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Location: Earth


Now that the angel is calmer, I start tending to his injuries. He has a few small cuts on his arms and back, but his wings definitely took the brunt of the force. There are dozens of cuts all over, ranging from smaller to larger, longer ones.

First, I clean the wounds with the swabs, muttering soft apologies when he winces from the smarting of the alcohol. Once all the cuts are cleaned, I apply the antiseptic cream to them, and bandage the larger ones.

The whole time, Jongho sat at my feet, curling into a ball to have a nap.

By the time I finish tending to his injuries, he finishes the apple slices and has taken one painkiller with water just in case.

"Okay, I'm finished. Now, on to the questions you were promised answers to."

"Who are you? And what is this place? How did you find me? How did I end up here?"

"Ooookay. One at a time. So, my name is Hongjoong and this place is my house,  it's actually much more complicated than that but I'm not gonna bother with the details. You landed in my garden, specifically in my rose bush, which is why you're so beat up. Jongho, the dragon, and I heard the crash when you fell, so we went outside to see what was up. We saw you lying there, all injured and stuff, so I carried you in, or rather dragged you in, that might have caused your injuries to worsen so I apologise, and up here to where we are now. You were out for a few minutes only, so I prepared the medicine and food for when you woke up, and here we are now."

I had said all that really fast, so I wondered if he had caught everything. Clearly he did, as he looked down at his lap with a distraught expression.

"So I fell into your garden, and that's where you found me? Why didn't you just leave me alone? I don't deserve your help. I don't deserve anybody's help. Especially not after what I did."

He regrets something. So do I, but everybody deserves a second chance.

I rest my hand on his shoulder. He flinches from the touch, but he slowly calms down. "As I said earlier, I don't know what you did, and I'm not gonna push you to tell me, but I believe everybody deserves a chance to prove themselves, to show themselves in a better light, and I'm willing to give you that opportunity as others have done for me."

"Thank you."

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now