the pantry and the fridge, seeing what in the world could I possibly whip up that would make a decent breakfast.

I flashback to a few mornings ago when Hongjoong left me breakfast outside the room door. Surely what he prepared then would suffice?

And with that second thought, I grab all the ingredients I require and get to cooking.


It's about half an hour later that I finish plating up majority of the breakfast delicacies. I'm still frying the eggs when I hear the light delicate taps of slippers feet in the hallway behind me. Perfect, and not a moment too late. Hongjoong.

Seeing as how I'm almost done anyway, I turn around and muster up the warmest smile I can possibly give.

"Oh, you're awake! Why don't you go call Jongho up? I've almost finished cooking breakfast."

He nods and leaves the room, while I get back to the eggs, hoping that this does turn out to be a good enough meal.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now